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Новости за 11.11.2022


Philanthropies collectively show support for South Africa’s JET-IP

Several major nonprofit organisations have pledged their support for South Africa’s Just Energy Transition Investment Plan (JET-IP) for 2023 to 2027. South Africa has committed to reducing its greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions by 2030, subject to appropriate financial support and premised on enabling a just transition for affected communities and regions.


It’s been a great year for Menar, says chair Mpumelelo Mkhabela

Despite its many challenges, 2022 has been a very successful year for the Menar group of companies. “We increased production at our operations, maintained our solid safety record, and made good headway in the development of our new projects,” Menar chairperson Dr Mpumelelo Mkhabela told Mining Weekly in a Zoom interview. (Also watch attached Creamer Media video.)


EIB’s €200m funding of DBSA to support 1 200 MW private renewables roll-out

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has extended a €200-million loan to the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) to support the delivery of 1 200 MW of distributed renewables generation by private investors. The financing package, which is the largest-ever extended by the EIB to South Africa, was signed on Friday by EIB VP Ambroise Fayolle and DBSA CEO Patrick Dlamini on the side-lines of COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.


Coal is king, insists Mantashe - as Ramaphosa is feted for green plan in Egypt

As world leaders fete President Cyril Ramaphosa for his green agenda in Egypt, his minister of mineral resources and energy insisted this week that coal will continue to play a critical part in electricity generation in South Africa. Gwede Mantashe believes coal, along with gas, nuclear and hydropower should be the main baseload.  Ramaphosa submitted South Africa's R1.5 trillion investment plan to use less coal to a group of rich countries this week – to a rapturous response from the UK, US, Germany... Читать дальше...


Transnet declares sixth force majeure in 18 months

Transnet has declared its sixth force majeure in 18 months, this time on the coal export line to Richards Bay, which experienced a massive derailment on Tuesday.  Force majeure is a clause that is included in contracts when a party cannot fulfil its obligations owing to an unforeseeable and unavoidable catastrophe. Typically, these are "acts of God", such as extreme weather.


ICMM welcomes two new association members

The Aluminum Association and the Society of Mining Professors (SOMP) have joined the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) as new association members. The Aluminum Association represents aluminium production in North America, representing more than 120 companies across the full value chain. The organisation is focused on advocating for policies and developing global standards and research to promote the responsible and sustainable production, use and recycling of aluminium.


Copper near 5-month high on hopes Fed could slow rate-hike pace

Copper prices climbed on Friday to their highest in nearly five months, as US inflation data bolstered hopes for a slower pace of interest rate hikes in the world's largest economy that would support industrial metals demand. The softer-than-expected data also sent the dollar sharply lower overnight. A weaker dollar makes greenback-priced metals cheaper for buyers holding other currencies.


Indian mining body seeks higher import tax on aluminium, zinc, copper products

India's top mining industry body has sought higher import taxes on a slew of metals such as zinc, copper and aluminium to help halt the tide of cheaper imports, especially from China, according to a note sent to the government and seen by Reuters. The government should raise import taxes to 10% to 15% on several aluminium products, including scrap to 10% from 2.5%, the Federation of Indian Mineral Industries (FIMI) said in the note addressed to India's Ministry of Finance.


Mineral licences, coal transition, Namibia's EIB funding make headlines

Mining Weekly Editor Martin Creamer discusses the backlog of mineral licences being cut by almost 45%; the recent Mistra policy paper which argues that as South Africa moves away from coal, investment will be needed, not only for renewables, but also for coal communities; and Namibia's green hydrogen funding boost from the European Investment Bank.


Cannon directors accept takeover bid

The directors of takeover target Cannon Resources have accepted the recommended cash takeover offer from Kendalion Nickel. Cannon’s directors collectively hold a 1.36% interest in the company.


Chile's QB2 copper mine will be fully powered by clean energy

The Quebrada Blanca Phase 2 (QB2) copper project, in Chile, will be fully powered by renewable energy, TSX- and NYSE-listed Teck Resources said on Thursday, announcing a 17-year power purchase agreement with AES Andes for 1 069 GWh/y of energy from renewable sources. The agreement follows on the 2020 agreement with AES Gener, in terms of which it secured 50% of QB2’s total operating power needs from renewable energy sources.


Jervois raises initial A$177m

Triple-listed Jervois Global has completed the institutional placement and the institutional component of its 1-for-5.42 pro-rata accelerated non-renounceable entitlement offer, raising some A$177-million across the two offers. The company earlier this week announced a A$231-million equity capital raise to fund the Stage 1 restart of its São Miguel Paulista (SMP) nickel cobalt refinery in São Paulo, Brazil, and the ramp-up and capital expenditure at its Idaho Cobalt Operations (ICO).


Gov not considering mining tax - Albanese

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said on Friday that while a price cap on gas was still on the table to help reign in electricity prices on the east coast, the government was not considering a mining tax. Responding to questions from the 2GB programme, Albanese said a price cap on gas was ‘one of the options that is under consideration’.


More investment needed in critical minerals - PwC

A new report by PwC found that despite an increase in Australia’s critical minerals sector, the country’s current pipeline of development projects would fall well short of expected demand surge. In its latest Aussie Mine report, PwC said on Friday that factoring in project lead times, Australia needed greater exploration and pre-production activity urgently to match tomorrow’s demand growth.


Independents bullish on oil and gas outlook in Nigeria

The Petroleum Industry Act (PIA) – implemented in Nigeria last August – provides an ideal regulatory framework for the industry, as well as opportunities for smaller oil and gas companies, such as Nigerian oil and gas company Zigma, to become more involved in the industry, says Zigma founder and MD Funmi Ogbue. “It took over 15 years for the PIA to be passed, stalling investment. People invest in the oil and gas industry for the long term, and if there is a lack of fiscal certainty in the terms of engagement, it makes it difficult to invest.


Lighting vital in unsafe areas

Lighting manufacturer BEKA Schréder provides the right lighting solutions by optimising the electrical, optical and mechanical design of luminaires using contemporary technology, while also ensuring intelligent and sustainable lighting solutions for improved safety, reduced energy consumption, and a reduced cost of ownership. Africa regional manager Paulo Mamede says this is an ethos the company “always strives towards” as the company considers it “an obligation to provide the best and most sustainable... Читать дальше...


Noncompliance culture must be resolved

Mining companies must address the culture of noncompliance regarding health and safety measures to ensure that all employees respect the measures put in place, and the relevant authorities, thereby minimising risk, says training centre Strat Training MD Edwin Stafford. A recurring challenge is that employees do not prioritise health and safety measures or regulations that are meant to keep them safe, and often view such measures as the employer’s responsibility, disregarding the role they play in... Читать дальше...


Some inroads in safety, more work needed

The South African mining industry has made inroads into key health and safety challenges, but there is a lot of work to be done in collaboration with the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) and organised labour, said mining industry employers’ organisation Minerals Council South Africa leadership during a National Day of Health and Safety in Mining event on August 3. There have been historic firsts on the safety front, with no fatalities caused by falls of ground (FoG) at South Africa’s... Читать дальше...


Mining group aims to regain 2021’s safety performance

Platinum group metals mining group Implats’ immediate focus is on rebuilding the safety performance that it demonstrated in financial year (FY) 2021. The group reported an increase in the number of fatalities in FY2022, relative to its safety record for FY2021.


Integrated CAS solution enables safer, more productive mining

Safer mining is about integrated risk management and safety protocols in a range of areas. Proximity detection and collision awareness is a crucial focus area in the drive to reduce fatalities, contributing to higher levels of protection against the risks associated with vehicle interactions on a mine, says mining company Probe Integrated Mining Technologies (IMT) CEO Gert Roselt. If implemented holistically, rapidly advancing proximity detection and collision awareness systems (CASs) create ...


Supplement aids miners’ health

The harsh conditions and exertion associated with mining results in mine workers often not hydrating enough – or in severe cases, becoming dehydrated – in addition to the loss of vital minerals, which can affect their health and ability to work safely, says pharmaceutical company Specpharm key accounts manager, Lee Schmidt. She explains that by using supplements and hydrating continuously, miners can continue to work without compromising their health.


Summit provides platform to seek health, safety solutions

The Mine Occupational Health and Safety Tripartite Summit provides a platform to engage and find solutions for improvement of occupational health and safety performance, said Mineral Resources and Energy Minister Gwede Mantashe during his address at the event last month. The summit – held in Midrand¬ – was aimed at identifying and resolving bottlenecks and hosted by industry body Mine Health and Safety Council together with the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE).


Rising burnout within the mining sector, says consultant

If physical fitness encompasses the body’s ability to function optimally and without injury across a range of tasks and scenarios, psychological fitness refers to how mentally and emotionally proficient individuals are, particularly as it relates to work, says business management consultancy company OIM Consulting organisational development consultant Lani van der Merwe.   In an opinion piece, Van der Merwe explains that people are most likely familiar with the definition of fitness as it ...

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Центр восточной медицины в Петербурге


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Собянин: Запланирован новый этап модернизации клинического центра имени Логинова

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