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Новости за 27.01.2022


Emmerson awards Reminex basic engineering contract outside mineral processing facility

Morocco-focused potash developer Emmerson has awarded the balance of the basic engineering scope of the Khemisset potash project, outside of the mineral processing facility, to Reminex – the engineering arm of Moroccan mining company Managem Group. This follows Emmerson awarding the basic engineering package for the mineral processing facility to Barr Engineering in November 2021, with the balance of the basic engineering scope to Reminex proceeding a thorough pre-qualification, competitive tender and negotiation process.


Paladin reiterates confidence in Langer Heinrich mine

ASX-listed Paladin Energy’s technical programmes to restart work at the Langer Heinrich mine, in Namibia, are now complete and have reinforced its confidence in the mine as a robust, competitive and long-life operation that is ready to rapidly restart production in the right uranium price environment. The Langer Heinrich Mine Restart Plan Update has confirmed the restart cost estimate of $81-million and a 17-year mine life supported by ore reserves of 84.8-million tonnes.


Aura advances towards net-zero emission uranium production at Tiris

Aim-listed Aura Energy continues to advance towards net-zero emission uranium production at the Tiris uranium project, in Mauritania, with an initial study of Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions undertaken by consulting group Wood Group now complete, clearly defining a net-zero emission pathway for the project. Total baseline GHG emissions from the Tiris definitive feasibility study (DFS) were calculated at 16 600 t of carbon dioxide equivalent a year, representing about 0.15% of the total GHG emissions of Mauritania yearly.


Speed up solar, wind and storage developments – Easton

A speeded up solar, wind and storage (SWS) approach is needed to advance South Africa’s decarbonised energy situation and take the country into a cleaner, greener future. Also, steps need to be taken to allow the delayed Tubatse pumped storage scheme to go ahead as an independent power producer (IPP) project.


Lucapa records strong 2021 performance

ASX-listed Lucapa Diamond Company recorded a year of operational growth and consolidation in 2021, with record operational and financial performances, MD Stephen Wetherall said in a quarterly activities report for the period ended December 31. “The commissioning of the standalone kimberlite bulk sample plant at Lulo [in Angola] towards the end of [the first quarter of this year], will see kimberlite bulk samples being processed without hindrance going forward as there will be no reliance on the alluvial... Читать дальше...


Mining majors included in Bloomberg 2022 Gender Equality Index

Major mining companies AngloGold Ashanti, Sibanye-Stillwater, Exxaro Resources, Gold Fields, Impala Platinum, Anglo American Platinum (Amplats), Kumba Iron Ore, Harmony Gold and Newmont have all been included in software and media company Bloomberg’s 2022 Gender Equality Index (GEI). The companies are among 418 companies from across 45 countries included in this year’s index. Companies included in the unranked GEI operate in a variety of industries. Only nine South African companies made the cut.


De Beers raises output as demand strengthens

Diamond miner De Beers increased its rough diamond production by 15% year-on-year to 7.7-million carats for the fourth quarter of 2021, reflecting planned higher production to meet strengthening levels of demand. Production from its Botswana operations increased by 23% to 5.2-million carats for the quarter. This was primarily as a result of the planned treatment of higher-grade ore at Jwaneng, partly offset by lower production at Orapa owing to the planned closure of Plant 1 in late 2020.


Indonesia has cleared 171 miners to resume coal exports, more being assessed - official

Indonesia has allowed 171 miners to restart coal exports since a ban was imposed at New Year to secure domestic supply, while the compliance of hundreds more miners is still being assessed, an advisor to the energy minister said on Thursday. The world's biggest thermal coal exporter shocked global markets by abruptly announcing the month-long suspension due to the failure of local miners to meet quotas for supplies to the domestic market.


Anglo increases copper guidance for 2022 as Peru mine comes online

Global miner Anglo American says its production for the fourth quarter of 2021 was flat compared with output in the fourth quarter of 2020. CEO Mark Cutifani noted on January 27 that operating levels across the group had been at about 95% of normal capacity throughout 2021 as a result of Covid-19-related effects.


Teck’s Elk Valley to deploy zero-emission trucks

Canadian diversified miner Teck Resources will deploy 30 Caterpillar zero-emission trucks at its Elk Valley steelmaking coal operations, in British Columbia, as part of a multi-phase approach to decarbonise its vehicle fleet. The 30-strong fleet, which would include Cat 794 ultra-class trucks, would begin operating at Elk Valley in 2027, the mining company said on Wednesday.


Artemis raises cash for UK listing

Junior Artemis Resources will raise A$9.5-million in a share placement to institutional and sophisticated investors to fund its dual listing on the Aim, in London. The company on Thursday said that it would place more than 133.33-million shares, at a price of 7.1c each.


Fresnillo cuts 2022 guidance as omicron worsens staffing challenges

Mexico-focused precious metals miner Fresnillo has lowered its production expectations for the year, as the highly contagious omicron variant has worsened ongoing operational challenges relating to its labour force. The fourth wave of Covid has resulted in higher staff absenteeism, starting in the second week of December. The London-listed company says the situation is expected to continue throughout the first quarter.


Politics are turning against copper miners, Freeport-McMoRan says

The task of ramping up copper supply to meet growing demand in the clean-energy transition is getting harder as societies and communities resist new mines and politicians seek a bigger share of the profit, said Freeport-McMoRan boss Richard Adkerson. While the outlook for copper is getting better and better as the world tries to wean itself off fossil fuels, the supply side’s ability to churn out more is being constrained by difficulties in gaining social licenses to operate, said Adkerson, the... Читать дальше...


Chile's Constitution drafters want to annul mining concessions in indigenous lands

A proposal to suspend mining and forestry concessions that infringe on indigenous territories in Chile was approved in the first instance by an environmental committee as part of the drafting of a new constitution. The motion is shaping as the first flash-point between a society looking to enshrine environmental and social issues in the magna carta and industries struggling to meet rising demand for the building blocks of a cleaner economy. Members of the committee voted 13 in favour and four against... Читать дальше...


Vale accuses Steinmetz of 'elaborate' fraud in $2.5bn deal

More than a decade after Vale  agreed to pay Beny Steinmetz $2.5-billion for a chunk of the world’s biggest iron-ore deposit, the pair are about to lock horns in a London court with the Brazilian mining giant accusing the Israeli billionaire of an “elaborate” fraud. Steinmetz and five other associates linked to his company BSGR agreed contracts handing Vale mining rights to the Guinea’s Simandou mine that they knew were secured by bribes, argue lawyers for Vale. Those bribes included payments of... Читать дальше...


Rising copper prices boost Freeport-McMoRan profit

Copper miner Freeport-McMoRan on Wednesday reported a 56% jump in quarterly profit that matched expectations as supply concerns and the global economic recovery from the pandemic drove up prices of the red metal. Prices of copper, considered to be an economic bellwether, rose by a quarter last year and are expected to continue their positive momentum in 2022 due to the metal's central role in the energy transition.


Poseidon provides costing for Lake Johnston

Nickel developer Poseidon Nickel on Thursday said that the refurbishment of its Lake Johnston processing circuit, in Western Australia, has been estimated at around A$31-million. A scoping study into the project has also estimated that the operating costs for the process facility is estimated at approximately $36 per tonne based on a throughput rate of 0.9 million tonnes a year.


Biden administration kills Antofagasta's Minnesota copper project

The US Department of the Interior canceled two mineral leases for Antofagasta's proposed Twin Metals copper and nickel mine in Minnesota on Wednesday, effectively killing the project and handing a major win to environmentalists. The decision shows President Joe Biden's administration is increasingly comfortable prioritizing domestic conservation efforts even as demand for minerals used to build electric vehicles rises amid efforts to combat climate change. The leases for the proposed mine in northern... Читать дальше...


Western Areas ups production in Dec quarter

Nickel miner Western Areas has reported an increase in production for the December quarter as the development of its Odysseus mine continued to ramp up, following first production in October. Nickel mined during the quarter increased from the 3 741 t mined in the September quarter, to 4 200 t, while nickel-in-concentrate production increased from 3 804 t to 4 025 t in the same period.


Palladium soars as Russia tension sparks investor rush for metal

Palladium soared to the highest in four months, with traders looking to secure supplies amid growing tensions over Ukraine as Russia, the top metal producer, amassed troops near the border. The metal that’s mostly used in catalytic converters rose as much 8.3% on Wednesday, extending this year’s rally to almost 25%. Tensions between Russia and the West over Ukraine have heightened concerns supplies may be disrupted, according to Henrik Marx, global head of trading at Heraeus Metals Germany GmbH & Co.


Aurelia moving ahead with Great Cobar

A prefeasibility study (PFS) into the Great Cobar base metal and gold deposit, in New South Wales, has estimated that the project could produce some 47 000 t of copper and 61 000 oz of gold over an initial five-year mine life. ASX-listed Aurelia Metals on Thursday reported that the PFS estimated a pre-production capital expenditure of some A$35-million to bring the project into production, with life-of-mine capital expenditure estimated at A$50-million.


Oz Minerals ticks production boxes for 2021

Copper/gold miner Oz Minerals has hit its production targets for the 2021 financial year, following a strong December quarter. The miner on Thursday revealed that 125 486 t of copper was produced in the full year, in line with the guidance of between 120 000 t and 145 000 t of copper, while gold production for the full year amounted to 237 263 oz, in line with the guidance of between 220 000 oz and 243 000 oz.


UK Court backs BHP's restructure plans

The UK Court has sanctioned diversified miner BHP’s unification scheme of arrangement, meaning the company’s simplification plans would become effective on January 28, when the UK Court Order will be delivered to the UK Registrar of Companies. BHP shareholders earlier this month voted on the corporate restructure to unify the company under its existing Australian parent company.

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Полиция задержала в Курганской области подозреваемого в двойном убийстве

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Родители 317,2 тыс. детей в Московской области получают единое пособие

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