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Новости за 23.03.2024

Cyprus Mail 

How name dropping Messi saved an Israeli grandmother from Hamas

“I’m from where Messi is from,” 90-year-old Esther Cunio told the two masked Palestinian gunmen who moments earlier invaded her home in southern Israel. It was the morning of Oct. 7 and Hamas was carrying out its killing spree in communities near the Gaza border, including in Kibbutz Nir Oz, where Cunio,...

Cyprus Mail 

A look at the printmakers of Cyprus

The second annual exhibition has opened at the Hambis Printmaking Museum in Plataniskia, titled Greek and Cypriot Printmakers in France (1920-2000). This new exhibition is presented alongside the exhibition Hambis the Illustrator, which opened recently and both showcases will remain open March 2025. This second exhibition includes works by Yannis...

Cyprus Mail 

Scotland embarrassed by Dutch thrashing, McGinn says

Scotland midfielder John McGinn said their 4-0 defeat by the Netherlands in a friendly on Friday was embarrassing and they must learn to be more “streetwise” when they fall behind. Scotland trailed to a 40th minute goal form Tijjani Reijnders but should have found the net themselves, twice hitting the woodwork and...

Cyprus Mail 

Mbappe expects future to be decided before Euros

Kylian Mbappe believes he will know which club he will join next season before the European Championship kicks off in June, the France forward said on Friday. Mbappe, who is set to leave Paris St Germain in the summer, said his focus was on representing his national team in the Euros as well as...

Cyprus Mail 

Kate praised for ‘extraordinary dignity’ after cancer diagnosis

Kate, Britain‘s Princess of Wales, was praised on Saturday for her “extraordinary dignity”, as the shock announcement of her cancer diagnosis triggered an outpouring of support from well wishers. The news dominated British newspaper front pages on Saturday, with supportive messages combined with criticism of those who had speculated about her health in recent weeks....

Cyprus Mail 

Ireland leadership contest deadline brought forward to Sunday

The deadline to enter the contest to become the leader of Ireland‘s Fine Gael party – and the country’s next prime minister – has been brought forward by one day to Sunday, the party said. “The closing date for nominations to be submitted to contest the election for the position of...

Cyprus Mail 

Tax department to look into scandal hit monastery

The tax department said on Saturday it is examining the books at the scandal hit Osiou Avakoum monastery to see if it conformed with all taxation requirements in Cyprus. The tax department is taking all the actions it considers appropriate in connection with the audit on the degree of compliance...

Cyprus Mail 

Israel says 170 Gaza gunmen killed in hospital raid

Fighting raged on Saturday around Gaza’s main hospital where Israel says it has so far killed more than 170 gunmen in an extensive raid, which the Palestinian Health Ministry says has also resulted in the deaths of five patients. The armed wing of Hamas and the Islamic Jihad said their fighters were...

Cyprus Mail 

Disy will be ‘victorious’ in upcoming elections

Political party Disy will emerge victorious in local and EU elections on June 9 this year despite being attacked from all sides, party leader Annita Demetriou said on Saturday. In a speech on Saturday to present Disy MEP candidates and the party’s candidates for local government in Larnaca district, Demetriou...

Cyprus Mail 

The dangers of looking your best

From fast fashion to excessive earrings, these trends might be harmful to your health says Naomi Braithwaite The perilous nature of some fashion items have a long history, from the potentially hazardous heights of stilettoes to the damaging constrictions imposed by the corset. But health-harming trends aren’t a thing of...

Cyprus Mail 

Airport a relic frozen in time (photos, video)

Nicosia’s old barren airport has remained as a decrepit relic frozen in time, which authorities attempt to upkeep when necessary, CNA reported on Saturday after receiving a guided tour of the facility. Video footage of the Cyprus News Agency’s visit showed the aftermath of the Turkish bombings from the 1974...

Cyprus Mail 

‘No Cypriots die’ in Moscow terror attack

No Cypriots have been reported among the victims of a terrorist attack in Moscow so far, foreign ministry spokesman Theodoros Gotsis said on Saturday. Gotsis added that the Cypriot embassy in Moscow is in contact with the Russian authorities about the attack, which has so far claimed the lives of...

Cyprus Mail 

Nothing justifies terror says Cyprus president

President Nikos Christodoulides strongly condemned the terrorist attack in Moscow on Saturday, pointing out that “nothing justifies terror”. Cyprus joined a chorus of other countries that condemned the terrorist attack in Moscow on Friday night after which over 90 people have died. In a post on X, formerly known as...

Cyprus Mail 

Two arrests for cannabis

Police in Larnaca have arrested a man and a teen suspected of importing six kilograms of cannabis, the force said on Saturday. The 44-year-old and the 17.5-year-old were arrested on Friday night, after police attempted to stop the car the older man was driving. The man attempted to flee in...

Cyprus Mail 

England boss Southgate dismisses disrespectful Man Utd links

England manager Gareth Southgate said reports linking him with the top job at Manchester United were completely disrespectful and that he would only make a decision about his future after the European Championship. Southgate is yet to agree a new deal ahead of the Euros, which will be his fourth major...

Cyprus Mail 

Verstappen continues pole perfection in Australia

Red Bull’s Formula One world champion Max Verstappen took pole position for the Australian Grand Prix on Saturday with Carlos Sainz qualifying alongside on the front row for Ferrari two weeks after undergoing surgery for appendicitis. Verstappen’s team mate Sergio Perez qualified third but will start sixth after stewards imposed a three-place grid...

Cyprus Mail 

Kate’s cancer news should end speculation about her

The announcement by Kate, Britain’s Princess of Wales, on Friday that she was having treatment for cancer should finally put to bed the speculation about her health, royal commentators said. Rumours and gossip on social media, in newspapers and even some U.S. talk shows have abounded since Kate underwent abdominal surgery in January,...

Cyprus Mail 

Yiayia knew best: How mindful eating and tradition can save lives

Picture yiayia’s weathered hands lovingly preparing a traditional Cypriot meal, each ingredient carrying the weight of generations of wisdom. Now contrast that with the rushed frenzy of fast-food culture. Which nourishes not just the body, but the soul?   The wisdom of yiayia Yiayia’s kitchen wasn’t just a place for...

Cyprus Mail 

Goulash galore: a Hungarian love affair

In the heart of central Europe, goulash emerged as a culinary treasure that would soon capture the palates of food enthusiasts worldwide. The term ‘goulash’ is said to be derived from the Hungarian word ‘gulyás’ or ‘gulyásleves,’ translating to ‘herdsmen’ or ‘herdsmen’s soup.’ A nod to its humble beginnings among...

Cyprus Mail 

Salty foods are making people sick

Christopher Damman says this is in part by poisoning their microbiomes People have been using salt since the dawn of civilization to process, preserve and enhance foods. In ancient Rome, salt was so central to commerce that soldiers were paid their “salarium,” or salaries, in salt, for instance. Salt’s value...

Cyprus Mail 

ACTTA marks 70 years of driving forward Cyprus tourism

The initiatives of the Association of Cyprus Travel and Tourism Agents (ACTTA), and the actions that will contribute to the development of our tourism industry, as well as lookaheads on travel trends, were the focus of a Journalists House press conference held on March 20, 2024, to mark ACTTA’s seventh...

Cyprus Mail 

What can we learn from Medusa?

By adopting her as its symbol, Versace embraced confidence and the transformative power of resilience says DESPINA NICOLA In ancient Greek mythology, Medusa’s story is a gripping saga of tragedy and resilience. Her tale of overcoming adversity resonates with many today, inspiring them to find strength and empowerment in their...

Cyprus Mail 

Tragic tale of Cyprus turtle

While the beaches of north Cyprus have the second worst microplastic pollution in the world, Alix Norman meets a marine mentor who’s penning tales to save our seas   Worryingly, the majority of turtles born in Cyprus are female. Why? Well, the sex of a turtle is determined not by...

Cyprus Mail 

Our View: Centre-right Disy needs to rediscover its  old core values

The former vice president of Disy, Marios Pelekanos, who resigned from his post a few weeks ago in a sulk because he had not been selected as a party candidate in June’s elections for the European Parliament, defected to Elam and will be one of its candidates. It was a...

Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus sees limited growth in wholesale trade

Cyprus’ wholesale trade sector experienced a modest increase in 2023, rising by only 0.9 per cent, according to a report released on Friday by the state’s statistical service. In addition, the report noted that the index for the final quarter of the year stood at 173.9 units. According to the...

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

Новости России

"СВЯТОЙ ЛЕНИН" раскрыл загадку В.В. Жириновского и В.Г. Мессинга. СЕНСАЦИОННЫЕ ДАННЫЕ!

Московский театр имени Маяковского подал в суд на актера Александра Макогона

В Москве умерла автор программ на советском ТВ Майя Яковлева

Скоростной четверг: самые популярные дни для кикшеринга у москвичей


Эксперт по семейному капиталу Светлана Петрова: как быстро накопить на авто


Компании Группы "Интеррос" взяли ряд наград премии FINAWARD

Генералов много, а Норат Тер-Григорьянц один!

Компания ICDMC приняла участие в торжественном открытии выставки “Тульское качество”

Компания ICDMC приняла участие в торжественном открытии выставки “Тульское качество”


Собянин: На городском вокзале Зеленоград — Крюково появился еще один переход

103news.comмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "103 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. 103news.com — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Музыкальные новости

VK Fest

Красноярск впервые примет крупнейший фестиваль в России «VK Fest 2024»

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

В новой Москве соревновались нештатные формирования

Сделано в СССР. Первое историческое ралли в Москве стартует 2 июня

В преддверии Международного дня защиты детей подмосковные росгвардейцы провели спортивное мероприятие для школьников

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Матч Котова и Вавринки перенесли на корт Сюзанн Ленглен

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В Мытищах 30 мая откроется выставка творческих работ «Чудесная страна»

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России