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Новости за 14.01.2019


Angola to hold first diamond auction as it seeks to open sector

Angola will give the outcome of its first diamond auction on January 31 as the southwest African country’s seeks to increase transparency, attract more investment and boost government revenue, state-owned diamond-trading company Sodiam said. The evaluation of seven gemstones from Angola’s northeast Lulo mine that will be sold is expected to end between Jan. 25 and Jan. 28, Eugenio Bravo da Rosa, head of the Luanda-based company, said. Lazare Kaplan International Inc., the KGK Group, Rosy Blue and... Читать дальше...


Russia's Alrosa returns to diamond exploration in Zimbabwe

Russian diamond giant Alrosa has set up a subsidiary in Zimbabwe to begin mining operations there, it said on Monday, more than two years after it shelved plans to expand into the southern African country. Alrosa, the world's largest diamond producer by output, started conducting geological exploration in Zimbabwe in 2013 but dropped the licences it held there in 2016 due to a reform of the country's diamond industry.


AMCU to strike at Sibanye’s platinum operations from Jan 22

The Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (AMCU) on Monday confirmed it would embark on secondary strike action at Sibanye-Stillwater’s platinum operations in South Africa from January 22. This is in support of the strike at Sibanye’s gold operations on the West Rand and in the Free State, which has been ongoing since November 22.


DebTech supplies X-ray diamond recovery tech to Sierra Leone project

Diamond processing technology specialist DebTech is supplying its X-ray diamond recovery technology to Newfield Resources’ Tongo diamond mining project, in Sierra Leone. DebTech is collaborating with project house Paradigm Project Management on the project.


Filo del Sol PFS confirms significant project potential

TSX-V- and Nasdaq-listed Filo Mining’s prefeasibility study (PFS) of its Filo del Sol project, on the border of Chile and Argentina, has confirmed the “incredible” copper, gold and silver potential of the project. CEO Adam Lundin said on Monday that the PFS had positive findings, including a $1.28-billion after-tax net present value, using an 8% discount rate, and an internal rate of return of 23% at $3/lb of copper, $1 300/oz gold and $20/oz silver.


Newmont seeks to become world's biggest gold producer through $10bn Goldcorp buyout

NYSE-listed Newmont Mining Corporation and NYSE- and TSX-listed Goldcorp have entered into a definitive agreement that will result in Newmont acquiring all shares of Goldcorp in a stock-for-stock transaction valued at $10-billion. Newmont will acquire each Goldcorp share for 0.3280 of a Newmont share, which represents a 17% premium based on the companies’ 20-day volume weighted average share prices.


Edenville acquires second excavator to boost mining output at Rukwa

Aim-listed Edenville Energy has acquired a second excavator to increase the amount of mined material from its Rukwa coal-to-power project, in Tanzania. The company secured a $750 000 loan during the last few weeks of 2018, which has been used to fund the acquisition of the second excavator and four additional hired haul trucks.


MC Mining acquires key surface rights to advance Makhado project

Aim-, ASX- and JSE-listed MC Mining’s subsidiary, Baobab Mining & Exploration, has completed the acquisition of the Lukin and Salaita properties, which are key surface rights required for the Makhado hard coking and thermal coal project, in Limpopo. The acquisition, announced in November last year, was conditional on the seller notifying and addressing concerns regarding the transaction raised by the Limpopo province regional land claims commissioner.


Senate democrats will force vote on sanctions of Deripaska firms

US Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer says he will force a vote on a measure to block the Treasury Department’s plans to lift sanctions on three Russian companies linked to oligarch Oleg Deripaska, who is reported to be under scrutiny by Special Counsel Robert Mueller in his probe of Moscow interference in the 2016 Presidential election. Schumer’s move comes amid a backlash from Democratic lawmakers suspicious of the Trump administration’s motives, and is aimed at forcing Republicans who control the Senate to take a side in the matter.


Merkel seeks to heal rift over role of coal in Germany's economy

Angela Merkel this week will seek to bridge divisions in Germany about how quickly to cut the nation’s reliance on coal, a controversial issue that has sparked violent clashes between green protesters and police and rattled its brittle governing coalition. The Chancellor will use a Tuesday dinner meeting in Berlin to press a panel plotting an exit from the world’s most widely used power-plant fuel to speed up plans after it requested an extension in December. The group made up of coal-state governors... Читать дальше...


Horizonte’s Brazil project fully permitted to start construction

The Brazilian Pará state environmental agency, Semas, has awarded the Araguaia ferronickel project its final permit needed before construction could get under way, dual-listed Horizonte Minerals announced on Monday. The construction licence provides the permits required for the rotary kiln electric furnace processing plant and associated infrastructure, which will be constructed over a 31-month period.


Plateau appoints DRA Global as lead engineering consultancy for Falchani PEA

TSX-V-listed Plateau Energy Metals has appointed DRA Global as lead engineer and consultant for the preliminary economic assessment (PEA) for the Falchani lithium project, in Macusani Plateau, in south-eastern Peru. Additionally, DRA Global industry specialist Wardell Armstrong has been appointed PEA lead of mine planning, scheduling and optimisation.


Copper Reef raises $500 000 to fund surveys, grid extension at Alberts Lake

Canadian Securities Exchange-listed Copper Reef Mining Corporation plans to raise $500 000 through a private placement to fund its grid and surveying activities at the Alberts Lake gold deposit, in Manitoba, Canada. The first tranche of the capital raise will comprise six-million flow-through units at a price of $0.05 apiece for proceeds of $300 000.


Nordgold ups stake in JV partner Columbus

Aim-listed gold miner Nordgold is set to increase its equity interest in gold exploration and development company Columbus Gold – its joint venture partner (JV) on the Montagne d’Or gold mine project, in French Guiana. According to a news release issued by TSX-listed Columbus, Nordgold will subscribe for 4 671 048 units in a nonbrokered private placement of 10-million units at C$0.20 an unit. This will increase Nordgold’s interest to 9.99% on a nondiluted basis and 11.22% when accounting for the effect of exercising Nordgold warrants.


BC Supreme Court approves Pan American’s acquisition of Tahoe Resources

TSX- and NYSE-listed Tahoe Resources on Friday reported that the Supreme Court of British Columbia had approved the proposed transaction whereby Pan American Silver Corporation intends to acquire all of Tahoe’s shares. Both companies’ shareholders have approved the transaction, which is set to be completed on or around February 26, once the Mexican Federal Economic Competition Commission has given its stamp of approval.


Coal mine collapse in China's Shaanxi kills 21 - People's Daily

A coal mine roof collapse in northwest China's Shaanxi province killed 21 miners on Saturday, the state-run People's Daily reported on Sunday. The accident is the deadliest reported so far this year in China's coal industry, known for its poor safety record.


Thalanga hits records in Dec quarter

ASX-listed Red River Resources has reported a record quarterly production at its Thalanga operation, in Queensland. Some 96 000 t of ore was recovered during the quarter, delivering record 7 695 t of zinc concentrate, 3 007 t of lead concentrate and 725 t of copper concentrate.

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

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Новости России

Пять вопросов о финансах современных школьников

В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии провели встречу со студентами финансового университета

Разгромившего могилу Александра Маслякова вандала задержали

Росгвардия обеспечила безопасность футбольного матча в Дагестане


Центр восточной медицины в Петербурге


В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии провели встречу со студентами финансового университета

Росгвардия обеспечила безопасность футбольного матча в Дагестане

Росгвардия обеспечила правопорядок на футбольном матче «ЦСКА» - «Краснодар» в Москве

Родители 317,2 тыс. детей в Московской области получают единое пособие


Собянин рассказал о росте популярности волонтерского движения

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Музыкальные новости


Пианиста Луку Сафронова выволокли из такси бизнес-класса в Петербурге

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«Дуэль испанских тренеров». Сегодня ФК «Оренбург» в гостях сыграет с ФК «Химки» (Московская область)

Сборная РФ завоевала 6 золотых медалей на международной олимпиаде по астрономии

«Спартак» одерживает волевую победу над «Динамо» после 1-го тайма: видео голов


Россиянин Алибек Качмазов вышел в основную сетку турнира ATP-250 в Чэнду

Новости Крыма на Sevpoisk.ru


В Госдуме призвали МВД проверить Кашпировского после новых сеансов

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России