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Новости за 22.01.2024

Cyprus Mail 

UK PM Sunak suffers defeat in vote to delay Rwanda asylum treaty

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak suffered a setback to his plans to deport some asylum seekers to Rwanda after parliament’s upper house backed a largely symbolic motion to delay ratification of a treaty aimed at overcoming a legal block. Under the Rwanda plan, which has yet to be carried out,...

Cyprus Mail 

‘Millions wasted’ by gov for road accident care

There is a serious gap in the law over the cost of treatment in the case of a road accident, the House human rights heard on Monday, as MPs said the burden of the cost now falls on the Health Insurance Organisation (Hio). Instead, the burden should fall on insurance...

Cyprus Mail 

Storms expected, yellow weather warning issued

A yellow weather warning was issued between Monday at 8pm and Tuesday 5am, saying strong but isolated storms could affect the eastern part of the island. Hail is also possible during the storm, while strong winds are also expected, the met office said. The intensity of the rain is expected...

Cyprus Mail 

‘Innocent until proven guilty’: law commissioner defends alcotest scandal

Law Commissioner Louiza Christodoulidou Zannetou on Monday said everything written across social media and press reports over her alleged refusal of an alcotest was far from reality, though she apologized for the incident. Though rumours were rife for days over who the state official was who initially tested positive in...

Cyprus Mail 

Hints Cyprus might halt LNG terminal payments

Suggestion comes after damning Audit Office report on endless delays The project team for the liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal at Vasiliko has recommended that Cyprus halt further payments to the Chinese-led contractor if the latter fails to conform to the contract, it transpired on Monday. AlphaNews broke the story,...

Cyprus Mail 

Award-winning films travel to Cyprus

Cinephiles have something exciting to look forward to next month as award-winning Greek short films will be screened all over the island. Once again, the Drama International Short Film Festival on the Road will reach the big screens of Cyprus as it travels to dozens of destinations around the world....

Cyprus Mail 

EAC unions to vote on strike action

Unions representing workers at the Electricity Authority of Cyprus (EAC) said on Monday their members will hold a vote at the end of the month on possible industrial action, including strikes. Sotos Savva, head of the Sepaik trade union, said the vote – by secret ballot – will take place...

Cyprus Mail 

Ministers collaborate on disability mobility issues

Transport Minister Alexis Vafeades and Deputy Welfare Minister Marilena Evangelou on Monday engaged in discussions with representatives of the federation for disabled organisations (Kysoa) to address issues concerning the transportation and mobility of people with disabilities within and outside urban areas. Speaking to the media after the meeting, Vafeades highlighted...

Cyprus Mail 

Haley, Trump campaign in New Hampshire a day before pivotal vote

Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley will campaign across New Hampshire on Monday hoping to stall Donald Trump’s march to the Republican presidential nomination with an upset victory in Tuesday’s statewide vote. Eight days after Trump coasted to a record-setting win in Iowa’s first-in-the-nation contest, the former president is aiming to...

Cyprus Mail 

Greek apologises in court for ‘Turks out’ rant

The Greek national arrested in the north for embarking on an anti-Turkish rant apologised in court on Monday for his behaviour. The man, aged 34, was arrested on Thursday morning on northern Nicosia’s central Arasta street after approaching a woman, asking where she was from, and attempting to punch her...

Cyprus Mail 

Cameroon launches routine malaria shots in global milestone

The global fight against malaria took a stride forward on Monday as Cameroon launched the world’s first routine vaccine programme against the mosquito-borne disease that is projected to save tens of thousands of children’s lives per year across Africa. Around 40 years in the making, the World Health Organization (WHO)-approved...

Cyprus Mail 

North’s second airport handed over to Turkish army

The law to formally hand over the operations of the north’s Gecitkale (Lefkoniko) airport to the Turkish army was unanimously approved in ‘parliament’ on Monday. The airport has been used for military purposes since 2019, when a number of unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones, were first stationed there. It is...

Cyprus Mail 

New measures to tackle organised crime

Police on Monday announced eight measures aimed at tackling organised crime and football violence, including increasing the number of front-line officers, more patrols and inspections on all sports fans attending games. “These measures will be implemented immediately – as of tonight,” Justice Minister Marios Hartsiotis said. Five of the measures aim to combat...

Cyprus Mail 

Eight bodies wash ashore in southern Turkey

Eight bodies washed ashore in southern Turkey in the past six days and most of them may be from a lost migrant ship sailing toward Cyprus from the Lebanese-Syrian coast, according to broadcaster Haberturk and the local governor’s office. Authorities in the province of Antalya found the bodies of an...

Cyprus Mail 

Master digital storytelling with Ravid Kuperberg workshop

In collaboration with the Cyprus Communication Agencies Association (CCAA), the Cyprus Advertisers Association (CAA) will host a full-day digital storytelling workshop in Nicosia. Internationally-renowned trainer Ravid Kuperberg will lead a workshop in “Mastering Creativity in Digital Storytelling” on Wednesday, February 7, 2024 – first offered with success in Greece in...

Cyprus Mail 

Pochettino counting on Chelsea crowd to help overcome Middlesbrough

Chelsea manager Mauricio Pochettino is confident home advantage will help turn the League Cup semi-final against Middlesbrough in their favour at the start of a pivotal week for the London club. The five-time League Cup winners face Championship side Middlesbrough on Tuesday, trailing 1-0 from the first leg. “It is...

Cyprus Mail 

Musk makes private visit to site of Auschwitz death camp

Elon Musk privately visited the Auschwitz-Birkenau site of a former Nazi German concentration camp on Monday before speaking later at a conference on rising antisemitism, after his social media platform X came under fire for some content. The European Jewish Association (EJA) said Musk made the visit with EJA Chairman...

Cyprus Mail 

EU green lights reduced VAT on first homes – minister

The European Commission has given the nod to the levying of the reduced 5 per cent VAT on first homes in Cyprus, the finance minister revealed on Monday. Makis Keravnos made the remarks to journalists coming out of a courtesy meeting with the new leadership of the Chamber of Commerce...

Cyprus Mail 

Israeli tanks cut off two hospitals in new storming of Gaza’s Khan Younis

Israeli tanks storming southern Gaza’s main city reached the gates of two hospitals on Monday, cutting residents off from trauma care as the bloodiest fighting of the new year tore through areas sheltering hundreds of thousands of displaced. Residents said bombardment from air, land and sea was the most intense...

Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus based studio announces key leadership change

Cyprus-based digital studio TheSoul Publishing, which has received wide-spread recognition for its globally engaging and original content, on Monday announced that Aleksandra Sulimko, previously the Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO), has been appointed the new Chief Operating Officer (COO), effective immediately. According to the press release, in her new role,...

Cyprus Mail 

Introduction of e-justice beset with problems

The new e-justice platform, the “biggest and strongest column” of the justice edifice is beset with problems, President of the Cyprus Bar Association Michalis Vorkas said on Monday. “Things cannot stay as they are and ameliorative actions are being taken to fix the system,” Vorkas told AlphaNews. “We [the Cyprus...

Cyprus Mail 

More gunshots reported in Nicosia

Authorities on Monday were investigating after they received news about gunshots in the Pallouriotissa area of Nicosia. According to reports, at around 10pm on Sunday a group of ten people were heading towards the local church when two gunshots were heard. Police officers arrived at the scene, where initial examinations...

Cyprus Mail 

Investigation into arrested Turkish Cypriot’s passport

An investigation has been launched into the circumstances under which arrested Turkish Cypriot lawyer Akan Kursat managed to obtain a Republic of Cyprus passport while a warrant was out for his arrest, according to reports. Kursat was arrested in Italy over the New Year’s holiday after Italian authorities acted on...

Cyprus Mail 

Traffic chaos after roundabout delays

The construction of a roundabout in Larnaca’s Dromolaxia-Menou municipality is facing delays as some landowners have not given their consent for their land to be used for the project, community leader Kypros Andronikou said on Monday. Speaking to the Cyprus News Agency (CNA), Andronikou said that, during a House transport...

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

Новости России

Зачистки не будет: Хазин объяснил, как Путин обновит элиту

Армяне России поддерживают движение «Тавуш во имя Родины»

«Марионеточная инстанция»: Небензя выступил против присутствия МУС в Совбезе ООН

Соловьев опроверг прибытие генерала армии Суровикина в Кремль


Патриотическую акцию «Синий платочек» провели в Нижнем Новгороде в день прибытия «Поезда Победы»


Собянин рассказал о развитии завода «Москвич»

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Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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Игорь Бутман

Игорь Бутман раскрыл, куда исчезла певица Ирина Отиева

Спорт в России и мире

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