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Новости за 29.03.2024

Cyprus Mail 

Abuses in Gesy, €80,000 in fines

The Health Insurance Organisation (Hio) issued €80,000 in fines last year to over 40 health service providers for abusing Gesy, it emerged on Friday. Data obtained by CNA revealed that in 2023, the Hio investigated over 350 cases for abuse or fraud for which more than 150 decisions were taken....

Cyprus Mail 

XM tops island’s list of ‘Best Workplaces™ for Women’

Another important distinction, which confirms XM’s strong commitment to the well-being and development of its people, has been achieved, with the company recognised as being top among the Best Workplaces™ for Women by Great Place To Work® Cyprus. XM’s emergence at the head of the list of the best working...

Cyprus Mail 

‘Cyprus’ economy is doing better than most of EU’

Finance Minister Makis Keravnos said on Friday that Cyprus’ economy is “operating at a better level than most countries in the European Union”. Speaking to CyBC radio, he disputed claims that the country has not seen economic development since the current government. “They said there is no economic development, but...

Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus shipping registry grows — minister outlines actions to boost maritime sector

The fleet of vessels registered under the Cypriot flag has seen a significant increase of approximately 5.5 per cent, equivalent to about 1.1 million tonnes, over the past six months, according to the Deputy Minister of Shipping Marina Hadjimanolis. The minister’s comments were delivered during an event at the DP...

Cyprus Mail 

Partners: an ideal workplace for women in communications

At a time when women’s position in the professional and business arena is becoming increasingly strong, Partners Connected Communications has become the second company nationwide to be awarded the distinction of Best Workplaces™ for Women by Great Place To Work®! The honour attests to the progressive agency’s deeply-rooted culture of...

Cyprus Mail 

Action plan to help integrate migrants

An action plan with dozens of measures to help third-country nationals legally residing in Cyprus integrate into the labour market and economy has been prepared, Interior Minister Constantinos Ioannou. Ioannou was speaking at the opening of a public consultation with civil society groups about the 50-point action plan based on...

Cyprus Mail 

10-year sentence for raping elderly woman

A 67-year-old man was on Friday handed a ten-year prison sentence for raping and abusing his 61-year-old girlfriend. The sentence was handed down by Larnaca criminal court, with the man beginning to shout and scream upon being sentenced before being taken away by police. The rapes and assaults took place...

Cyprus Mail 

Annual charity cancer march to kick off in Limassol

For the 49th consecutive year, the Christodoula charity march will be staged, this year on April 7 in Limassol, the Bank of Cyprus announced on Friday. The annual march to raise funds for cancer will start from Molos’ open-air theatre at 10:30am. In all other provinces, the march will take...

Cyprus Mail 

Nicosia museum to close for the day

The house of Hadjigeorgakis Kornesios ethnological museum in Nicosia will close on Saturday due to emergency conversation works, the antiquities department announced on Friday. An ethnological officer told the Cyprus Mail that the closure is for the “safety towards members of the public” as the museum will be undergoing garden...

Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus sees surge in deposits and loans in February

Total deposits in Cyprus saw a significant net increase of €65.4 million in February 2024, rebounding from a substantial decrease of €366 million during the previous month, according to a report on deposits and loans for February 2024 released by the Central Bank of Cyprus (CBC) this week. The report...

Cyprus Mail 

Two fires destroyed in Paphos fire

Two cars in Paphos were destroyed in a fire, police said on Friday. The two cars, belonging to a couple, caught fire on Thursday night, necessitating the fire service to step in to stop the blaze from spreading to other vehicles in the area in which they were parked. After...

Cyprus Mail 

Kedipes makes largest ever payment to the state

The board of directors of state-owned asset management company Kedipes this week decided to make the largest quarterly cash payment to the state since its establishment in 2018, amounting to €140 million, for the first quarter of 2024. According to an announcement by the Kedipes, this decision falls within the...

Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus industrial production index sees 4.2 per cent increase in January

Cyprus’ Industrial Production Index for January 2024 saw a 4.2 per cent rise compared to the same period in 2023, reaching 99.5 units, with 2021 being the base year with a value of 100 units, according to a report released this week by the Cyprus Statistical Service (Cystat). The report...

Cyprus Mail 

Age won’t determine when I retire, says Messi

Lionel Messi will not consider his age as a deciding factor in his retirement plans, the Argentine forward said, adding that he has no clear idea of what he will do when that time comes. Messi, who played for 17 years at Barcelona before signing for Paris St Germain in...

Cyprus Mail 

Pursue an MA in Peace, Conflict & Democracy at UCY

The University of Cyprus (UCY) offers a Masters programme in Peace, Conflict & Democracy. The programme: The programme is designed for students interested in understanding central issues and challenges in the interdisciplinary study of peace, conflict and democracy globally. It is led by our award-winning academic staff in different regions...

Cyprus Mail 

Alcaraz says Dimitrov made him feel like a 13-year-old in Miami masterclass

World number two Carlos Alcaraz said he felt like a frustrated 13-year-old searching for answers after his crushing defeat by Bulgarian veteran Grigor Dimitrov in the Miami Open quarter-finals on Thursday. Alcaraz, 20, arrived in Miami in top form after winning the Indian Wells trophy, but his hopes of becoming...

Cyprus Mail 

Daily News Briefing

In today’s episode, the electricity subsidy is to be extended until the end of June as part of the government’s latest package of measures aimed at alleviating the cost-of-living crisis. Elsewhere, Out-of-court fines for traffic violations will largely remain the same but offenders will have more time to pay them,...

Cyprus Mail 

Guterres invites Tatar to New York meeting

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has invited Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar to meet him in New York, the Cyprus Mail learned on Friday. High-level sources confirmed that the meeting will take place at the UN’s headquarters on April 5. Tatar will be accompanied to New York by his special...

Cyprus Mail 

Christodoula March 2024: public called to ‘Be There’

For the 49th consecutive year, the Cyprus Anti-Cancer Society and Bank of Cyprus (BoC) are co-organising the Christodoula March, the largest campaign in Cyprus raising awareness on cancer-related matters. The Christodoula March will take place in Limassol on April 7, 2024, starting at 10.30am from the ‘Christos and Miltos Christoforou...

Cyprus Mail 

Guest recipes with Tonia Buxton

A taste of Lent Roasted Octopus with Lemon and Parsley This is the most simple and delicious octopus recipe you will ever find   1 whole octopus, cleaned and prepared (ask your fishmonger to do this for you) extra virgin olive oil 4 large rosemary sprigs juice of 2 lemons...

Cyprus Mail 

The living history of Cyprus’ capital

Another guided walk in the old town of Nicosia is set to take place this weekend, organised by the Home for Cooperation. This Saturday’s walk will take participants across checkpoints to discover Nicosia’s living history and the connections, stories and secrets of its cultural diversity, alive today and in its...

Cyprus Mail 

Two arrested in Limassol drugs dealing bust

Police in Limassol arrested two men as suspects in a drug dealing bust after they were found with over 5kg of cannabis, authorities said on Friday. According to police, the two men, 48 and 30, were found with 5.3kg of cannabis in their car around 4pm on Thursday. The car...

Cyprus Mail 

Metsola due in Cyprus to see Gaza aid corridor works

European parliament president Roberta Metsola is set to visit Larnaca port to oversee works being conducted for the Amalthea humanitarian aid corridor to Gaza, government spokesman Konstantinos Letymbiotis said on Friday. Letymbiotis said Metsola will visit Cyprus on Tuesday for a working visit. She will visit the port with President...

Cyprus Mail 

‘Cyprus division still hindering human rights’ – UN report says

The division of Cyprus continues to hinder the full enjoyment of human rights by all persons throughout the island, the annual report of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) said on Friday. The report provided an overview of human rights issues in Cyprus from December...

Cyprus Mail 

CyBC employees to strike still, despite budget approval

State broadcaster (CyBC) employees will be going on a one-hour strike on Friday, over delays in receiving their pay, despite assurances during a meeting that their wages would be paid later in the day. According to an announcement from the CyBC unions, employees will strike from 1.30pm until 2.30pm. On...

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

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«СВЯТОЙ ЛЕНИН» и все правительства могут отменить либо собрать все налоги!

В Армении прошел крупнейший на постсоветском пространстве «Бессмертный полк». Видео. Фоторяд

В День Пушкина театр кукол «Ульгэр» в райцентре Бурятии: Россия, Культура, Дети

Дети из Узбекского землячества Бурятии увидели театр кукол «Ульгэр»: Россия и Культура


Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о препарате для лечения болезни Бехтерева


Сергей Собянин. Главное за день

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Shaman спел хит «Я русский» посреди улицы в Рязани

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Правительство РФ сообщило о перевыполнении планов по достижению цифровой зрелости национальной экономики

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России