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Новости за 05.04.2024

Cyprus Mail 

Trump subpoena to NBC over Stormy Daniels documentary blocked by judge

Donald Trump’s subpoena to Comcast-owned CMCSA.O NBCUniversal for material related to a recent documentary about porn star Stormy Daniels was blocked on Friday by the judge overseeing the former U.S. president’s April 15 criminal trial. Justice Juan Merchan said Trump’s claim that Daniels and NBC conspired to release the film close to the...

Cyprus Mail 

‘Local government reform a bet that must be won’

The local government reform is a big bet that must work, President Nikos Christodoulides said on Friday, adding that the ultimate goal is the administrative autonomy and financial viability of the new local authorities and the expansion of their powers. Addressing the inauguration of the “Mediterranean” Artists’ Park in the...

Cyprus Mail 

Dam bursts amid flooding in Russia’s Urals, evacuation underway, emergency services say

A dam burst in the Russian Urals mountain city of Orsk on Friday and an evacuation was underway, local emergency services said. State news agency TASS quoted the emergencies ministry as saying that up to 4,000 houses accommodating 10,000 residents of a suburban area of Orsk, which has a total population of around 230,000, could be...

Cyprus Mail 

‘Cyprus could take decisions on migration issue that are not liked’

Decisions on migration might be made that “are not liked”, President Nikos Christodoulides said on Friday, after it was announced Lebanon would not be taking migrants back from Cyprus. “I have two crucial meetings, on Sunday with the President of the EU Commission, we are in telephone contact, also at...

Cyprus Mail 

Tatar reiterates need for sovereign equality in Guterres meeting (updated)

A meeting between UN Secretary-General and Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar on Friday finished after an hour, following the latter’s comments that only a state solution can be the solution to the Cyprus problem. The meeting was held at the UN headquarters in New York, after which Tatar made statements...

Cyprus Mail 

Lebanon no longer accepting migrant returns from Cyprus

Lebanon is struggling to deal with over two million Syrian migrants within its own borders, and is no longer accepting returns from Cyprus, the interior ministry said on Friday. Lebanon and Cyprus have had an ‘informal agreement’ that any migrants arriving in Cyprus’ waters from Lebanon are sent back. This...

Cyprus Mail 

Man arrested as suspect in Paphos arson

A 24-year-old suspect was arrested in Paphos on Friday for allegedly setting fire to barber shop the night before. According to Paphos police, the man was arrested after police received an arrest warrant and after they received a tip he was involved in the incident. The fire occurred at around...

Cyprus Mail 

Kyriakides emphasises ‘My Health, My Right’ principle on World Health Day

EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Stella Kyriakides, stated on Friday that the European Health Union has been shaped by the core principle of “my health, my right,” which is also the theme of this year’s World Health Day. In a statement released ahead of World Health Day on...

Cyprus Mail 

Turkish Cypriot pupils declining in north’s schools

Turkish Cypriot pupils in the north have dropped by more than 50 per cent, head of Turkish Cypriot teaching union (Ktos) Burak Mavis said on Friday. According to Mavis, the number of Turkish Cypriot students has dropped by 57 per cent, while the number of Turkish students has risen by...

Cyprus Mail 

Lush art in difficult times

A new group exhibition opens in Nicosia connecting artists and new art collectors. The 16th edition of Lush Art in Difficult Times is coming up at isnotgallery presenting artworks by both emerging and established artists at affordable prices. The opening will take place on Friday at 7pm and the exhibition...

Cyprus Mail 

Yellow weather warning issued for Saturday

A yellow weather warning has been issued for Saturday, as thunderstorms are expected to affect Cyprus, the met office said. In a post on X on Friday, the met office said that thunderstorms are expected in the mountains and in eastern and southern areas of the island. Some storms are...

Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus construction sector sees rise in both production and prices

Cyprus experienced an increase in both production and producer prices in the construction sector during the year 2023, according to a report released on Friday by the Cyprus Statistical Service (Cystat). In particular, the Production Index in Construction for the fourth quarter of 2023 rose to 227.99 units, 2015 being...

Cyprus Mail 

Plans afoot to abolish multiple pensions

Plans are afoot to abolish the practice of paying multiple pensions to government officials, it was revealed on Friday. Finance Minister Makis Keravnos said the government “is determined to continue this effort, always within the confines of the law, to abolish multiple pensions.” He was keen to stress that the...

Cyprus Mail 

UAE food packages given to families in Larnaca

By Robert Morgan The embassy of the United Arab Emirates in Nicosia has prepared and distributed 300 food parcels for Ramadan, according to an embassy statement. 300 packages of basic needs were assembled as part of the project, overseen by UAE Ambassador Mohammed Saif Al Shehhi and in collaboration with...

Cyprus Mail 

Turkey’s ‘woof express’ takes disabled dogs on a daily ride

An animal lover in Turkey, inspired by her paralysed father, has built a train out of plastic barrels to give daily rides to the disabled dogs at a shelter outside the country’s capital Ankara. Buket Ozgunlu, chairwoman of the Associaton of Paws Holding onto Life, has attached makeshift dog wagons...

Cyprus Mail 

21-Year-Old remanded in irregular migration case

The Famagusta district court on Friday remanded a 21-year-old man for seven days to facilitate police investigations regarding the arrival of a boat carrying 25 irregular migrants on Thursday. According to the Cyprus News Agency (CNA), the boat was spotted on Thursday afternoon in the maritime area southeast of Cape...

Cyprus Mail 

Man arrested after 22 irregular migrants arrive on boat

A 44-year-old man was arrested on Friday afternoon to assist police investigations regarding the arrival of a total of 22 irregular migrants on a boat off Cape Greco earlier in the day. A total of four migrant boats were spotted in the same area at around midday on Friday, according to reports....

Cyprus Mail 

Senior doctors in England accept new pay offer and end strikes

Senior doctors in England have voted to accept an improved offer from the government on pay and conditions, easing some of the pressure on Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) after months of disruptive strike action. The British Medical Association (BMA) trade union said on Friday about 83% of senior doctors,...

Cyprus Mail 

Six months into Gaza war, Israel faces deepening isolation

Six months into the war in Gaza, the killing of a group of aid workers by an Israeli air strike summed up both the dire humanitarian crisis and the lack of a clear way out of a conflict that is leaving Israel increasingly isolated. The attack on Monday night that...

Cyprus Mail 

TEDxMolos: Inspiring talks and mesmerising performances [photos]

The recently held TEDxMolos event, which took place on March 27 at the Plevsis Hall in Limassol’s Old Port area, truly lived up to its theme of ‘Local Legends: From Passion to Change’. The Cyprus Mail was a media partner of TedxMolos, allowing us to experience this groundbreaking event first-hand....

Cyprus Mail 

Cybersecurity helpline fields over 500 calls in three months

Over 500 people reached out to the 1480 cybersecurity helpline in the first three months of the year, primarily expressing concerns about cybercrimes such as hacking and identity theft. According to a bulletin issued on Friday, 25 per cent of the calls were deemed irrelevant. Out of the 519 calls...

Cyprus Mail 

‘No other sport does this’: pundits enthralled by Stamford Bridge thriller

The drama of Chelsea’s 4-3 Premier League win over Manchester United on Thursday left pundits raving about the clash, with some labelling the roller-coaster encounter an instant classic. United had looked on course for a comeback win but hat-trick hero Cole Palmer scored the latest-ever winning goal in a Premier...

Cyprus Mail 

Limassol gears up for second Cyprus Forum Cities conference

The 2nd Cyprus Forum Cities, the largest local government conference in Cyprus, is set to be held in Limassol on April 18-19, 2024. This forum is characterised by its commitment to fostering sustainable, green, and smart city environments, emphasising the construction of communities that are resilient to the challenges posed...

Cyprus Mail 

Longevity is ‘just luck’ says 111-year-old Briton, world’s new oldest man

The world’s oldest living man, 111-year-old Briton John Tinniswood, said his longevity was “just luck” and there was no special secret to his diet – although his favourite food was fish and chips every Friday. Tinniswood, who has been retired for more than half a century, inherited the Guinness World...

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

Новости России

«СВЯТОЙ ЛЕНИН» правит миром, расшифровал «ДНК В.И.Ленина», отменяет налоги. И… отключает институты времени. Разгадка «научных теорий заговоров».

Армяне России поддерживают движение «Тавуш во имя Родины»

В Тульской области за три месяца снизилась рождаемость и увеличилась смертность

Движение транспорта в центре столицы временно перекроют 18 мая


Дмитрий Бикбаев готовит премьеру театрального проекта, основанного на личных переживаниях


Собянин рассказал о развитии завода «Москвич»

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Музыкальные новости

Наташа Королёва

«Уже поперек горла стоит»: Пригожин поддержал Королеву после инцидента на ТВ

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Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

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Никакой магии! В спортивном прогнозировании не бывает безусловных выигрышных стратегий


Потапова проиграла Остапенко во втором круге турнира WTA 1000

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Новак Джокович

Кто транслирует бой Табило против Джоковича на турнире Rome Masters 1000?

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России