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Новости за 27.06.2022


Resource Mining Corp starts maiden drilling in Tanzania

ASX-listed exploration company Resource Mining Corporation has started a maiden drilling programme for 18 reverse circulation holes at the Kabulwanyele nickel project, in Tanzania. The 1 000 m drill programme is testing a 2 km strike anomaly that was identified from prior soil and rock sampling work, and should assist the company in understanding the genetic model for mineralisation.


Deep-South nears final hearing in Haib licence renewal case

TSX-V-listed Deep-South Resources has advised that the hearing held on June 23, in its matter against Namibia’s Ministry of Mines and Energy , resulted in the court ordering the parties to file their case management reports by June 27. The next case management hearing will be held on June 30.


Optimisation study slices half-a-billion dollars off Kola project’s capital cost

Dual-listed Kore Potash has announced that the capital cost estimation for its Kola potash project, in Congo-Brazzaville, has decreased by $520-million to $1.8-billion, following the completion of an optimisation study on the project. Sepco Electric Power Construction Corporation undertook the optimisation study on behalf of the Summit Consortium, for which it is an engineering partner.


Panther announces large nickel/cobalt resource increase at Coglia

ASX-listed Panther Metals has released its maiden nickel/cobalt mineral resource estimate (MRE) for its Coglia project in Western Australia, which exceeds the upper limit of the former Joint Ore Reserves Committee- (Jorc) exploration target (JET) by 20-million tonnes, constituting a 40% increase over the former JET. Panther MD Daniel Tuffin said on Monday the results constituted a transformative outcome for the company. The resource, which is a 70.6-million tonne nickel/cobalt resource stretching about 5 km... Читать дальше...


Kefi refutes media reports that it lost its Tulu Kapi licence

Aim-listed Kefi Gold and Copper says media in Ethiopia have inaccurately reported that it had lost its Tulu Kapi licence. It notes that it has received a reminder of deadline letter from the Ethiopia Minister of Mines referring to a new deadline of June 30, by which it is required to demonstrate the availability of project funding and to check compliance with regard to the environment, duties and taxes, land rent and exploration reports.


OZ Minerals lowers its yearly copper production guidance

ASX-listed OZ Minerals has lowered its total yearly copper production guidance for 2022 to reflect a softer start to the year. The guidance was lowered from between 127 000 t and 149 000 t to between 120 000 t and 135 000 t. The company attributed this to Covid-19-related absenteeism and adverse weather conditions in the first quarter that resulted in flooding at the group’s Prominent Hill and Carrapateena assets, both of which are in South Australia.


Cyprium announces A$50m prepayment offtake agreement for Nifty restart

Australian firm Cyprium Metals has entered into a letter of intent (LoI) with commodities trader Glencore for a A$50-million offtake prepayment facility, as part of a targeted A$240-million to A$260-million funding package to finance the restart of the Nifty copper project, in Western Australia. In terms of the LoI, Glencore will take 100% of the Phase 1 copper cathode produced at Nifty, up to 120 000 t, at prices to be determined at average market rates.


WDC president says there seems to be movement towards KP reform

There seems to be a positive shift in the readiness of World Diamond Council (WDC) members to reforming the Kimberley Process (KP), says president of the organisation Edward Asscher. In closing the 2022 KP Intersessional, which was hosted in Botswana last week, he highlighted that strong support for further reforms was becoming apparent, including that of the conflict diamond definition, which has been a long-standing issue of the KP.


QRC slams new Queensland Resources Industry Development Plan

Industry body the Queensland Resources Council (QRC) has responded with ire to the release of the Queensland Resources Industry Development Plan, which the Australian Department of Resources assisted in developing. “Unfortunately, a Queensland government 30-year plan isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on when the rules for investment in Queensland’s resources can change overnight,” the QRC said in a statement on Friday.


Metals haven’t crashed this hard since the great recession

Industrial metals are on track for the worst quarter since the 2008 financial crisis as prices are pummeled by recession worries. Copper, the great economic bellwether, has ricocheted into a bear market from a record four months ago, while tin just tumbled 21% in its worst week since a 1980s crisis froze trading for four years. It’s a dramatic reversal from the past two years, when metals surged on a wave of post-lockdown optimism, inflationary predictions and supply snarls. Now, inflation is here and supplies are still tight. Читать дальше...


Chile’s SEA recommends rejecting Fenix EIA – Rio2

Canada-based junior Rio2 will hear in the next two weeks whether its Fenix gold project, in Chile, is approved or not. However, the company said last week that the Environmental Assessment Service (SEA) had recommended that the environmental impact assessment (EIA) for the mine be rejected. The SEA reportedly said that the project fulfilled all the applicable environmental regulations and that it met the environmental requirements for the granting of applicable sectoral environmental permits, but... Читать дальше...


Rio Tinto to help Mongolia tackle climate change, desertification

Rio Tinto on Friday signed an agreement with Mongolia's environment ministry to address climate change and desertification issues in the country where the global miner operates the massive Oyu Tolgoi copper mine. Between 2022 and 2026, the Anglo-American miner's local unit will help the east Asian country tackle its national climate change commitments, as the region faces increasing number of natural and climate disasters, including forest fires and droughts.


US court upholds Arizona land swap deal for Rio Tinto copper mine

A US appeals court has ruled that the federal government may give thousands of acres in Arizona to Rio Tinto for a copper mine, upholding a lower court's ruling and rejecting a request from Native Americans who said the land has religious and cultural import. The 2-1 ruling from the San Francisco-based 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals, issued late Friday night, essentially defers to a 2014 decision made by the US Congress and then-President Barack Obama to give the land to Rio for its Resolution... Читать дальше...


Copper giant Codelco sees 'very firm' copper price ahead despite recent drop - chairman

Chilean State-owned copper miner Codelco, the world's top producer of the red metal, sees a firm copper price ahead despite a recent sharp fall, chairman of the board Máximo Pacheco told Reuters in an interview in Santiago. The comments come as copper prices posted their biggest weekly fall in a year as investors worried that efforts by central banks to stem inflation will stifle global economic growth and reduce demand for metals.


Asia coal prices hit record on hot global competition for fuel

A worsening global fuel shortage catapulted Asia’s coal benchmark to a record, threatening to boost power bills and add to inflation woes. Spot physical coal at Australia’s Newcastle port jumped 3.4% to a record $402.50 a ton on Friday, according to a biweekly index compiled by IHS Markit seen by Bloomberg. That’s the first time the highly watched spot index rallied above $400.


New US programme targets rare minerals needs for EVs and solar panels

When a top Biden administration official was in Cape Town for a mining conference last month, he heard from a number of African nations desperate for foreign investment to help dig up critical minerals like lithium, manganese and cobalt. At the same time, Under Secretary of State Jose Fernandez said, mining companies told him that they were reluctant to invest in some key resource-rich countries because of poor governance standards and a lack of transparency.

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Родители 317,2 тыс. детей в Московской области получают единое пособие

В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии провели встречу со студентами финансового университета

Росгвардия обеспечила правопорядок на футбольном матче «ЦСКА» - «Краснодар» в Москве

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Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России