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Новости за 30.03.2024

Voice of America 

Israel-Hamas Truce Talks to Resume Sunday in Cairo, Reports Egyptian TV

cairo — Truce talks between Israel and Hamas will resume Sunday in Cairo, the latest attempt to bring about a pause after nearly six months of war in the Gaza Strip, Egypt's Al Qahera News TV reported Saturday, citing a security source.  An Israeli official told Reuters that Israel will send a delegation to Cairo on Sunday. However, a Hamas official told Reuters the group would wait to hear from Cairo mediators on the outcome of their talks with Israel first.  The warring sides have stepped up negotiations... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Israel Confirms Troops Killed 2 Palestinians on Gaza Beach

JERUSALEM — Israeli troops shot dead two Palestinians and wounded a third on Gaza’s beach, the military acknowledged Saturday, responding to a video that showed one man falling to the ground after walking in an open area and then a bulldozer pushing two bodies into the garbage-strewn sand. The military said troops opened fire after the men allegedly ignored warning shots. The video was broadcast earlier this week by the Al Jazeera television network. The origin of the footage remains unknown, as is the date of the incident. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Dutch Hostage Standoff Ends; Suspected Arrested

EDE, Netherlands — Dutch police detained a man Saturday after he left a nightclub where four people had been held hostage for hours, bringing a peaceful end to a tense standoff. “We are exceptionally happy that it ended this way — that the victims came out safely and that we were able to arrest this suspect without using violence,” said Marthyne Kunst, head of the regional public prosecutor’s office. There was no immediate word on a motive, but police and prosecutors said they did not believe it was a terrorist incident. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Vatican Confirms Pope Will Preside Over Easter Vigil

ROME — The Vatican confirmed Pope Francis would preside over the Easter Vigil service Saturday night, after he decided at the last minute to skip his participation in the Good Friday procession at the Colosseum as a health precaution. The Vatican’s daily bulletin confirmed Francis would lead the lengthy vigil in St. Peter’s Basilica, one of the most solemn and important moments in the Catholic liturgical calendar. The service, which is due to begin at 7:30 p.m. and usually lasts two hours, commemorates... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

China’s Gambling Hub Macao Holds Final Horse Race

MACAO — After more than 40 years, Macao’s horse track hosted its final races Saturday, bringing an end to the sport in the city famous for its massive casinos. In January, the city’s government said it would terminate its contract with the Macao Jockey Club in April. The decision came at the request of the Macao Horse Race Company, which cited operational challenges as part of the reasons for the closure. On Saturday, gamblers congregated in the half-full stands and placed their final bets. Some tourists also visited the track. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Multidimensional Crises Destabilize Mali, Expert Tells UN

GENEVA — An independent expert warns that multifaceted crises facing Mali, propelled by increasing attacks from Islamist armed groups, are leading to a rapid deterioration of the country’s security situation and surging human rights violations, with potentially serious effects in the region.  “I reiterate my serious concerns by the rapid and continuing deterioration of the security situation in almost all regions of Mali that appears to be escaping from all control of the authorities,” said Alioune Tine... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

India Rescues Hijacked Iranian Fishing Vessel, Frees Pakistani Crew

NEW DELHI — The Indian navy said it had freed the 23-strong crew of an Iranian fishing vessel that was seized by armed pirates off Somalia.  The Al-Kambar 786 was southwest of the Yemeni island of Socotra, in the Arabian Sea, on March 28 when it was reported to have been boarded by nine pirates, according to a naval statement Friday.  The vessel was intercepted by the navy's INS Sumedha and INS Trishul, leading to "over 12 hours of intense coercive tactical measures" forcing the pirates to surrender, the statement said. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Greece Arrests Member of Smuggling Gang That Raked in $21 Billion

ATHENS — Greek authorities have arrested a senior member of an international gang that smuggled Latin American fuel products for illegal sale around the world, raking in an estimated profit of more than $21 billion, police said on Saturday.  The gang member, an Italian national for whom Interpol had issued an arrest warrant, was found in a southern Athens suburb on Friday, a police official told Reuters on condition of anonymity.  The warrant had ordered the man's arrest and his extradition to... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Somalia's Parliament Approves Historic Constitutional Amendments

WASHINGTON — Somalia changed its constitution Saturday during a parliamentary vote that, among other things, gives the country’s president the power to appoint a prime minister. After weeks of intense debate, Somalia's bicameral federal parliament approved amendments to the first four chapters in the country's provisional constitution. In a joint session in Mogadishu, lawmakers voted on each chapter individually before casting votes on the overall amendments proposed by the Independent Constitutional Review and Implementation Commission... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Focus Shifts to Weighty Job of Removing Collapsed Baltimore Bridge

BALTIMORE, MARYLAND — Teams of engineers are now focused on the formidable job of hauling the shattered remains of the Francis Scott Key Bridge out of Maryland’s Patapsco River, the first step toward reopening the Port of Baltimore and recovering the bodies of four workers who are still missing and presumed dead. A massive cargo ship felled the span Tuesday after striking one of its main supports. Experts are trying to figure out how to “break that bridge up into the right-sized pieces that we... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Five Killed in Gaza Aid Delivery Chaos, Medics Say

Gaza City — The Palestine Red Crescent said five people were killed and dozens wounded by gunfire and a stampede during an aid delivery Saturday in Gaza, where famine is looming. AFP video footage shows a convoy of trucks moving quickly past burning debris near the distribution point in pre-dawn darkness as people shout and gunfire echoes — some of which were warning shots, witnesses said. The Red Crescent said the incident happened after thousands of people gathered for the arrival of some 15 trucks of flour and other food... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

More Than Just Islamic State: Rising Militancy in Afghanistan and Pakistan

Washington — There has been a wave of attacks across Pakistan in recent weeks by militant groups operating in the region that have widely varying objectives. This week, a suicide attacker killed five Chinese nationals and their Pakistani driver in a convoy in Pakistan’s northwest. Pakistani Taliban, Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, or TTP, is the usual suspect for such attacks in the northwest, but in a statement on Wednesday, it denied being behind targeting the Chinese workers. Earlier, two suicide... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Chocolate Lovers, African Cocoa Farmers Pay Price as Big Brands See Profits

ACCRA, Ghana — Shoppers may get a bitter surprise in their Easter baskets this year. Chocolate eggs and bunnies are more expensive than ever as changing climate patterns eat into global cocoa supplies and the earnings of farmers in West Africa.  About three-quarters of the world's cocoa — the main ingredient in chocolate — are produced on cacao trees in Ghana, Ivory Coast, Nigeria and Cameroon. But dusty seasonal winds from the Sahara were severe in recent months, blocking out the sunlight needed for bean pods to grow. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

West African Project Helps Women Farmers Claim Their Rights, Land

ZIGUINCHOR, Senegal — Mariama Sonko's voice resounded through the circle of 40 women farmers sitting in the shade of a cashew tree. They scribbled notes, brows furrowed in concentration as her lecture was punctuated by the thud of falling fruit. This quiet village in Senegal is the headquarters of a 115,000-strong rural women's rights movement in West Africa, We Are the Solution. Sonko, its president, is training female farmers from cultures where women are often excluded from ownership of the land they work so closely. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Haiti’s Surge in Gang Violence Reaches Prominent Institutions in Port-au-Prince

The surge in gang violence that has plagued Haiti this month has spread to parts of the capital, Port-au-Prince, where some of its most prominent institutions are located. The violence has shaken residents’ sense of security in areas they thought were relatively safe. Matiado Vilme has exclusive video from the streets of the Haitian capital in this story, narrated by Michael Lipin.

Voice of America 

Former South Africa Leader Zuma Barred From Running in Elections

Johannesburg — Former South African President Jacob Zuma is not eligible to run in upcoming elections, the Independent Electoral Commission has ruled.  The commission said at a media briefing on Thursday that it had upheld an objection against Zuma's candidacy in the May 29 elections.  In July 2021, Zuma was sentenced to 15 months in prison for defying a court order to appear before a judicial commission that was investigating corruption allegations during his 2009-18 presidency. He was granted... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Brazilian Court Denies Bolsonaro's Request for Passport Return to Travel to Israel

RIO DE JANEIRO — Brazil's Supreme Court denied a request by former President Jair Bolsonaro's lawyers that his passport be returned to him so that he can travel to Israel, according to an official document released Friday.  Bolsonaro's lawyers said in a statement on Thursday that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had invited Bolsonaro to an event in May and requested the Supreme Court to restore his passport.  "It is absolutely premature to remove the restriction imposed on the investigated... Читать дальше...

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НАЛОГИ С ЗАРПЛАТ И НДС МОГУТ ОТМЕНИТЬ?! Государственная Дума и Правительство РФ оптимизируют налоги.


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"Возрождение интереса к народному искусству и ремеслам в современном мире"


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Музыкальные новости


Моргенштерн* подкачался к лету — рэпер поделился новыми фото

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

«Евро-Футбол.Ру»: «Спартак» никогда не интересовался Сафоновым

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Собянин объявил о начале испытаний беспилотного трамвая в городских условиях и запуске виртуальной карты «Тройка»

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России