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Новости за 07.01.2024

Cyprus Mail 

Liverpool strike late to knock Arsenal out of FA Cup, City cruise

An own goal by Jakub Kiwior and a thumping late strike by Luis Diaz sealed a 2-0 victory for Liverpool at Arsenal in the weekend’s headline FA Cup third round tie as the hosts’ dismal form extended into the New Year on Sunday. Arsenal wasted a sackful of chances in...

Cyprus Mail 

Emergency road safety meeting after tragic accident

Transport ministry will look at ways to eliminate ‘black spots’ in road network A meeting will be held on Monday to discuss how to improve road safety in Cyprus, following a tragic New Year accident that killed four people from the same family, and raised concerns once again that the...

Cyprus Mail 

Demonstration to be held condemning attack on NGO office in Nicosia

A demonstration will be held condemning the attack on the offices of refugee non-governmental organisation (NGO) Kisa on Monday, the alliance against the far-right, racism and fascism said. Kisa’s offices were attacked on Friday, when an improvised explosive device went off outside their offices, smashing windows, destroying computers and photocopiers....

Cyprus Mail 

Kombos says dialogue with Turkey on natural gas welcome

Foreign Minister Constantinos Kombos said on Sunday that he would welcome a dialogue with Ankara on natural gas, before solving the Cyprus problem, only if it was between the Republic of Cyprus and the Republic of Turkey. Speaking during an interview with Politis, Kombos commented on a proposal from Turkey...

Cyprus Mail 

Parties supporting president caught off guard by intention to reshuffle cabinet

Political parties that supported President Nikos Christodoulides were completely caught off guard by his intention for a cabinet reshuffle, it emerged on Sunday, with all three saying they had no clue. Parties Diko, Edek, and Depa, who had given approval for several of the current ministers, as is tradition, when...

Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus Energy: 2024 Outlook

Global energy will continue to be driven by security concerns in 2024, ahead of climate goals, as wars, conflicts and threats to supplies continue. Renewable energy systems (RES) will carry on growing, but with intermittency remaining a challenge, fossil fuels will be needed to provide resilience and reliable back-up. With...

Cyprus Mail 

Empowering women through fitness

Gym Kile offers a safe, nurturing space where women can focus on their health without feeling self-conscious or intimidated Two young ladies took the helm of what is today known as Gym Kile some six years ago. Set up in one of Nicosia’s suburbs, the fitness centre is an initiative...

Cyprus Mail 

Israeli strike kills two Palestinian journalists in Gaza, officials say

An Israeli air strike on a car near Rafah in southern Gaza on Sunday killed two Palestinian journalists who were out reporting, according to health officials in Gaza and the journalists’ union there. Hamza Al-Dahdouh and Mustafa Thuraya were both freelancers. Al-Dahdouh had done freelance work for Al Jazeera and...

Cyprus Mail 

Police to forward findings from fatal New Year crash to legal service

The remand of a 44-year-old driver arrested under suspicion of causing a New Year accident that killed four people will expire on Monday, as the results of a reconstruction of the accident began to circulate. The man was remanded for six days on Tuesday, after the crash in the Kato...

Cyprus Mail 

Six performances to see this January in Nicosia

January is typically a rather quiet month events-wise, following the Christmas mayhem, and although the cultural calendar sees a slight drop exciting productions are approaching. At the Nicosia Municipal Theatre, six performances are happening this month as the Nicosia International Festival continues its journey. After a packed winter in 2023,...

Cyprus Mail 

Israel held hostage – and Biden too

Israel is withdrawing some troops from Gaza, because the reservists who were called up for the fighting amount to 10-15 per cent of the country’s workforce and the economy is showing the strain. But “nobody is talking about doves of peace flying,” said a senior Israeli official. The intense fighting...

Cyprus Mail 

Main suspect in Nicosia drive-by shooting remanded for further two days

A 26-year-old man was further remanded on Sunday for another two days, under suspicion of shooting a gun into the air outside the Nicosia jail last week, after being released from prison. Another two suspects, 29 and 27, have also been remanded for the incident. Police said that the Nicosia...

Cyprus Mail 

PM Sunak makes election appeal for Britain to ‘stick with’ his plan

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak urged voters and his own party on Sunday to “stick to the plan” for “long-term change” at an election he has signalled will most probably come in the second half of this year. After firing the starting gun on election campaigning last week by saying it was...

Cyprus Mail 

President called on UN to intervene over Turkish buffer zone violations

President Nikos Christodoulides requested the UN intervene on Cyprus’ behalf to stop Turkish violations in the buffer zone, it emerged on Sunday. In a letter to the United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres dated December 22, Christodoulides called on Guterres to intervene with Turkey to stop violations in the buffer zone....

Cyprus Mail 

Heading for disaster on Cyprus problem

We have no time to renegotiate the Guterres Framework By Christos Panayiotides I must admit that I am deeply concerned by the fact that we appear to be going full steam ahead for yet another – this time crushing – defeat in the struggle we are supposedly waging for the...

Cyprus Mail 

North Korea’s Kim Yo Jong vows immediate strike if any provocation

North Korea will immediately launch a military strike in response to any provocation, Kim Yo Jong, the powerful sister of leader Kim Jong Un, said on Sunday. The remarks come after South Korea’s military said the North had fired more than 60 artillery rounds on Saturday near their disputed maritime border, following...

Cyprus Mail 

Car destroyed in Limassol arson

A car was destroyed by arson in Limassol, police said on Sunday, about the vehicle fire extinguished early in the morning. According to police, the fire broke out at 3am on Sunday. The vehicle belonged to a 35-year-old man and was parked outside his home in Limassol. The fire service...

Cyprus Mail 

Rain expected this week, met office says

Light rain the southern areas of the island will lead to increased cloud cover, the met office said on Sunday. According to the met office, the temperature will rise to 22 degrees C inland and on the coast, while in the mountains it will reach 11 degrees. There will also...

Cyprus Mail 

Three months in, Western diplomats try to stop Gaza war’s spread

Top U.S and European diplomats sought ways on Sunday to keep the Gaza war from spreading further in the Middle East, but three months after the start of the conflict, more bloodshed underlined the difficulties they face. Israeli aircraft fired on Palestinian militants who had attacked troops in the occupied West...

Cyprus Mail 

Man remanded for torching Paphos Christmas tree

Paphos District Court remanded a 39-year-old man under suspicion of setting fire to the city’s Christmas tree, police said on Sunday. According to police, the man was arrested on Friday night, after they had received testimony and found evidence, he was linked to torching the tree. He was taken to...

Cyprus Mail 

Explosion in Paphos damages car and storefront

A bomb explosion in the Paphos caused serious damage to a vehicle it was placed and storefront, police said on Sunday. According to police, the explosion occurred in a vehicle parked outside a car parts store in the Konia industrial area. The explosion occurred at 2.30am on Sunday morning. Police...

Cyprus Mail 

Motorcycle driver in critical condition after Ayia Napa crash

An 18-year-old young man is in critical condition at Nicosia General on Sunday, after a 59-year-old crashed into him in Ayia Napa, police said. According to police, officers are investigating the accident on the corner of Ioanninon Street and Kokkinon Street in Ayia Napa, where the crash occurred. The crash...

Cyprus Mail 

Japan premier vows “ceaseless” aid as snow hampers quake relief

Japan’s prime minister vowed to provide “ceaseless” support to areas devastated by the New Year’s Day earthquake as snow and sleet hampered rescue and relief efforts and local media reported that the disaster had now claimed at least 126 lives. The adverse weather on the Noto peninsula continued to vex...

Cyprus Mail 

Self-defence is not a defence to the crime of genocide

A busy couple of weeks for Israel’s legal minds It was an eventful New Year weekend for the legal community in Israel. Her judiciary managed partly to restore her reputation that whatever the horrors in and around Gaza, at least Israel has an independent, fearless and trustworthy judiciary. On Monday,...

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

Новости России

«Россия и не подумает вмешиваться»: в Турции назревает военный переворот

Патриотическую акцию «Синий платочек» провели в Нижнем Новгороде в день прибытия «Поезда Победы»

Реконструкцию цементного завода в Коломне завершат в июне этого года

«СВЯТОЙ ЛЕНИН» помогает Государственной Думе РФ оптимизировать налоговую сферу. «СВЯТОЙ кибер ЛЕНИН» удаляет налоги: перезагрузка.


Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о поддержке организаций и ИП в Белгороде


Собянин: Московскому метрополитену исполнилось 89 лет

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Музыкальные новости

Игорь Бутман

Игорь Бутман об Ирине Отиевой: “Жаль, что человека нету”

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Звезды спорта. Кто они такие и почему их так называют?

Инсайты, стратегии и нетворкинг для профессионалов: 21 июня пройдет ежегодный форум «Спорт и Бизнес»

В Подмосковье сотрудники ОМОН «Русич» Росгвардии приняли участие в церемонии открытия соревнований по дзюдо среди детей и подростков

Даниил Медведев

Даниил Медведев одолел 121-ю ракетку мира Меджедовича и вышел в 1/8 финала Рима

Новости Крыма на Sevpoisk.ru

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России