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Новости за 13.05.2022


Bauba reports R52.3m loss for eight-month period

JSE-listed Bauba Resources has reported total comprehensive losses of R52.3-million for the eight-month period ended February 28, compared with a loss of R31.4-million in the previous financial year. With effect from January 29, Bauba changed its financial year-end from June 30 to February 28 to better correspond with the year-end of controlling shareholder Raubex Group.


De Beers in talks with Musina municipality to resolve water issues for the community

Following protests over water shortages in Musina, Limpopo, over the past few days, a meeting was convened between the Musina local municipality, the Vhembe district municipality and diamond miner De Beers’ Venetia mine to find ways to assist the municipalities in efficiently and safely resolving the issue. In a statement issued by the mining company on May 13, it said that, while the provision of water is the responsibility of the municipality, the Venetia mine has always been committed to working... Читать дальше...


Copper wavers near $9 000 after fear-filled week for metals

Copper steadied and aluminum rose after a turbulent week for metals dominated by growing concerns over the state of the global economy. While metals markets were calmer Friday, prices have endured a dismal few days on fears about monetary tightening as well as demand from top consumer China. Copper -- often seen as an economic bellwether -- is heading for its sixth weekly decline in London.


Appeals court also blocks proposed Arizona copper mine

The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on Thursday declined to overturn a 2019 decision that blocked the development of Hudbay Minerals’ planned Rosemont openpit copper mine, in Arizona. In a split decision, the court agreed with the District Court of Arizona’s ruling that the US Forest Service relied on incorrect assumptions regarding its legal authority and the validity of Rosemont’s unpatented mining claims in the issuance of the final environmental impact statement. Writing for the panel’s majority... Читать дальше...


2022 Mining Indaba headlines

Mining Weekly Editor Martin Creamer attended the Investing in African Mining Indaba, in Cape Town, this week and unpacks the top stories coming out of the Indaba.


Teck homes in on zinc growth options in the Americas and Australia

Diversified miner Teck Resources is taking a closer look at its zinc development assets in the Americas and Australia, including five substantial resources. The company will leverage the technical and commercial expertise of its ‘Project Satellite’ team, which has successfully advanced and grown the value of various copper growth projects, including San Nicolás in Mexico and Zafranal in Peru.


Trident’s lithium-powered locomotives engendering benefits for mining operations

Original-equipment manufacturer Trident SA has diversified its offering and is now providing lithium-powered batteries for locomotives used by global mining operations. During a visit to the company’s site in Germiston, Gauteng, where the locomotives and battery packs are assembled, Trident global marketing manager Simon Lewis told Mining Weekly that this was a switch from the conventional lead acid batteries used in locomotives.


Hitachi Energy selected for haul truck electrification solution

Global technology company Hitachi Energy has been selected as a technology vendor in the Charge On Innovation Challenge. Founded by BHP, Rio Tinto and Vale, together with multiple industry patrons, the initiative sees the world’s mining industry unite to solve one of the biggest challenges in decarbonising mining operations – the electrification of haul trucks.


Peru community wants its land back, threatening Chinese copper mine

The community of Fuerabamba in the Andean region of Peru was resettled eight years ago to make way for a giant Chinese-owned copper mine, in a $1.2-billion scheme billed as a model solution to protests dogging the South American nation's mining sector. Now the community wants the land back. In mid-April, more than a hundred Fuerabamba community members stormed the Las Bambas mine and pitched tents near the openpit, forcing a halt in production at a site that provides 2% of global copper supplies. Читать дальше...


Nornickel is first Russian firm to get OK to keep listing abroad

Metals giant Nornickel has become the first Russian company to be granted permission by a government commission to keep its listing abroad - for one year for now. Nornickel, the world's largest producer of palladium and refined nickel, and other large Russia-registered firms have sought government approval to keep their depositary receipts traded on foreign bourses. The approval has been needed since President Vladimir Putin in April signed a bill requiring Russian companies to delist their depositary... Читать дальше...


LBMA, WGC advance pilot of Gold Bar Integrity initiative

The London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) and the World Gold Council (WGC) have selected two vendors, blockchain technology start-up companies Axedras and Peer Ledger, to participate in a pilot phase of the organisations’ Gold Bar Integrity initiative. The initiative is aimed at digitally monitoring gold moving through the global supply chain, by confirming provenance and providing transparency over the chain of custody.


Billionaire eyes Washington’s last coal plant for green hydrogen

The clean energy unit of Australia’s Fortescue Metals Group is considering building a green hydrogen facility near Washington State’s last operating coal-fired power station. Fortescue Future Industries entered into a binding exclusivity agreement with an industrial park near TransAlta’s Centralia facility, which is scheduled to close in 2025, the Perth-based company said Friday in a statement. FFI said it intends to seek to employ the existing coal workforce for the proposed project.


BHP targets Chile expansion under 'right conditions' - CEO

Global mining giant BHP Group is keen to expand operations in Chile, the world's top copper producer, under "appropriate conditions," CEO Mike Henry said on Thursday. The mining sector in the Andean nation faces uncertainty as the country drafts a new constitution, which could lead to tighter environmental regulation for key minerals including copper and battery metal lithium. "We want to grow in Chile, and we are accelerating studies to do so. Under the right conditions, these could lead to a... Читать дальше...


BHP plans to double spending with Indigenous vendors

Diversified miner BHP’s iron-ore division is aiming to more than double its spend with Indigenous vendors to more than A$300-million by the end of the 2024 financial year. BHP asset president Western Australian iron-ore Brandon Craig said BHP wanted to do much more to build sustainable, profitable and enduring partnerships with Indigenous businesses across its operations, and were working hard at all levels of BHP to make this happen.


Copper Mountain avoids Eva sale speculation

Dual listed Copper Mountain Mining has refused to be drawn into speculation that it was intending to sell its Eva copper project, in Queensland. The miner was responding to media reports that it was making moves to divest the asset.


Nyrstar secures bi-partisan approach for zinc investment ahead of election

Zinc major Nyrstar on Friday announced it had secured bi-partisan support for its investment in the construction of a new electrolysis plant at the company’s ‘Zinc Works’ operations in Hobart, ensuring a long- term future for metals refining in Australia. Nyrstar earlier this month announced that the project would require an investment of approximately A$400-million in total, with the federal government committing A$50-million of project funding and the Tasmanina government a further A$20-million.


Now you can own a fraction of a fancy coloured diamond

A new fractional ownership business centered on fancy colored diamonds will launch on May 18. Luxus, founded by hedge fund expert Dana Auslander and fashion journalist Gretchen Gunlocke Fenton, will debut with a first offering of a .54 carat fancy pink diamond.


Investors are rushing back into Africa’s copper country

Mining investors are stampeding back into a region many had seemed determined to leave. Straddling the border of Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo, a vast forested area roughly the size of Portugal contains one of the world’s richest caches of minerals: copper for wires and cables, and cobalt for rechargeable batteries. At the intersection of the two African nations, trucks queue for about 53 km along a cratered road snaking past giant mounds of mining residue and villagers selling stacks of watermelons ... Читать дальше...


Metal demand seen surging for decades on strength of energy transition, World Bank says

Demand for metals used in everything from wind-turbine blades to batteries will surge for decades to come, driven by efforts to decarbonize the global economy and shift away from fossil fuels, according to the World Bank. Even as consumption growth for other commodities like grain probably will trail off in the next 30 years, metals will remain in high demand, delivering “windfall gains for countries that export them,” the bank’s economists wrote in a report released on Thursday. The adoption of... Читать дальше...


Sierra Leone says will no longer provide forex for mining companies importing fuel

Sierra Leone will no longer provide foreign exchange for mining companies and other large businesses to import oil as of June 1, accusing them of "stockpiling diesel fuel", its Petroleum Regulatory Agency said in a statement. Sierra Leone has a large mining industry, mainly based on diamonds, iron-ore and mineral sands. Extractives account for more than 80% of the West African country's export revenue.


Need for regulatory certainty over mine closures

The current version of the National Mine Closure Strategy, released for comment by the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) in May 2021, aims to improve the efficiency of water management at mine sites and develop a post-closure mine water strategy. Environmental organisation the Federation for a Sustainable Future (FSE) CEO Mariette Liefferink stresses that the FSE has identified and engaged with government to address loopholes in the current closure requirements of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (MPRDA)... Читать дальше...


Certainty over closure needed

The current version of the National Mine Closure Strategy, released for comment by the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) in May 2021, aims to improve the efficiency of water management at mine sites and develop a post-closure mine water strategy. Environmental organisation the Federation for a Sustainable Future (FSE) CEO Mariette Liefferink stresses that the FSE has identified and engaged with government to address loopholes in the current closure requirements of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (MPRDA)... Читать дальше...


Organisation stresses need for long-term AMD solution

Environmental organisation the Federation for a Sustainable Environment (FSE) stresses the need for a long-term solution to treat acid mine drainage (AMD) in the Witwatersrand goldfields. FSE CEO Mariette Liefferink says failure to implement such a solution may lead to an increase of the salt load in the Vaal river, which can be mitigated only by releases from the Vaal dam as a means of diluting this load.


Supplier introduces tailings portfolio

Mining equipment supplier Metso Outotec is introducing its comprehensive tailings management solutions offering for the sustainable management of mine tailings. The offering unites the company’s frontrunning products with decades of process expertise and covers tailings thickening and dewatering, as well as handling through conveying and dry stacking.


Slurry cleanup completed to DMRE’s satisfaction

Local anthracite producer Zululand Anthracite Colliery (ZAC) reports that the coal slurry clean-up has been completed successfully to the satisfaction of the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE). The clean-up was undertaken largely through the use of manual labour, with excavators removing the spilt material from the area affected by the spill and returning it to the mine’s discard dump.

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