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Новости за 09.08.2019


Top copper miner Codelco raises debt after saying it wouldn't

The world’s largest copper miner is selling bonds, taking out loans and selling non-structural assets to secure funding for its multibillion-dollar upgrade projects only four months after saying it didn’t need to raise money this year or next. Codelco agreed to borrow $300-million and sold two bonds for a combined $180-million of funding, the state-owned company said in a statement dated Thursday to Chile’s securities regulator CMF. Earlier this week, it sold a 37% stake in natural gas port terminal... Читать дальше...


One coal CEO sees writing on wall, says make money while you can

Most chief executive officers paint a rosy picture when they talk about their companies’ prospects. Not Guillermo Fonseca. The CEO of Colombian coal giant Cerrejon – jointly owned by BHP Group, Glencore and Anglo American – isn’t sugar-coating anything. The industry, he says, is in terminal decline, and the company is suffering. Prices slumped, a drought hampered operations, and his mine is on the wrong side of the Panama canal.


Rio Tinto CEO defends miner as 'cash machine' amid stock retreat

As plummeting iron-ore prices weighed on Rio Tinto Group’s stock for a seventh-straight trading day, CEO Jean-Sebastien Jacques defended the miner as a “cash machine” that will keep rewarding shareholders. “We have a cash machine,” the CEO said Thursday in an interview on Bloomberg TV. The “strong quality of the asset portfolio will generate cash no matter where we are in the cycle.”


ACCC raises red flag for Cougar/Bis deal

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has raised concerns around the proposed acquisition of mining services provider Cougar Mining by Bis Industries Holdings. Both Cougar and Bis provide support services to the coal mining industry, including the hiring out of underground longwall relocation equipment and other specialised mining equipment.


EPA urges comment for greenhouse gas guidelines

The Western Australian Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has again urged for public comment as the deadline for submissions to its greenhouse gas assessment guideline looms. EPA chairperson Tom Hatton on Friday said that the EPA wanted to hear from as many interested stakeholders and community members as possible on the development of its greenhose gas assessment guidance before the close of the submission period on September 2.


Valves division revamped to boost mining visibility

The South African division of global manufacturer KSB Pumps and Valves has embarked on a modernisation programme and revamp of its valves division to reassert its capabilities in the mining sector, and other market sectors, in South Africa and sub-Saharan Africa. The updated valves division will encompass manufacture, sales, service, refurbishing and research and development, as part of the company’s strategy to offer the full package to its valves clients.


Company obtains certification for valves

Specialist valve manufacturer AVK Southern Africa has been awarded certification according to the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) 2014/68/EU-Module H for the manufacturing of two of its valves. The directive regulates the manufacture of pressure equipment, including steam boilers, pressure vessels, piping, safety valves and other pipeline accessories and assemblies subject to pressure loading.


New ventures to boost flow offerings

The combination of Metso’s minerals business with technology company Outotec and the creation of an independent listed company for Metso’s flow control business, which was announced last month, is considered a good opportunity to seize further growth opportunities in flow control. Notably, Metso’s flow control segment, which consists of valves and related services, represented almost a quarter – about 23% – of Metso’s total sales of nearly €3.2-billion in 2018.


Trash pumps suitable for water transfer

Industrial equipment supplier Australian Pumps Industries highlights industry experts’ recommendations that heavy duty wet prime trash pumps be used in the transfer of site tailings water, silt, as well as slurries. This is owing to the pumps’ wide open impellers, non-clog design, and suitability for handling even sand- and silt-laden water without becoming blocked.


Infill drilling confirms resource robustness

Gold-focused exploration and development company Cardinal Resources’ close spaced infill drill pattern has showed the continued presence of mineralised zones within the infill drilling area of the company’s flagship Namdini gold project, in Ghana. The positive results were from the selected area within the proposed starter pit that encompasses the first two to three years of production at the mine. The infill drill programme further displays the robust nature of the company’s current mineral resource... Читать дальше...


Gruyere gold project delivers first gold pour

Australian gold miner Gold Road Resources’ Gruyere gold project in the eastern Yilgran in Western Australia delivered its first gold pour from the carbon-in-leach (CIL) circuit in the June quarter of this year, containing 1 138 oz of gold. This milestone, which was achieved safely and in line with the final forecast capital cost estimate of $621-million, elevates Gold Road to the ranks of Australian Security Exchange-listed gold producers and comes less than six years since the Gruyere deposit was discovered, Gold Road states.


Australian miner receives funding for Guinea bauxite drilling programme

Australian mineral exploration company Lindian Resources has received binding commitments in a placement to investors to raise up to $1.3-million for the company’s inaugural drilling programme at the Gaoual bauxite project, in Guinea. The $1.3-million raised, which includes $200 000 from Lindian Resources chairperson Asimwe Kabunga, will be subject to shareholder approval at the company’s upcoming shareholder meeting, the company noted in a press statement.


Further gold mineralisation confirmed at Australian gold mine

London-based precious and base metals exploration and development company Greatland Gold confirms the presence of mineralisation over several kilometres of strike at the company’s fully owned Panorama gold project, in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Field reconnaissance activities, which started in late June and are focussed on Archean lode style gold mineralisation, have located several gold nuggets in thin soil over several hundred metres of strike. This confirms the presence of gold mineralisation along the mineralised zone... Читать дальше...


Australian mining, automation important for company’s growth

The strong and sustainable state of the Australian mining market, as well as the increasing prevalence of automation in mining operations and processes, is contributing to consistent business and involvement for global mining technology and workforce optimisation firm Immersive Technologies. Australia’s strong mining performances stem from strong commodity prices, the exploration of new technologies associated with automation and several years of increased demand, says Immersive Technologies regional VP Australia Pacific Greg Karadjian.


Coal miner improves exploration capability with Geobank system

Mining software solutions provider MICROMINE’s geological data management system, Geobank, has increased its presence in Australia’s coal mining sector by securing a contract with Australian coal miner Whitehaven Coal. This contract comes as global demand for Australian coal continues to increase.


Australian presence in Africa allows company to strengthen footprint

The strong presence of Australian mining companies active in Africa has enabled power generation equipment manufacturer and energy services provider HIMOINSA to strengthen its focus on the African mining sector. “Australian companies have been active on the continent, but we’re seeing a strong resurgence of them in Africa, either directly as mine owners or otherwise, so we work with a lot of these mine contractors in Africa,” says HIMOINSA Southern Africa MD Martin Foster.


Airborne tech allows for deep geological exploration in Australia

Continuous development and improvement in airborne geophysics technology provider Spectrem Air’s geophysical survey technology makes the company’s SPECTREM plus system platform ideal for exploration and mapping of deep geology in difficult conditions in Australia, says Spectrem Air GM Louis Polomé. “An upgrade in the platform’s power system and changes in sensor design make SPECTREM plus a leader in airborne geophysical surveys and the system is now achieving increased depth of penetration and better... Читать дальше...


Prospects for high-grade and shallow mines luring Australian investors to Africa

While the growth in global commodity prices has unequivocally driven economic growth in Africa, several African countries still lag behind, despite an abundance of mineral resources. A recent report by British banking and financial services company HSBC revealed that for 35 of the 48 African countries, commodities accounted for more than 80% of exports.


New Australian office to roll out mineral sample optimiser

Mineral analyser equipment provider Blue Cube Systems will open a new office in Perth, Australia, in the third quarter of this year to roll out its new Blue Cube Sample Optimiser system on the continent. This system will be used in conjunction with Blue Cube’s sampling cabinet for the company’s MQi slurry analysers.


Exploration company seeks to develop heavy mineral sands portfolio

Owing to strong prices for mineral sands, Australian exploration company Broken Hill Prospecting has been actively promoting and seeking partners to assist in the development of the company’s Murray basin heavy mineral sands (HMS) portfolio. The company has secured extensive tenements in the last few years within the Murray basin HMS region of New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia.

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