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Новости за 29.01.2024

Cyprus Mail 

‘State of the Republic’ speech ticks all EU boxes

President announces digital app among more than 80 policies President Nikos Christodoulides on Monday announced plans to create a “digital citizen” mobile application, on which people can access government services. The announcement was made at his “State of the Republic” address at the Presidential palace, during which he listed more...

Cyprus Mail 

House committee pays €1m to anti-corruption authority

The House finance committee on Monday approved the release of €1.04 million for the procurement of services from the anti-corruption authority. The amount concerns the purchase of services from experts for investigations conducted by the authority. Speaking after the decision’s approval, Akel MP Christos Christofides expressed his disappointment that “serious...

Cyprus Mail 

Classical music reaches the ’burbs

Wind and string instruments and classical music compositions will sound all over Cyprus in February as the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra presents two new concert series. Its February agenda is not limited only to big cities but reaches far beyond to bring the music to villages and municipalities around the country....

Cyprus Mail 

Tatar meets disgruntled Turkish Cypriot taxi drivers

Turkish Cypriot Leader Ersin Tatar on Monday met with taxi drivers in light of a planned clampdown on Turkish Cypriot taxis operating in the Republic. Those in attendance discussed “possible initiatives and steps that could be taken” in reaction. The meeting was held at Tatar’s official residence in northern Nicosia,...

Cyprus Mail 

EAC denies investing €43m in power plant upgrade

The Electricity Authority of Cyprus (EAC) on Monday denied it has already decided to invest €43 million into upgrading its power plant at Dhekelia, following allegations by an association of businesses. The EAC was responding to a statement put out earlier by the Electricity Market Association – the association representing...

Cyprus Mail 

Waiting lists ‘a lever for exploitation’ of patients

Long waiting lists for specialised treatments on Gesy are “a lever for the financial exploitation” of patients, Gesy’s supervision commissioner Eugenia Efstathiou said on Monday. Efstathiou was speaking at the House human rights committee and explained that many patients who require specialised treatments end up, due to long waiting lists,...

Cyprus Mail 

Napa gang rape trial: DNA evidence thrown out

The DNA evidence for two defendants in the Ayia Napa gang rape trial was thrown out during a hearing at Famagusta criminal court on Monday. As such, their trial will now hinge on the remaining witness statements, including that of the victim. Five Israeli men aged 19 and 20 are...

Cyprus Mail 

Britain’s King Charles leaves hospital after prostate treatment

Britain’s King Charles and his daughter-in-law Kate, the Princess of Wales, both returned home from hospital on Monday after undergoing planned treatments. Charles, 75, who had spent three nights in hospital after undergoing a corrective procedure for an enlarged prostate, smiled and waved to crowds as he left the London...

Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus shipping official fears impact of Houthi attacks

Houthi attacks in the Red Sea are impacting Cyprus, leaving stakeholders increasingly concerned, director general of the Cyprus Shipping Chamber Thomas Kazakos said on Monday. During a press conference, he explained the unstable situation in the Red Sea is impacting international trade and Cyprus’ imports. Although there have not been...

Cyprus Mail 

Serious, systemic decay within Tepak – auditor-general

The auditor-general and the rector of the state-run Technical University of Cyprus (Tepak) traded more barbs on Monday, the former describing the university as a den of “decay”. Earlier in the day, Tepak rector Panayiotis Zafiris released a statement where he lashed out at auditor-general Odysseas Michaelides for misrepresenting the...

Cyprus Mail 

Police clampdown over the weekend

Police recorded over a thousand violations over the weekend, authorities said on Monday commenting on their beefed-up operations. Police carried out 2,103 checks on persons and 2,091 checks on vehicles and 310 checks on establishments, in coordinated operations throughout the country. There were 1,052 traffic violations, 53 vehicles detained and...

Cyprus Mail 

Compensating all Greek Cypriots through IPC may cost €26bn

The cost of compensating every single Greek Cypriot for every single piece of land lost in 1974 may top £22.4 billion (€26.3bn), former Immovable Property Commission (IPC) chairman Ayfer Said Erkmen has said. Erkmen was speaking on television channel Kanal Sim and explained that the compensation paid so far through...

Cyprus Mail 

Reltex Group reviews: Crypto trading mistakes to avoid in 2024 [reltexg.com]

This year, 2024, the crypto trading world has developed at a high rate. New opportunities often bring new challenges, and traders should be watchful to avoid common traps that can result in huge losses. Thus, Reltex Group has come up with some vital crypto trading mistakes to avoid in 2024...

Cyprus Mail 

Russian figure skater Valieva banned for doping, ROC loses Olympic gold

Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva has received a four-year doping suspension, the Court of Arbitration for Sport said on Monday, effectively stripping the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) of its gold medal in the team event from the 2022 Beijing Olympics. “Kamila Valieva is found to have committed an anti-doping rule...

Cyprus Mail 

Anso FG reviews: Get benefits of Energy CFD trading [ansofg.com]

If you are looking for an appropriate trading platform for getting advantages over traditional commodity trading, then this blog is for you. If you need clarification about selecting a proper market for  Energy CFD trading, then also you must read this blog. This post will tell you about Anso FG,...

Cyprus Mail 

Attempted clampdown on attorney-general’s power

Akel MP Irene Charalambides will be submitting a bill to parliament aimed at separating the attorney-general’s (AG) powers by amending the constitution. “It is about time this discussion begins,” she said on Monday. Charalambides stressed she began a study two years ago with both British and Cypriot legal experts to...

Cyprus Mail 

Israeli intelligence accuses 190 Gaza UN staff of Hamas, Islamic Jihad roles

An Israeli intelligence dossier that prompted a cascade of countries to halt funds for a U.N. Palestinian aid agency includes allegations that some staff took part in abductions and killings during the Oct. 7 raid that sparked the Gaza war. The six-page dossier, seen by Reuters, alleges that some 190 UNRWA employees, including...

Cyprus Mail 

Mayrsson TG Reviews: Keep Your Crypto Investments Safe [mayrssontg.com]

In the dynamic and constantly changing realm of cryptocurrency, safeguarding your investment becomes crucial. With the beginning of 2024, security has become more important than ever before. Here is a detailed guide by Mayrsson TG on securing your crypto investments for the year ahead. It is advisable to select reputable...

Cyprus Mail 

Tree-planting by journalists from both sides

Members of both the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot unions of journalists joined forces to plant trees “on the soil of their common homeland”, as stated in a joint press release. The tree-planting initiative occurred last Saturday in the Trachonas area, situated in the north. Olive trees were planted in...

Cyprus Mail 

Brazil spy probe reaches closer to ex-president Bolsonaro inner circle – sources

Carlos Bolsonaro, a son of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, was targeted by federal police raids on Monday in an investigation into suspected illegal spying on political foes during his father’s term, two sources familiar with the matter said. Federal police, who are investigating accusations of illegal monitoring of citizens by the Brazilian...

Cyprus Mail 

‘This island is very poorly managed…’

The reality of Cyprus dashed the dreams of this returning emigrant. Yet, 17 years later, he’s still here. ALIX NORMAN finds out why Costa Constanti is the Accidental Diplomat: the man who set off from Melbourne in search of his roots, and ended up changing Cyprus. “Or at least trying...

Cyprus Mail 

Limassol dominates Cypriot property market with 9 out of 10 most expensive deals in 2023

Cypriot real estate data analytics firm Ask Wire on Monday released a report outlining the ten most lucrative property transactions completed in Cyprus during 2023, along with additional analysis pertaining to the Cypriot real estate market. In its report, the company highlighted key trends, which again showed the dominance of...

Cyprus Mail 

Israel charges back into Gaza City as US considers response to killing of its troops

Israel launched an assault overnight on Gaza’s main northern city weeks after pulling back from there, residents said, while Washington promised to respond to the first deadly strike on its forces in the Middle East since the Gaza war began. Three U.S. servicemen were killed and at least 34 wounded in a drone...

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

Новости России

Армяне России поддерживают движение «Тавуш во имя Родины»

«Марионеточная инстанция»: Небензя выступил против присутствия МУС в Совбезе ООН

Путин: 730 тысяч россиян в прошлом году побывали в Китае

Зачистки не будет: Хазин объяснил, как Путин обновит элиту


Армяне России поддерживают движение «Тавуш во имя Родины»


Собянин принял решение о создании новой зоны отдыха у воды в Южном Чертанове

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Даниил Медведев одолел 121-ю ракетку мира Меджедовича и вышел в 1/8 финала Рима

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Camila Giorgi ‘flees Italy with family’ as tennis star-turned-lingerie model breaks silence on retirement mystery

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