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Новости за 18.04.2024

Cyprus Mail 

Israeli media: US missiles transited Cyprus en route to Israel

Cyprus served as a transit for US missiles delivered to Israel as the country prepared its defences for the coming Iranian barrage last weekend, Israeli media reported on Thursday evening. The Cyprus News Agency cited the report broadcast by Kan 11, an Israeli state-owned free-to-air television channel. According to the...

Cyprus Mail 

UN chief: limited, ‘sometimes nil’ improvement from Israel action on Gaza aid

Israel’s commitments to improve aid access in the Gaza Strip have had “limited and sometimes nil” impact, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Thursday as he pushed for urgent, meaningful and measurable progress to avert famine. The United Nations has long complained of obstacles to getting aid in and...

Cyprus Mail 

Parliament opens lactation room for working mothers

A lactation room for women has just been opened in the parliament building, House President Annita Demetriou announced on Thursday. Catering to female staff and visitors to the premises, the room is fully equipped and air conditioned, affording ideal conditions for mothers wanting to breastfeed there. In her statement, Demetriou...

Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus denies allegations of migrant pushbacks

Cyprus on Thursday categorically denied allegations of pushing back and threatening migrants during an operation off the coast of Lebanon, where five boats were returned. Asked by the Cyprus Mail about NGO reports alleging threats against the migrants, a government source said: “We categorically deny these allegations.” The source said...

Cyprus Mail 

House of Representatives honours Armenian genocide victims

The House of Representatives on Thursday evening observed a minute’s silence for the victims of the Armenian genocide, with the body pledging to “fight for a world where peace and justice prevail and where the atrocities of the past never happen again”. In remarks, acting House President Zacharias Koulias noted...

Cyprus Mail 

Audit office flags diplomatic stipend issues

The Audit Office went after stipends given to diplomats for living abroad and President Nikos Christodoulides, who was receiving these funds for three months while being stationed in Cyprus, in a report released Thursday. According to the report covering the foreign ministry’s financials for fiscal years 2021 and 2022, in...

Cyprus Mail 

National guard chief: Auditor’s report risks military secrets

The head of the national guard on Thursday took exception to the auditor-general revealing potentially sensitive information about the military, such as weapons storage depots and the state of munitions. Lieutenant-General Georgios Tzitzikostas was reacting during a discussion in parliament of a recently released Audit Office report on the defence...

Cyprus Mail 

Easter concert presents music as eternal light

Welcoming Holy Week, soprano Zoe Nicolaidou, violinist Nikos Pittas, pianist Zbynek Maruska and the EMMELEIA choir join forces to present a concert series with music that transmits eternal light. Two concerts will take place very soon, first entertaining Larnaca audiences and then Limassol listeners. The musicians will take the stage...

Cyprus Mail 

Calls for ‘urgent’ action on migration

The House interior committee on Thursday called on the government to “urgently effectively manage the migration issue.” Upon the publication of a report into the matter, the committee added that the government must deal with increased migration flows through “integrated planning and structured political management.” The report’s conclusions were read...

Cyprus Mail 

Winners of Stelios bicommunal awards announced

A total of 10 bicommunal business ventures were crowned winners of this year’s Stelios Foundation Bicommunal Business Awards on Wednesday night. The businesses, all of which are fronted by one Turkish Cypriot and one Greek Cypriot, won €20,000 each. The ten winners are as follows: Slimline Frame – Run by...

Cyprus Mail 

Monks’ lawyers demand halt to church probe

Lawyers representing the Osiou Avakoum monks called on Thursday for an end to the investigations and procedures conducted by the archdiocese, citing alleged prior sentencing of the monks for purported crimes. Meanwhile, an alleged fake social media account linked to a priest associated with Tamassos Bishop Isaias was deleted. Anastasios...

Cyprus Mail 

Mothers of Cypriot earthquake dead meet Turkish justice minister

The mothers of two Cypriot children who were killed in last year’s earthquakes in Turkey met with Turkish Justice Minister Yilmaz Tunc on Wednesday. Rusen Yucesoylu Karakaya and Pervin Ipekcioglu, whose daughters Selin and Serin were among 24 Cypriot children and 11 Cypriot adults killed when the Isias hotel in...

Cyprus Mail 

Electricity authority finds illegal solar installations

By Robert Morgan   The Electricity Authority of Cyprus (EAC) has discovered two illegal installations of photovoltaic systems, it emerged on Thursday. The offending sites are commercial properties, EAC representative Christina Papadopoulou said while speaking to radio Trito. The illegal connections are overloading the electricity grid, which is already under...

Cyprus Mail 

Prince William back to public duties after Kate’s cancer revelation

Britain’s Prince William returned to public duties on Thursday for the first time since his wife Kate revealed she was undergoing preventative chemotherapy for cancer. In a video message last month, Kate, 42, the Princess of Wales, said tests taken following major abdominal surgery she underwent in January had uncovered cancer, something she described as a “huge...

Cyprus Mail 

Local govt reform ‘on the right track’

Local government reform is “on the right track”, Interior Minister Constantinos Ioannou said on Wednesday. Most of the teething problems faced during the transition to Cyprus’ new system of local government will be resolved by the end of June, Ioannou believes. His remarks on the subject came while speaking to...

Cyprus Mail 

Health minister hails year one achievements (Updated)

By Jonathan Shkurko and Elias Hazou   Health Minister Michael Damianos on Thursday praised his ministry’s accomplishments during the first year of President Nikos Christodoulides’ tenure, stressing “the significant strides made in providing higher quality health services to patients.” Damianos presented an overview of the ministry’s performance in a press conference, underlining...

Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus sees ‘one of the largest increases’ in renewable energy share

Cyprus has seen “one of the largest increases” in its share of renewable energy sources of any European Union member state, Energy Minister George Papanastasiou said on Thursday. He was speaking at the International renewable energy agency (Irena) summit in Abu Dhabi, and also announced that Cyprus will in September...

Cyprus Mail 

Police association chairman resigns

Cyprus Police Association chairman Kyriakos Charalambous resigned with immediate effect on Thursday. In his resignation letter, he cited “personal issues” and increased professional obligations as reasons for his stepping down from the role. He said that when he assumed the position seven years ago, he had set “three clear goals”...

Cyprus Mail 

Fuel prices rise after ending fuel tax reduction

Over the past days, following the termination of the government’s reduced tax measure on petrol and diesel, the average price of fuel in Cyprus has increased by 4.5 cents per litre for petrol, 1,3 cents per litre for diesel and 0.4 cents per litre for heating oil, according to the...

Cyprus Mail 

Tehran could review ‘nuclear doctrine’ amid Israeli threats

Iran could review its “nuclear doctrine” following Israeli threats, a senior Iranian Revolutionary Guards commander said on Thursday, raising concerns about Tehran’s nuclear programme which it has always said was strictly for peaceful purposes. Israel has said it will retaliate against Iran’s April 13 missile and drone attack, which Tehran says was...

Cyprus Mail 

The ideal James Bond is an actor on the cusp of superstardom

As film history shows says James Chapman More people have walked on the Moon than have played James Bond, so it’s no wonder that the suave secret agent with a licence to kill is one of the most coveted roles in cinema. The casting of a new 007 always grabs...

Cyprus Mail 

Comparing European loans: What borrowers need to know

The future is full of surprises and unexpected expenses which may lead many people to consider taking out a loan. However, choosing the right loan provider can be challenging with differences in interest rates and fees among lenders. That’s where Nordic Bank can help. Their loan comparison service takes the...

Cyprus Mail 

Oil extends losses on easing Middle East tension, demand concerns

Oil prices fell to a three-week low on Thursday, extending losses on hopes of easing tensions in the key producing region of the Middle East, while investors turned their focus to a bleaker demand picture. Brent futures were down 60 cents, or 0.7 per cent, at $86.69 a barrel, while...

Cyprus Mail 

Kurt Cobain is still shaping culture

By Howard Monk Thirty years since his death in April 1994, the impact of Kurt Cobain and his band, Nirvana, and their values, still resonates in today’s culture and music. Nirvana was everywhere at the start of the 1990s, much like Taylor Swift’s omnipresence today. But unlike Swift, who has...

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

Новости России

Армяне России поддерживают движение «Тавуш во имя Родины»

«Марионеточная инстанция»: Небензя выступил против присутствия МУС в Совбезе ООН

Соловьев опроверг прибытие генерала армии Суровикина в Кремль

Зачистки не будет: Хазин объяснил, как Путин обновит элиту


Патриотическую акцию «Синий платочек» провели в Нижнем Новгороде в день прибытия «Поезда Победы»


Собянин рассказал о развитии завода «Москвич»

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Музыкальные новости

Bon Jovi

Гітарист Річі Самбора шкодує, що не пішов із Bon Jovi раніше

Спорт в России и мире

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Медведев вышел в четвертый круг "Мастерса" в Риме

Новости Крыма на Sevpoisk.ru


«Уже поперек горла стоит»: Пригожин поддержал Королеву после инцидента на ТВ

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России