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Новости за 15.03.2024

Cyprus Mail 

Archbishop expresses regret over monastery scandal

Cyprus’ Archbishop Georgios on Friday expressed “sincere regret” over the scandal surrounding the Osiou Avakoum monastery, which has become notorious in the past days for behaviours ranging from physical abuse and extortion to sexual activity among clergy members. “I would like to express my sincere regret for the revelations regarding...

Cyprus Mail 

Larnaca designated as city with best investment opportunities

Real estate platform INDEX on Friday released a report designating Larnaca as Cyprus’ key destination for investors and homebuyers seeking profitable ventures in the real estate market, citing a recently conducted analysis of the local property sector. “This revelation comes at a time when the sector is witnessing significant inflows...

Cyprus Mail 

Parcel roulette: Unbox your luck at ‘Pile ou Face’ in Brussels

A shop has opened in Brussels selling still-sealed unwanted Amazon parcels by the kilo, effectively a lottery ticket which could win the holder a connected watch, a smartphone – or a toothbrush or two. The shop called “Pile ou Face”, French for “Heads or Tails”, is located near the central...

Cyprus Mail 

Bank of England set to play for time before first rate cut

The Bank of England will probably keep investors guessing next week about when it is likely to start cutting interest rates as it waits for clearer signs that inflation pressures still in the economy really are being quashed. With other central banks moving towards cutting borrowing costs for the first...

Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus consumers in a ‘dire situation’

Consumers in Cyprus are in a dire situation as ongoing increases in the prices of essential goods, energy costs, and high interest rates have further eroded their standard of living, Peo union said on Friday, marked internationally as World Consumer Rights Day. The organisation called on the government to impose...

Cyprus Mail 

Eight arrests after fights at children’s shelter

A total of eight people were arrested on Thursday evening after two fights broke out at a children’s shelter in Larnaca. Police said the first fight took place at around 6pm after one of the children staying there, aged 17, allegedly attacked another. When a police officer on duty at...

Cyprus Mail 

Met office warns of ‘localised rain’ on Green Monday

The Met Office on Friday warned that Green Monday may be hit with “localised rain” around Cyprus. Speaking to the Cyprus Mail, Met Office spokesman Panagiotis Georgiou said the rain may impact “the coasts, inland and the mountains.” He added, “we are not expecting great storms or particularly heavy rain,...

Cyprus Mail 

Almost 100,000 artefacts now been digitised

The deliberate destruction of cultural heritage is a means of eradicating the identity of a people, Deputy Minister of Culture Vasiliki Kassianidou has said. Speaking at an event where the results of Digitising the Museums of Cyprus (CADiP) were presented on Thursday, Kassianidou stressed the importance of digitisation in the...

Cyprus Mail 

European regulator says it would pull Boeing approval if needed

The acting head of Europe’s aviation regulator has warned the agency would suspend its indirect approval of Boeing’s (BA.N) jet production if warranted, but told Reuters he felt reassured that the planemaker is tackling its latest safety crisis. In an interview, the European Union Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) acting executive...

Cyprus Mail 

Limassol’s Frederick University to host 2024 Youth Tech Fest

Frederick University is co-organising the second Youth Tech Fest Cyprus 2024, a celebration of children’s passion for Technology, Innovation and Creativity. The event will take place on Saturday, April 20, 2024, between 9am-4.30pm, at the University’s Limassol campus, offering a range of exciting activities, interactive workshops, masterclasses and shows for children...

Cyprus Mail 

Fergie time at Cheltenham as ex-Man Utd manager does the double

Former Manchester United manager Alex Ferguson celebrated his first Cheltenham Festival winner as a co-owner on Thursday and then completed a double 40 minutes later before old rival Harry Redknapp denied him the treble. The Scot was in the winners’ enclosure after Monmiral, a 25-1 shot ridden by Harry Cobden...

Cyprus Mail 

CBC leads Global Money Week 2024 campaign in Cyprus

The Central Bank of Cyprus (CBC) on Friday announced its coordination of the annual global awareness campaign, Global Money Week, scheduled to take place from March 18 to 24, 2024. This initiative, organised every March by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), aims to empower youth with essential...

Cyprus Mail 

Player relationships in same team ‘inappropriate’, says Chelsea boss Hayes

Player-to-player relationships within the same squad are inappropriate and can lead to significant challenges for managers, Chelsea coach Emma Hayes said. Reports in British media this week said Leicester coach Willie Kirk is under investigation by the club amid allegations of a player-coach relationship. Asked about the need to safeguard players, Hayes told reporters:...

Cyprus Mail 

Paphos nature trail reopens

The Avakas Gorge nature trail is now open to the public, the forestry department announced on Friday. The trail is located in the homonymous gorge, within the Peyia state forest with the end of the trail located inside the gorge. It was closed down in December due to heavy rainfall....

Cyprus Mail 

Open Chess Championship culminates in award ceremony

In an event filled with thundering applause, the Cyprus Open Chess Championship came to an end on Sunday with people of all ages receiving their awards in an enthusiastic ceremony. After weeks of strategic games put to the test, the Freedom Finance Europe sponsored event co-organised with the Cyprus Chess...

Cyprus Mail 

Stung into action, Alcaraz flees the bees

Carlos Alcaraz said he surprised himself by staying focused despite being stung on the forehead at Indian Wells on Thursday after the Spaniard’s quarter-final against Alexander Zverev was interrupted by a swarm of bees. The world number two was serving in the third game of the match when the bees descended upon...

Cyprus Mail 

Ookla recognises Epic as Cyprus’ fastest fixed internet network

Epic is the Fastest Fixed Internet Network in Cyprus, according to Speedtest® Results by Ookla, the internationally-renowned organisation for internet performance testing and analysis. At a ceremony held on February 28, 2024 at the Mobile World Congress 2024 in Barcelona, Epic received the “Speedtest Award” by Ookla, an honour offered...

Cyprus Mail 

Guest recipes with LIDL Food Academy

Dessert with healthy twist Red Velvet cupcakes with beetroot and chocolate avocado mousse For the chocolate coating 1 large ripe avocado weighing 350g 1 tablespoon cocoa 1 tablespoon peanut butter 65g melted chocolate 1/2 tablespoon honey 1 pinch of salt For the cupcakes 75g cup self-rising flour pinch of salt...

Cyprus Mail 

Subsidy announced for more EV charging points

The transport ministry on Friday announced the second phase of a grant subsiding the installation of 1,000 electric vehicle charging points within the framework of Cyprus’ Recovery and Resilience Plan. Applications will be accepted online at https://ev1000.cea.org.cy/ from 8am on Tuesday until 12am on May 31, or until the funds...

Cyprus Mail 

Former President Vassiliou in hospital

Former Cyprus President George Vassiliou was admitted to the Nicosia general hospital on Thursday night, it was reported on Friday. While it has been disclosed that he is suffering from “health problems”, no further information has yet been released. Vassiliou served as President between 1988 and 1993 and is 92...

Cyprus Mail 

Guided walks bring old Nicosia to life

A series of free, guided cultural walks in downtown Nicosia is taking place this spring sharing the fascinating history, tales and stories behind its iconic buildings, neighbourhoods and heritage. The walks are mostly in Greek although some are available in English. The cultural walks are part of the European project...

Cyprus Mail 

Aid ship ‘waiting off Gaza coast’

The Open Arms aid ship was on Friday morning waiting off the coast of Gaza for further instruction before being able to unload. The ship, which left Larnaca on Tuesday with 120 tonnes of humanitarian aid on board as part of Cyprus’ Amalthea project to send humanitarian aid to Gaza...

Cyprus Mail 

Daily News Briefing

In today’s episode, the government has a ‘Plan B’ for the stalled Vasiliko liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal, though it has not yet worked out the timetable for that alternative, Energy Minister George Papanastasiou said on Thursday. Elsewhere, scandal continued to rock the church, with a new video surfacing of...

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

Новости России

Новый ERD-рекорд. На Семаковском месторождении построена очередная скважина с большим отходом от вертикали

Пианист Мацуев: "Спартаку" нужно менять стратегию, чтобы бороться за чемпионство

В Москве самой высокооплачиваемой офисной вакансией стал агент по недвижимости

«СВЯТОЙ ЛЕНИН» правит миром, расшифровал «ДНК В.И.Ленина», отменяет налоги. И… отключает институты времени. Разгадка «научных теорий заговоров».


Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о поддержке организаций и ИП в Белгороде


Собянин сообщил о планах благоустройства на северо-востоке Москвы

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Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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Музыкальные новости


Композитор Классической музыки

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

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В Подмосковье сотрудники ОМОН «Русич» Росгвардии приняли участие в церемонии открытия соревнований по дзюдо среди детей и подростков

Инсайты, стратегии и нетворкинг для профессионалов: 21 июня пройдет ежегодный форум «Спорт и Бизнес»


«Подача на победу на Уимблдоне». Гвардиола – о заключительном туре АПЛ

Новости Крыма на Sevpoisk.ru


Бестопливные Neutrinovoltaic электромобили проектируются в Индии

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России