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Новости за 22.04.2024

Cyprus Mail 

‘You took a sh*t on this country!’

Tensions were raised in the north’s ‘parliament’ on Monday as ‘foreign minister’ Tahsin Ertugruloglu spoke on the state of play regarding the Cyprus problem. Ertugruloglu’s speech had enjoyed a heavy amount of back and forth from ‘MPs’, with opposition party CTP leader Tufan Erhurman interjecting to say Ertugruloglu and Turkish...

Cyprus Mail 

‘Turkey is under no obligation to respond to us’

The north’s ‘prime minister’ Unal Ustel said on Monday that Turkey is “under no obligation to respond” to the north’s authorities over the matter of Cypriots being refused entry into Turkey. Speaking in ‘parliament’, he refuted claims that his ‘government’ had been “insensitive” to the matter but said “it is...

Cyprus Mail 

Christodoulides touts ‘daring reforms’ in health sector

President Nikos Christodoulides on Monday evening touted forthcoming “daring reforms” in Cyprus’ health sector. He was speaking at an event organised by the Cyprus patients’ associations federation (Osak) to mark European patients’ rights day, and said the reforms are “expected soon” with a number of pieces of legislation in the...

Cyprus Mail 

No cost to Cypriots until Great Sea Connector is operational

Cypriot consumers should not pay anything for the Great Sea Interconnector until the project is up and running, the energy minister asserted on Monday. “It’s a matter of principle,” George Papanastasiou said. “As long as the cable is not operational, no one is justified in charging for future electricity flows.”...

Cyprus Mail 

Internal Audit commissioner faces claims of conflict of interests

The auditor-general has called on the cabinet to investigate the commissioner of Internal Audit for possible dereliction of duty, in that she did not properly handle allegations of conflict of interest in her department, according to a report released Monday. The Audit Office released its special report on the Internal...

Cyprus Mail 

Earlier teaching of sex ed ‘could have saved many children’

An earlier introduction of sex education in Cyprus’ schools “would have saved many children” from abuse, Volt MP Alexandra Attalides said on Monday. Speaking at a House human rights committee meeting, she said research into the matter had identified the need for sex education to be taught to children in...

Cyprus Mail 

Deal agreed on foreign workers, living conditions to be improved

A deal was struck over the employment of third-country nationals in Cyprus, Labour Minister Yiannis Panayiotou announced on Monday, as he thanked social partners for their “maturity and seriousness” in the negotiations. “This is a significant development that confirms the high level of cooperation between the state and organisations representing...

Cyprus Mail 

Paphos wines, melodies and cellos

Three upcoming events have a lot to offer Cyprus’ culture lovers. Get ready to taste local wines from the Paphos region, explore Larnaca and Cypriot musicians in a secret location and witness 11 cellos come together on stage in a live performance. This Wednesday, 7 Kleidia in Nicosia shines the...

Cyprus Mail 

Police identify four potential human trafficking victims

Police on Monday announced they had successfully identified four potential victims of human trafficking. The four potential victims were identified during a real time training exercise organised by European cross-border security organisation Frontex. The exercise took place over the space of five days, between April 15 and April 19, and...

Cyprus Mail 

Mourinho says he didn’t get the same support as Ten Hag

Former Manchester United manager Jose Mourinho has said he did not have the same kind of support at the club during his 2-1/2 year tenure as current Old Trafford boss Erik ten Hag. The 61-year-old Portuguese, who last managed Serie A side AS Roma before being sacked in January, was fired...

Cyprus Mail 

Nicosia’s historic Paphos gate opened to visitors

The archaeological site at the Paphos gate on the western edge of Nicosia’s walled city is now open for visitors. “Through the antiquities department’s excavations in the area, the importance of the gate is one of the main access points to Nicosia’s walled city,” Deputy Culture Minister Vasiliki Kassianidou said....

Cyprus Mail 

Israeli hostage families make Passover plea

Relatives of Israeli hostages held in Gaza will mark the start of Passover, a week-long festival that celebrates freedom, with a renewed plea to the government to make a deal to return their missing loved ones. Passover, starting on Monday evening, is traditionally observed with a seder, a holiday feast when...

Cyprus Mail 

Audit Office slams inaction over illegal livestock farms

The Audit Office on Monday decried what they see as inaction on the part of the veterinary services regarding the operation of illegal livestock farms on protected land. Its upset at the state of affairs was registered in its report into the agriculture ministry and affiliated departments, which was released...

Cyprus Mail 

CBC confirms May bank holidays

The Central Bank of Cyprus (CBC) has released a statement notifying the public of scheduled closures for all banks on several upcoming dates. The closures are as follows: Wednesday, May 1, 2024: Labour Day Friday, May 3, 2024: Good Friday Monday, May 6, 2024: Easter Monday Tuesday, May 7, 2024:...

Cyprus Mail 

Ministers call for collective ocean action ahead of COP29

Delegates attending the inaugural Commonwealth Ocean Ministers Meeting in Cyprus on April 19 have committed to advancing their discussions at upcoming global summits, according to a statement released on Monday. According to the statement, delegates have reached a consensus on leading ocean protection and management initiatives under the Commonwealth Blue...

Cyprus Mail 

‘600-800 die per year’ in Cyprus due to poor air quality

There are between 600 and 800 deaths in Cyprus per year due to poor air quality, Green MP Charalambos Theopemptou said on Monday. He was citing European Environment Agency figures at a House human rights committee meeting, in which the committee accepted the United Nations General Assembly’s resolution regarding the...

Cyprus Mail 

HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco visits Epic Cyprus HQ

Accompanied by the management team of Monaco Telecom, telecommunications provider of the Principality of Monaco and sole shareholder of Epic, His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco toured Epic’s Nicosia headquarters on April 18, 2024. Epic Chairman Kikis Kyriakides and CEO Thanos Chronopoulos, along with the company’s management team,...

Cyprus Mail 

BoCCF podcast episode on South Mathiatis-Strongylou Mine

The “Mila Mou Istorika” podcast series of the Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation (BoCCF) will release a new episode: “The South Mathiatis-Strongylou Mine: its role as a monument of cultural and environmental heritage for Cyprus”, featuring archaeologist Dr Thea Christoforou, on Friday, April 26, 2024. The wider Mathiatis area is...

Cyprus Mail 

CBC governor wants to address interest rate disparity

The newly appointed governor of the Central Bank of Cyprus (CBC) Christodoulos Patsalides has deemed today’s interest rate disparity between lending and deposit rates in Cyprus unsatisfactory, suggesting various considerations for closing the gap in favour of the economy. Patsalides’ remarks were made following a meeting with Finance Minister Makis...

Cyprus Mail 

Medical negligence report filed after girl dies in hospital

The family of an eight-year-old girl who died at Makarios hospital have moved to report a case of medical negligence. Kessariani Piripitsi died on Saturday under conditions that are being investigated. “Her mother has filed a written report, saying her daughter’s death could have potentially been the result of actions...

Cyprus Mail 

Wines for your Easter feast

Although reds from Greece are the obvious choice, there is more to consider Of all the dinners, lamb is one of the most joyful to eat with red wine, especially at Easter. Its classic match is Cabernet Sauvignon: there is extraordinary synergy between even the most green and tannic of...

Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus government records €918.7 million surplus in 2023

The Cyprus government recorded a fiscal surplus of €918.7 million in 2023, constituting 3.1 per cent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), with government debt reaching €23.03 billion, accounting for 77.3 per cent of GDP, according to a report by the state’s statistical service released on Monday. Total revenues for...

Cyprus Mail 

How to understand market trends for ecommerce business

Market trend analysis provides ecommerce businesses with valuable insights into what consumers want, how they shop, and what they are likely to want in the future. By understanding these trends, businesses can make informed decisions about product development, marketing strategies, and customer engagement, ensuring they remain relevant and competitive. Key...

Cyprus Mail 

Agreement on new promotion scheme for civil servants

Promotions in the civil service will be done in two different ways, due to problems that came up after the introduction of a new evaluation system, stakeholders seemed to agree on Monday. Discussion of the new evaluation system for civil servants, and its concomitant problems, took place at the House...

Cyprus Mail 

Woman arrested after importing 16kg of cannabis

A 21-year-old woman was arrested at Larnaca airport on Monday after a total of 16 kilograms of cannabis were found in her luggage. The woman had arrived at Larnaca on an inbound flight during the morning, and a search of her luggage found the cannabis separated into 28 packages inside...

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

Новости России

Армяне России поддерживают движение «Тавуш во имя Родины»

Какой сегодня праздник: 15 мая – Международный день семьи

«Марионеточная инстанция»: Небензя выступил против присутствия МУС в Совбезе ООН

Путин: 730 тысяч россиян в прошлом году побывали в Китае


«СВЯТОЙ ЛЕНИН» помогает Государственной Думе РФ оптимизировать налоговую сферу. «СВЯТОЙ кибер ЛЕНИН» удаляет налоги: перезагрузка.


Сергей Собянин: Обеспечим ученикам комфортные условия

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Музыкальные новости

Юрий Визбор

На летнем джазовом фестивале в Перми выступит внучка барда Юрия Визбора

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Никакой магии! В спортивном прогнозировании не бывает безусловных выигрышных стратегий

Сергей Лёвкин: в Митине завершат возведение физкультурно-оздоровительного комплекса

Полезные приложения для поклонников спортивной ходьбы

Новак Джокович

Новак Джокович низко оценил свою готовность к «Ролан Гаррос» и Олимпиаде-2024

Новости Крыма на Sevpoisk.ru


Какой сегодня праздник: 15 мая – Международный день семьи

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России