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Новости за 25.01.2019


Barrick CEO on Zambia tax dispute: Threats don't solve problems

Barrick Gold’s new CEO, Mark Bristow, said his company is seeking solutions to a dispute over mining taxes in Zambia. “We’re engaged with the government in a constructive way,” he told reporters at a press conference in the Ivory Coast’s economic capital, Abidjan. “We don’t believe that threatening one’s partner is a constructive way to go about solving problems.”


Europa Metals streamlines listings

European lead/zinc explorer Europa Metals has submitted a formal application to be removed from the official list of the ASX and plans to move its main listing from Johannesburg to London. Further, the company also applied to move from the main board of the JSE to the AltX. As a result, its primary listing is expected to become the Aim market operated by London Stock Exchange.


MC Mining mitigates Uitkomst challenges, focuses on developing new projects

Despite having experienced a challenging quarter ended December 31 – the company’s second quarter of the 2019 financial year – ASX-, Aim- and JSE-listed MC Mining remains positive about the prospects for the full year. The company reported decreased run-of-mine (ROM) production from its Uitkomst colliery, at 112 562 t, compared with the 140 501 t produced in the second quarter of the 2018 financial year, owing to continued equipment availability issues, incorporating the staff of its former mining... Читать дальше...


Ivanhoe welcomes new DRC President Felix Tshisekedi

TSX-listed Ivanhoe Mines on Thursday welcomed the inauguration of Felix Tshisekedi as President of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). “On behalf of everyone at Ivanhoe, we congratulate Tshisekedi and we salute the people of [the] DRC for their insistence on a peaceful and democratic transfer of power,” said executive co-chairperson Robert Friedland.


Barrick’s Tongon mine meets production guidance despite strikes in 2018

NYSE- and TSX-listed Barrick Gold managed to return its Tongon mine, in Côte d'lvoire, to normal operation in the last quarter of 2018 and achieve its revised production target of 230 000 oz. This followed nine months of intermittent production at the mine, caused by illegal strikes and social unrest.


Competition Appeal Court to hold Sibanye, Lonmin merger hearing on April 2

JSE- and NYSE-listed Sibanye-Stillwater on Friday announced that the Competition Appeal Court of South Africa had set April 2 as the date to hear the appeal filed by the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (AMCU) against Sibanye’s planned takeover of LSE- and JSE-listed Lonmin. AMCU’s appeal, filed in December, is against the Competition Tribunal’s approval of the takeover, which as announced in November.


Endeavour Silver forecasts lower production in 2019

Precious metals miner Endeavour Silver expects its consolidated silver and gold production for 2019 to be about 10% lower than in 2018. This is according to the company’s 2019 production and cost guidance for its four silver/gold mines in Mexico; the Guanacevi mine in Durango state, the Bolanitos and El Cubo mines in Guanajuato state and the El Compas mine now being commissioned in Zacatecas state.


Orion inks new bridge loan facility

Dual-listed Orion Minerals has secured a new A$3.6-million bridge loan facility from financier Tembo Capital Mining Find to progress the bankable feasibility study of its Prieska zinc/copper project, in South Africa. The loan facility will be made available in two tranches, with the first instalment of A$0.6-million to repay all the amounts owing under the current bridge loan. The facility’s interest will be capitalsed at 12% a year, accrued daily on the amount drawn down.


Colombia extends Drummond contract on coal mine for 20 years

Colombia has extended coal miner Drummond's license to operate its La Loma mine for an additional 20 years, the national mining agency said on Thursday. The contract at the mine, located in northeastern Cesar province, will generate at least $586-million in royalties, income and social project investment during its lifetime, the agency said in a statement on its website.


Chile strikes deal with lithium miner Albemarle in contract dispute

Chile State development agency Corfo said on Thursday it had reached a deal with the world's top lithium miner, Albemarle, to resolve a contract dispute and would not file a previously threatened arbitration lawsuit against the US-based producer. The spat centered around an amendment to the contract that requires Albemarle to provide as much as 25% of its annual production of lithium at a discount to companies seeking to produce battery metals within Chile.


MMG reports mixed bag

Base metals miner MMG has reported a mixed bag of results during the fourth quarter ended December, with copper and copper cathode production down, while zinc production increased by 200% and lead production by 48% on the previous quarter. MMG on Friday announced that copper cathode production for the three months to December had declined by 9%, to 18 463 t, while copper production was down 8% to 112 274 t.


Sconi given ‘prescribed project’ status

The Queensland government on Friday declared the proposed A$1.4-billion Sconi cobalt/nickel/scandium project as a prescribed project. Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said the project would deliver much-needed jobs for the region and make significant contributions to the local economy.


Guyana Goldfields appoints COO

Canada-based midtier gold producer Guyana Goldfields has appointed Suresh Kalathill, the former general manager of Iamgold’s Rosebel gold mine, as senior VP and COO, effective March 1. Kalathil is a mining engineer with more than 25 years' experience working in openpit and underground operations and major projects around the world.


Calibre consolidates Siuna ownership

TSX-V-listed Calibre Mining has agreed to buy project partner Centerra Gold’s 51% interest in the Siuna gold/silver/copper property in north-eastern Nicaragua, giving it full ownership of the Cerro Aeropuerto gold/silver deposit, the past producing La Luz mine and numerous exploration targets. Calibre will purchase Centerra’s interest in the 253 km2 Siuna for two-million common shares and a 2% net smelter return royalty on production from the property.


Firm to exhibit mining related expertise at Indaba

Long-time attendee and exhibitor at the Investment in African Mining Indaba engineering consultancy firm SRK Consulting will showcase the full range of its mining-related expertise and solutions at this year’s Indaba. “SRK will once again exhibit at the 2019 Indaba, having exhibited at all the previous African Mining Indaba events,” states SRK partner and principal consultant Andrew van Zyl. A team of senior SRK professionals from a number of the company’s global offices will attend, he adds.


Digital technology to be showcased

Digital mining technology is the name of the game as the African mining industry moves toward ever greater efficiency to optimise production within deep and narrow reefs, according to digital mining technology provider Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology. The mining industry and visitors to this year’s Investing in African Mining Indaba can get first-hand information by speaking to Sandvik experts at the event.  Sandvik states that it views the event as an important interface between suppliers and customers.


New data management solution to be exhibited

Mining software solutions specialist MICROMINE will exhibit its new data management solution, the Geobank 2019, at this year’s Investing in African Mining Indaba.  “Geobank 2019 has thus far been a closely guarded secret, but it will be available for delegates coming to our booth at this year’s Indaba.”


Company expansion and rebranding

Global provider of temporary power services Altaaqa Global Caterpillar Rental Power has recently announced a major rebranding. The company will from now be known as Altaaqa Global Energy Services. Altaaqa Global Energy Services CEO James Shepherd tells Mining Weekly that, “the global energy landscape has changed, and so are the requirements of the sectors the company serves, like mining, manufacturing, cement and utilities. In order to cater to their demands, and reflect the change in the company business proposition... Читать дальше...


Energy security in Africa remains a concern

Amid a continued lack of access to stable and reliable energy sources in Africa – which are critical in supporting energy intensive mining operations – Zest WEG Group, subsidiary of leading equipment manufacturer WEG, expects the provision of secure energy for the African mining industry to be a topic of great importance at this year’s Investing in African Mining Indaba. Zest WEG Group integrated solutions executive Alastair Gerrard says company representatives will attend the Indaba, with the company... Читать дальше...


Company rebranding to be showcased

JSE-listed infrastructure group Aveng has begun to consolidate its opencut contracting entity Aveng Moolmans and its shaft sinking and underground business Aveng Shafts & Underground into a unified brand, which will be known as Moolmans. Aveng Mining operating group MD Stuart White tells Mining Weekly that this year’s Investing in African Mining Indaba presents the perfect opportunity for the company New to capitalise on its newly implemented rebranding strategy. The company will exhibit under... Читать дальше...


Angola’s 2018 diamond production exceeded forecast

Angola produced a total of 9.43-million carats of diamonds last year, which brought in revenues of $1.2-billion. These figures were reported to the Angolan news agency Angop by Endiama President Ganga Júnior. Ediama stands for Empresa Nacional de Prospecção , Exploração, Lapidação e Comercialização de Diamantes de Angola (the National Company for the Prospecting, Mining, Polishing and Commercialisation of Diamonds of Angola). It is the country’s State-owned diamond mining company.


Metso technology incorporated into Pilot Modular crushing, screening products

Crushing and screening company Pilot Crushtec International’s award-winning Pilot Modular range of semi-mobile crushing and screening products will now feature Metso crushing and screening equipment as a standard, Pilot Crushtec CEO Sandro Scherf, said in a statement released last month. Metso equipment has been integrated with the Pilot Modular range’s supporting structures designed and built at the Jet Park manufacturing facility.


Step change for Indaba

The twenty-fifth anniversary of the annual Investing in African Mining Indaba will have a major focus on how growth in Africa and African mining can be supported and achieved, says event organiser Mining Indaba content director Harry Chapman. The theme of this year’s event is Championing Africa’s Sustainable Economic Growth, and it will be held at the Cape Town International Convention Centre from February 4 to 7.


Indaba celebrates silver anniversary, reaffirms commitment to Africa

The 2019 Investing in African Mining Indaba – to be held at the Cape Town International Convention Centre from February 4 to 7 – will be the twenty-fifth iteration of the event, with the “world’s largest mining conference” having reached this milestone being testimony to its relevance and value, says Minerals Council South Africa spokesperson Charmane Russell. The event has grown from just under 400 attendees and one South African Parliament representative in 1994 to a platform that typically attracts a minimum of 4 000 people... Читать дальше...


Exxaro will present coal investment proposition at Indaba

South African coal and heavy minerals mining company Exxaro Resources will present its coal investment proposition at this year’s Investing in African Mining Indaba. On February 5, Exxaro representatives will present on the main stage at the twenty-fifth annual Investing in African Mining Indaba.

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Росгвардия обеспечила безопасность футбольного матча в Дагестане

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АО “Желдорреммаш” реализует проекты по развитию кадрового резерва компании

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Собянин: Москвичи завоевали золото на международной астрономической олимпиаде

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