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Новости за 09.05.2022


Open letter to Mantashe bemoans lack of SLP enforcement

In an open letter to Mineral Resources and Energy Minister Gwede Mantashe, the Sekhukhune Combined Mining-Affected Communities (SCMAC), the Centre for Applied Legal Studies (CALS) and Amnesty International South Africa (AISA) raised concerns about the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy’s (DMRE’s) failure to hold three mining companies accountable for their noncompliance with aspects of their social and labour plans (SLP) obligations, resulting in human rights violations including the rights to access healthcare... Читать дальше...


Dirty to clean, USP&E bridges the energy transition gap

The mining industry has always struggled with its image as being a dirty industry, especially considering that it is  responsible for between 4% and 7% of global greenhouse gas emissions, according to Renewable Now. In advancing commitments to reducing carbon emissions by 2050, a growing number of renewable energy-focused small power plants are entering into the national grid system.


Ivanhoe advances underground mine development at Platreef

TSX-listed Ivanhoe Mines has announced the completion of the Shaft 1 production changeover at the company’s Platreef platinum group metals (PGMs) and copper project in South Africa’s Bushveld Complex. Shaft 1 will serve at Platreef’s initial production shaft and is about 450 m from the first high-grade area of the Phase 1, Flatreef orebody.


Wärtsilä tech ensures increased efficiency, reliability

In leading the transition towards a decarbonized and 100% renewable energy future, innovative technology leader Wärtsilä Energy assists its customers by developing market-leading technologies, which include the likes of future-fuel enabled flexible power plants and hybrid solutions, or even energy storage and optimization technology. This, the company explains, ensures increased efficiency, reliability, and guaranteed performance, which has assisted Wärtsilä in remaining a “provider of choice” to several mining companies globally.


Zambian President calls on African leaders to act, not talk, regarding economic development

Zambian President Hakainde Hichilema has called for African countries to exploit their resources “properly, strategically and cleverly”. He was delivering a keynote address at the first day of the Mining Indaba 2022 conference in Cape Town, on Monday. “This calls for deliberate efforts on the part of us, the African leaders, to ensure the sustainable development of our resources,” he stressed. No longer was it good enough to talk about the potential of Africa. “We want to realise that potential …... Читать дальше...


IDC eager to finance clean mining

As part of its drive to be a key player in South Africa’s just energy transition, the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) is open for networking at this year’s Investing in African Mining Indaba, which is a physical event this year, and being held in Cape Town, from May 9 to 12. The corporation is looking to partner with mining entities looking to transition to clean mining, as well as those interested in adopting renewable energy.


Akobo reaches agreement for gold processing plant delivery

Scandinavian gold exploration and mining company Akobo Minerals has reached an agreement with South African engineering company Solo Resources for the delivery of a processing plant for gold production at the Segele mine, in Ethiopia. The commissioning of the plant is expected to start by end of the first quarter of 2023.


Indonesian president plans to meet Elon Musk over nickel - Minister

Indonesian President Joko Widodo is planning to meet Elon Musk during an upcoming US visit, a Minister said on Monday, as the Southeast Asian country seeks to accelerate development of its nickel industry to supply batteries for electric vehicles. Representatives of Musk's EV maker Tesla were currently in Indonesia and due to visit the nickel production hub of Morawali on Sulawesi island, Coordinating Minister of Investment and Maritime Affairs Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said. "They will visit Morowali...... Читать дальше...


South Africa’s mine production value exceeded R1tr for the first time in 2021

South Africa’s mineral production achieved record values in 2021, exceeding R1-trillion for the first time, buoyed by strong commodity prices and giving the domestic economy a vital injection of higher taxes, wages and increased employment. This is according to industry body the Minerals Council South Africa’s ‘Facts and Figures 2021’, a yearly publication that provides in-depth data and insights into the status and performance of the mining industry and its contribution to the economy.


First Quantum approves $1.35bn capex for Kansanshi expansion, Enterprise projects

TSX-listed First Quantum Minerals’ board of directors has given the go-ahead for the immediate roll-out of two projects in Zambia – the S3 expansion at its Kansanshi copper/gold mine, as well as the roll-out of the Enterprise nickel project. “First Quantum has been working constructively with the government of Zambia’s New Dawn administration as part of their efforts to reform the mining sector, attract investment and increase Zambia’s copper production.


Tendele takes remedial action on mining right ‘irregularities’

Tendele Coal Mining (TCM) had vowed to conduct a comprehensive public participation process and had already compiled 27 additional specialist studies addressing some intended additional mining operations at the Somkhele mine, in KwaZulu-Natal. This follows after the Pretoria High Court ruled in favour of TCM keeping its mining right and environmental management programme (EMPr) in place.


Imperial working to restart BC copper mines

TSX-listed Imperial Metals is preparing to restart milling operations at its Mount Polley copper and gold mine, in British Columbia, after three years of being on care-and-maintenance. Work to re-open the mine began late last year, with mining operations having resumed in November. About 4.5-million tonnes have been stockpiled for milling, which Imperial says will get under way this quarter.


Orion Minerals a step closer to funding and refining

Dual listed copper developer Orion Minerals has entered into a non-binding term sheet for $87-million in funding to advance the development of its Prieska copper/zinc mine, in South Africa, and has secured an exclusivity agreement to develop a specialist battery product refining facility in the Northern Cape. The ASX- and JSE-listed company on Monday announced that it had negotiated the potential funding package with Canadian streaming and royalty finance company Triple Flag Precious Metals, and... Читать дальше...


Customers gain from Kwatani-Sandvik tie-up

Both local and foreign customers – as well as mineral processing original-equipment manufacturers (OEMs) looking for specialised solutions – are set to benefit from the recent acquisition of vibrating screen specialist Kwatani by global multinational Sandvik. The deal highlights South Africa’s world class nodes of excellence in the engineering sector, notes Kwatani CEO Kim Schoepflin, who says the Sandvik collaboration is a milestone for local industry. It also contributes significantly to government’s industrialisation strategy... Читать дальше...


Aurelia gets go-ahead for Great Cobar

The New South Wales government has given gold miner Aurelia Metals regulatory approval to extend the life of its Peak gold and base metals operations until 2035, issuing the company with development consent for the New Cobar complex. The approval allows for the establishment of an underground mine at the Great Cobar copper/gold deposit.


Mincore ore processed through Kambalda

Mining major BHP’s Nickel West division has processed the first ore from ASX-listed Mincor Resources’ Kambalda operations through its Kambalda nickel concentrator, in Western Australia. The milestone would see Mincor deliver on its previous target of achieving first nickel concentrate production in the June quarter of this year, with first cash flow from the concentrates expected in June.


Rio produces first scandium oxide in North America

Diversified miner Rio Tinto has produced its first tach of high purity scandium oxide at its North American operations. Rio Tinto Fer et Titane (RTFT) produced the high purity scandium oxide at its commercial scale demonstration plant in Sorel-Tracy, following the completion of commissioning activities. The company is now focusing on production ramp up to bring the plant to its nameplate capacity of 3 t/y of scandium oxide, representing approximately 20% of the global market.


Vedanta offers Zambia investment commitments if handed back KCM

Vedanta Resources has offered to step up investment in Zambia's Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) and implement several social responsibility programmes if it resumes control of the local firm, a company letter sent to the government showed. Zambia's previous government put KCM into the hands of liquidator Milingo Lungu in May 2019, triggering an ongoing legal dispute with Vedanta Resources, KCM's parent company.


Global scramble for metals thrusts Africa into mining spotlight

The need to secure new sources of metals for the energy transition amid sanctions on top producer Russia has increased the Africa risk appetite for major miners, who have few alternatives to the resource-rich continent. Companies and investors are considering projects they may have previously overlooked, while governments are also looking to Africa, anxious to ensure their countries can procure enough metals to feed an accelerating net-zero push.


Gangs stealing cables miles underground torment South African platinum mines

South African miners are battling a growing threat miles underground in the world’s deepest platinum shafts: Gangs stealing copper cables and disrupting operations. Enticed by high copper prices, thieves are sneaking in, descending deep underground and setting up camp among vast networks of tunnels to strip metal from power cables. The country’s platinum giants are struggling to contain the syndicates of trespassers known as “zama zamas” — a Zulu name that means “take a chance.”

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Росгвардия обеспечила правопорядок на футбольном матче «ЦСКА» - «Краснодар» в Москве

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Росгвардия обеспечила безопасность футбольного матча в Дагестане


Сергей Собянин рассказал о новых резидентах ОЭЗ «Технополис Москва»

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Сергей Собянин рассказал о новых резидентах ОЭЗ «Технополис Москва»

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