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Новости за 03.06.2022


Energy transition will require many times more metals than are currently mined

Given the rate of population growth, a 10% penetration of electric vehicles (EVs) into the automotive market by 2030 would require the mining industry to produce about ten times more metals than what it currently produces, Rainbow Rare Earths CEO George Bennett has said. “Most people don't realise that the production of EVs requires two to three times more metal than a normal petrol and diesel car,” he explained, adding that the meeting of 2050 emissions targets and COP26 plans to transition away... Читать дальше...


South Africa can only achieve 5% of global exploration spend if we cut the red tape – Smart

South Africa can achieve 5% of global exploration spend if government were to “cut the red tape” that is hurting the mining and exploration industry more than it is helping it, diversified metals explorer Orion Minerals CEO Errol Smart told delegates at the Junior Indaba this week. “The bureaucracy that's been killing us for the last 20 years and squeezing the life out of our industry has to be consigned to the museum and to the archives,” he said, emphasising that this change had to happen now, not later... Читать дальше...


Consultancy unpacks why primary capital is unattainable for junior miners

South Africa’s public markets are no longer fit for purpose in a resource-rich economy, said AmaranthCX director Paul Miller, unpacking the state of public markets in South Africa at the Junior Indaba, held on June 1 and 2. “South Africa has a hidden superpower. It has 85% of all pension fund savings in Africa and the nineteenth largest public equity market globally – while only ranking thirty-second in terms of economy size.


Giyani on track to publish feasibility study in Q3

TSX-V-listed Giyani Metals Corporation has completed a reverse circulation infill drill programme at the K.Hill Extension deposit, in Botswana, for a total 4 561 m. The company aims to upgrade the current 3.1-million tonnes of inferred resources into indicated resources.


Kapore raises funds for Niger uranium hunt

Junior Kapore Metals will raise A$3-million to fund exploration and development of its Agadez uranium project, in Niger. The ASX-listed company on Friday announced that it had received firm commitments for the placement of 90.9-million shares, priced at 3.3c a share. More than 83.5-million of the shares will be placed under Kapore’s existing placement capacity, while the placement of the remaining 1.5-million shares will be subject to shareholder approval.


Corsa expects coal production to improve in coming months

US-based metallurgical coal producer Corsa Coal reported on Thursday that it taken steps to improve productivity and retain qualified employees to help coal production recover in the coming months. The miner stated that second quarter sales tons should increase over the first quarter and return to historical levels, but that its sales realisation would be similar to the first quarter, as the company continued to fulfil previously committed fixed priced orders.


Gold Fields’ acquisition of Yamana enhances credit quality – Moody’s  

South Africa-based Gold Fields’ $6.7-billion acquisition of Yamana Gold will enhance its credit quality as the combined group will benefit from a bigger scale and broader geographic diversification without any new debt being raised, says credit ratings agency Moody’s. The acquisition of its peer will enlarge Gold Fields’ production footprint from nine gold-producing assets to 14 across eight countries.  Yamana has mines in Canada, Argentina, Chile and Brazil, and Gold Fields has said that the deal... Читать дальше...


JSE reforms, venture capital juniors, Sedibelo make headlines

Mining Weekly Editor Martin Creamer discusses the JSE’s reforms highlighted at this year’s Junior Indaba; attracting venture capital funded juniors to invest; and Sedibelo Platinum Mines's role in the country’s green hydrogen effort.


Anglo American appoints new head in Australia

Diversified miner Anglo American this week announced the appointment of Daniel van der Westhuizen as CEO of its Australian division. Van der Westhuizen will lead Anglo American’s steelmaking coal business based in Brisbane.


About 3 000 workers laid off at Peru's Las Bambas as mine shutdown drags on - union

About 3 000 workers have been laid off in Peru due to the suspension of operations at MMG's Las Bambas copper mine, which has dragged on for over 40 days, a mining union said on Thursday as workers took to the streets to protest. Las Bambas, one of the world's largest copper mines, was forced to halt operations in April due to protests from neighboring indigenous communities in the Peruvian Andes, two of which entered company property and held a sit-in protest at the mine, triggering the shutdown.


Chile open to all paths to lithium mining, Minister says

Chile's Mining Minister on Thursday said the country was open all paths to develop its lithium reserves and would work to rebuild trust after its supreme court voided two contracts for the battery metal because of opposition from indigenous groups. The supreme court on Wednesday accepted appeals filed by indigenous communities against two contracts granted during the last months of the previous administration to exploit 160 000 t of lithium. Chile is the world's no. 1 copper producer and second largest lithium producer... Читать дальше...


Canada junior eyes Mexico’s potash riches as lithium laws change

Canada-based junior explorer Advance Lithium is seeking to tap the potassium potential of its deposits in Mexico, after the country’s recent mining law changes that will place all activities related to lithium in the hands of a yet-to-be-formed lithium company. Advance Lithium, whose share price on the TSX-V has plummeted 58% in recent months, said on Thursday that the composition of its deposits’ mineralisation was about equal parts lithium and potassium.


Meteoric strikes A$30m deal over Brazilian gold project

ASX-listed Meteoric Resources has struck a A$30-million agreement to divest of its Juruena gold project, in Brazil. The company has signed a termsheet with Keystone Resources, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Alchemist Investments Inc.


Rio unveils future plans for pink diamonds

Diversified major Rio Tinto as unveiled a new strategy for the future development of its Argyle Pink Diamonds brand, following the 2020 closure of the Argyle mine, in Western Australia. The company this week launched the new Icon Partner program, as part of its strategy to ensure it remains the world’s only official custodian of Argyle Pink Diamonds.


BBM on track for Sept production

Coal developer Cokal is on track to produce its first saleable coal from its Bumi Barito Mineral (BBM) mine, in Indonesia, in September this year. The company is planning to start mining at BBM at the end of July.


Copper furnace component supply in final stage

South Africa-based foundry and engineering company Thos Begbie has shipped the last of three batches of copper furnace components to a metal smelting and recycling firm, in Germany. The third and final batch was shipped last week and arrived at its destination on time.


Mining specialists active in energy transition

In light of the global energy transition, global mining specialist and equipment supplier for openpit and underground mining, bulk materials handling and minerals processing TAKRAF is guided by various green principles when providing solutions for its clients, says TAKRAF belt conveyor systems head Dr Mario Dilefeld, TAKRAF special projects engineering manager Matthias Pohl, TAKRAF South Africa brand and external communications specialist Juliana Ndisengei, marketing and business development head... Читать дальше...


Service provider continues to expand its fleet

Demolition solutions provider Jet Demolition has steadily expanded its fleet of equipment to befit projects that facilitate relines and repairs on furnaces and kilns of all types. Furnace demolition projects generally represent a smaller proportion of the company’s scope, as furnace demolition services are required only under emergency conditions or during planned shutdowns, adds Jet Demolition contracts manager Kate Bester.


Converter to be supplied to smelter

Metallurgical industry plant supplier SMS group has been selected to supply a Peirce-Smith Converter for converting nickel matte for the production of batteries to global nickel exporter Société de Nickel de Nouvelle Calédonie et Corée (SNNC) in South Korea. The supply will fast-track the production of nickel and its sulphate for high-performance batteries and will also be a substantial step towards sustainable electromobility.


Supplier for Brazil ferronickel mine chosen

Industrial engineering and equipment multinational FLSmidth has been chosen as the supplier of the rotary kiln and rotary dryer for the Araguaia Niquel Metais ferronickel mine in the state of Pará in the northern region of Brazil. The order was booked in the first quarter of 2022 and is valued at about DKK 285-million.


New filters for alumina plant

Mining plant and machine supplier thyssenkrupp Mining Technologies and diversified natural resources producer Eurasian Resources Group (ERG) in February signed a contract for the supply and replacement of four electric filters at the Pavlodar Alumina Plant, part of the Aluminium of Kazakhstan enterprise. The supplier delivered the innovative and sustainable filter technology for the alumina plant near the Kostanay and Pavlodar regions in Kazakhstan.

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

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Новости России

Владимир Ефимов рассказал, каким будет комплекс «Олимпийский» после реконструкции

Росгвардия обеспечила правопорядок на футбольном матче «ЦСКА» - «Краснодар» в Москве

Бабьего лета не будет: россиян предупредили и приходе волны заморозков

Росгвардия обеспечила безопасность футбольного матча в Дагестане


Как и где заказать вкусные бургеры на дом?


Родители 317,2 тыс. детей в Московской области получают единое пособие

Росгвардия обеспечила правопорядок на футбольном матче «ЦСКА» - «Краснодар» в Москве

В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии провели встречу со студентами финансового университета

Росгвардия обеспечила безопасность футбольного матча в Дагестане


Собянин: К учебному году в МЭШ обновили популярные сервисы и запустили новые

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Музыкальные новости


Другое ощущение: почему Нюша сменила имидж после развода

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Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Владимир Ефимов рассказал, каким будет комплекс «Олимпийский» после реконструкции

В Тверской области временно прекращено движение по трассе М-9 «Балтия» в Нелидовском районе

Баскетболисты ЦСКА начнут защиту титула в Единой лиге ВТБ


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Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России