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Новости за 22.06.2022


Eskom set to host first roundtable with energy experts as load-shedding is extended

Eskom CEO André de Ryuter reports that the utility will host its first roundtable with local and international energy experts on Friday June 24 to discuss solutions to the country’s electricity crisis and ongoing load-shedding. Speaking during a briefing to explain a decision to extend rotational power cuts, owing to a combination of coal plant breakdowns, delays in returning Koeberg Unit 2 to service, as well as a need to replenish diesel stocks at the open-cycle gas turbines and pump water into the upper dams at its pumped storage facilities... Читать дальше...


Codelco resumes operation despite strike, government says

Chile's State-owned Codelco, the world's largest copper producer, is operational and has taken measures to continue operations despite a national strike by workers that started early Wednesday, according Chile's Finance Minister. Chile's Finance Minister Mario Marcel told a news conference that work at Codelco has continued despite the strike. Marcel also announced a $583-million reinvestment plan for Codelco in 2022 that includes 30% designated to 2021 utilities. There will be a similar reinvestment of utilities from 2021 through 2024.


Sustainability taking front seat at Harmony Gold

Large South African gold miner Harmony Gold sees R500m/y savings from Phase 2 on-balance-sheet renewables projects. This means the estimated R1.5-billion cost of the planned 137 MW second phase solar power projects will be covered in three years.


Eskom signs battery contracts with Pinggao and Hyosung as part of R11bn roll-out

State-owned electricity utility Eskom has confirmed that it has awarded battery energy storage system (BESS) contracts to two supplies for projects with a combined capacity of 199 MW/833 MWh. CEO André de Ruyter confirmed on Wednesday that the BESS programme, which is being funded through a World Bank loan, will cost R11-billion. The entire programme is for 360 MW/1 440 MWh and is being delivered in two phases.


Silver Hammer CEO excited by discovery potential of its past-producing mines

There is an adage that says the best way to find a new mine is to look in the shadow of the headframe of an existing or historic mine. That is exactly what junior resources company Silver Hammer is doing in the US, where it owns assets in some of the best silver-mining districts. The exploration and development company is advancing three past-producing assets – the Silver Strand mine, in Idaho, as well as the Eliza project and the Silverton mine, in Nevada.


Lawless South Africa has bulk commodity chrome pirates stripping its wealth

South Africa is the world’s biggest producer of chrome ore and it is estimated that about 10% of South Africa's yearly production of chrome is lost to illegal mining. There has been an emergence of a bulk commodity illegal industry in South African chrome mining, said global law enforcement network organisation the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organised Crime (GI-TOC) in its latest Risk Bulletin report.


Zambians must benefit more from mining, minister says

Zambia needs to hold a bigger stake in new mines and local communities should benefit more from the mineral values chain, mines minister Paul Kabuswe said on Wednesday. "This government is saying Zambians must be an integral part of whatever investment. We can no longer sit in the terraces and watch," Kabuswe said at a conference.


Australian state's coal royalty hike could nudge others to follow suit - analysts

Queensland's bigger-than-expected hike in coal royalties could embolden other Australian states and resources-heavy countries around the world to make similar moves, analysts warned on Wednesday. Australia's second-largest state, which aims to deliver a budget surplus by 2024-25, said on Tuesday it would increase royalties on coal production after a 10-year freeze, to capture windfall profit from rocketing coal prices.


Lithium Power consolidates Chile project

Lithium developer Lithium Power International (LPI) has unveiled plans to consolidate ownership of the Maricunga brine project, in Chile, by way of a three-party all-scrip merger with its joint venture (JV) partners. LPI currently holds a 51.55% interest in the Maricunga project, with JV partner Minera Salar Blanco SpA (MSB) and TSX-V-listed Bearing Lithium Corp, holding a 31.31% and 17.14% respective interest.


Final Just Energy Transition Partnership Investment Plan expected by November

A Just Energy Transition Partnership Investment Plan (JETP-IP), which will seek to unlock $8.5-billion in concessional climate finance to accelerate South Africa’s transition from coal to renewables and support workers and communities currently reliant on the coal value chain, is expected to be finalised by October for sign-off during the COP27 climate talks in Egypt in November. The JETP-IP, a first draft and revision of which are expected in July and September respectively, is viewed as the crucial... Читать дальше...


De Beers' latest sales cycle generates $650m

Diamond miner De Beers' fifth sales cycle of this year generated $650-million, as US diamond jewellery demand remained strong. Sales revenues were higher than the $477-million generated for the fifth sales cycle of 2021 and the $604-million generated during the fourth sales cycle of this year.


Vale to spend $400m in 2022 to remove tailings dams

Brazilian miner Vale expects to spend $400-million in 2022 to decommission its tailings dams, aiming to have 12 of its 30 structures eliminated by the end of the year, the company told Reuters on Tuesday. The dam elimination program, which began four years ago, has already cost the company $857-million of the $4-billion it projects to spend by 2035 in an effort to eliminate existing structures that could cause disasters like those in Brumadinho and Mariana, in Brazil's Minas Gerais state.


Stanmore laments new coal tax

Coal miner Stanmore Resources has blasted the Queensland government’s decision to hike coal royalties, saying the company was analyisng the impact of the additional taxes on the business. Queensland Treasurer Cameron Dick earlier this week ended a decade-long royalty freeze, imposing a progressive royalty tier system.


Orion Minerals sets A$20m raising target

Copper developer Orion Minerals on Wednesday announced plans to raise up to A$20-million in a three-tranche share placement to sophisticated and professional investors. Orion has already received firm commitments for the first two tranches, which will raise a combined near A$6-million.


Woodside to face environmental group in court

Oil and gas major Woodside will be facing the Federal Court of Australia in relation to the environmental assessment of its Scarborough project, in Western Australia, after the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) commenced proceedings. The ACF said on Wednesday that its case in the Federal Court is aimed at stopping the Scarborough project until its climate impacts could be properly assessed.

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

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Новости России

В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии провели встречу со студентами финансового университета

На 90-м году жизни умер ученый Марк Абелев

«Спартак» одерживает волевую победу над «Динамо» после 1-го тайма: видео голов

Студия Звукозаписи в Москве. Создание Песен, Музыки, Аранжировок.


Центр восточной медицины в Петербурге


Росгвардия обеспечила безопасность футбольного матча в Дагестане

В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии провели встречу со студентами финансового университета

Росгвардия обеспечила правопорядок на футбольном матче «ЦСКА» - «Краснодар» в Москве

Родители 317,2 тыс. детей в Московской области получают единое пособие


Собянин: Запланирован новый этап модернизации клинического центра имени Логинова

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Музыкальные новости

Иоганн Себастьян Бах

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Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Московское «Динамо» в гостях победило «Амур» в матче КХЛ

Сборная РФ завоевала 6 золотых медалей на международной олимпиаде по астрономии

Собянин: Москвичи завоевали золото на международной астрономической олимпиаде


Россиянин Алибек Качмазов вышел в основную сетку турнира ATP-250 в Чэнду

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Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России