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Новости за 25.11.2022


South Africa’s mining market is dynamic and fast-moving, Siemens Large Drives finds

South Africa is a super dynamic and super fast-moving market, says Siemens Large Drives global solutions head Oliver Beck, who has just completed a week of discussions with customers to highlight sustainability solutions for mining. From his perspective, South African mining economy is at the leading edge, which is one of the reasons why Siemens has set up a digital hub in South Africa, which is allowing mining companies to attain visibility of everything from the pit to the port, Beck, accompanied by Tim Walwyn... Читать дальше...


Namibia plans railway revamp to boost regional coal exports

Namibia's state-owned railway company TransNamib plans to shift coal exports from Botswana off the road and onto rail by early next year, potentially doubling exports via Walvis Bay port, its CEO said. Land-locked Botswana has sought alternative routes to export its coal as disruption to South Africa's railway lines impact the commodity's route to Richards Bay port, the largest coal terminal in Africa.


Implats issues RFI for renewable energy to be wheeled to its South African sites

Platinum group metals miner Impala Platinum (Implats) has issued a request for information (RFI) to buy an unspecified volume of electricity, through wheeling from renewable energy sources, for its South African operations. Implats, whose electricity consumption accounts for 74% of its total energy consumption and almost 10% of its operating costs, has ambitions to secure 30% of the electricity for its new projects from renewable sources by 2030.


De Beers sponsors newly launched jewellery showcase at Montecasino

Diamond miner De Beers has partnered with the Jewellery Council of South Africa to serve as the main headline sponsor of this year’s ShopJewellex, a newly launched retail-consumer jewellery showcase to be held at Montecasino over the Black Friday weekend. ShopJewellex will showcase the latest collections, designs and jewellery trends from some of South Africa’s favourite jewellery retailers and designers, as well as an array of emerging designers.


Petra reports 6% y/y rise in second yearly diamond tender sales

Diamond miner Petra Diamonds sold 447 276 ct of diamonds for $61.3-million during its second tender for the 2023 financial year. Sales were up 6% year-on-year as a result of the final closure date of the tender being extended owing to unusual market conditions with some build up in inventory pre-Diwali.


Australia court blocks giant coal mine on human rights grounds

An Australian court has blocked a proposal for a huge coal mine, saying the emissions produced by the fuel would threaten human rights. The Galilee Coal Project would add 1.58-billion tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere over its lifespan -- more than triple Australia’s annual domestic emissions -- and impact the human rights of future generations, the Queensland Land Court ruled on Friday.


Uranium miner Kazatomprom's Q3 profit surges on higher sales

Kazakhstan's Kazatomprom, the world's biggest uranium miner, reported a nearly sevenfold year-on-year increase in third-quarter profit on Friday as its physical sales volume doubled in the same period. According to the company's financial report, its quarterly profit stood at 138.9-billion tenge ($299-million), up from 20.8-billion tenge a year ago. Revenue tripled in the quarter to 285.8-billion tenge ($615-million).


Austral sells Pinguino in Argentina

ASX-listed Australia Gold has struck a deal with fellow-listed E2 Metals to divest of its Pinguino project, in Argentina. Under the terms of the agreement, Australia will receive $5-million in cash, of which $2.5-million will be paid on closing of the transaction and the remaining balance in three annual instalments.


Buffalo Coal backtracks on convertibility into shares of Belvedere’s loan

TSX-V- and JSE-listed Buffalo Coal has advised that the convertible loan facility it has in place with Belvedere Resources has been amended to remove the right of Belvedere, as lender, to convert amounts owing thereunder into shares in the capital of Buffalo. There is currently $27-million outstanding on the convertible loan, together with $270 175 in accrued interest.


Bankers pour cold water on red hot coal

It's the best of times, it's the worst of times. At least when it comes to mining coal. After years of decline, demand for the polluting fossil fuel has surged this year as Europe scrambles to replace Russian gas, and coal miners are making money hand over fist. With coal prices hitting record highs, companies would normally expand their operations, but projects are being left on the table as most Western banks stand by climate pledges to restrict lending to the sector, according to a dozen mining company executives and investors.


Workers at BHP's Escondida mine in Chile reject offer, threaten strike

Some 2 000 workers at Chile's Escondida mine, the world's largest copper deposit, have turned down BHP's offer to settle a labor dispute and could stop work on November 28 and 30 if their demands are not met, their union said on Thursday. BHP announced earlier this week that it had reached a deal with the union to avert a work stoppage over safety issues, but the agreement had to be ratified by the workers represented by the Sindicato No. 1 union at the Australian company's mine in northern Chile.


Higher costs for Tumas and a new plan for Mulga Rock - Deep Yellow

Uranium hopeful Deep Yellow has flagged a cost-blow out at its Tumas project, in Namibia, where a definitive feasibility study (DFS) is currently under internal review. The company told shareholders on Friday that the DFS, which had been completed, had indicated that the project remained ‘commercially attractive’ despite capital and cost inflation, which the company said was consistent with the global mining environment.


Peninsula completes A$32m placement

Uranium developer Peninsula Energy has completed the institutional placement of its planned A$35-million capital raise, raising an initial A$32-million. The company earlier this week announced a final investment decision (FID) on its Lance uranium project, in the US, announcing a A$35-million capital raise to fund the activities.


Vizsla plans a strategic investment in Prismo Metals

TSX-V- and NYSE-listed Vizsla Silver is planning to make a strategic investment in CSE-listed Prismo Metals, with its eye on the Palos Verdes project as part of the consolidation of its land position in the Panuco-Copala district, in Mexico. Vizsla has entered into a nonbinding letter of intent with Prismo Metals, a company cofounded and advised by Peter Megaw. Pursuant to the LoI, the company plans to make a strategic investment with a right of first refusal (ROFR) to buy the Palos Verdes project... Читать дальше...


Crime, platinum demand, R1bn fuel cell factory make headlines

Mining Weekly Editor Martin Creamer discusses the country’s economic/crime paradox that was highlighted at a recent Anglo American meeting; new green hydrogen end-demand pushing platinum into a meaningful deficit; and the development of the R1-billion fuel cell factory which could break ground next year.


Freeport settles six-year-high copper charges for 2023 with Chinese smelters - source

Miner Freeport-McMoRan has agreed treatment and refining charges (TC/RCs) of $88/t and 8.8c/lb for copper concentrate supply in 2023 with Chinese smelters, a source close to negotiations said on Thursday. The charges, paid by miners to smelters to process ore into refined metal, are the highest since 2017 and 35% higher than the 2022 benchmark, due to an expected oversupply of copper concentrate.


Rio acknowledges federal heritage plans

Diversified major Rio Tinto has taken note of the federal government’s efforts to co-design stronger laws to give better protection to Aboriginal cultural heritage sites, noting that the company had been working hard to restore its relationship with Traditional Owners. “Since the tragic events of May 2020, we have been tirelessly focused on changing the way we engage and work in partnership with Indigenous communities, to protect and preserve cultural heritage,” Rio Tinto CEO Jakob Stausholm said... Читать дальше...


Miners welcome critical mineral support

Federal Resources Minister Madeleine King has outlined the Commonwealth government’s measures to assist in developing the critical minerals industry in the country, among which was the development of a new Critical Minerals Strategy. Speaking at the Australian Critical Minerals Summit, in Sydney, King said that the aim of the strategy was to create economic opportunity, including for regional Australian communities, develop new sovereign capabilities and industries, including growing the downstream processing and manufacturing capacity... Читать дальше...


Chalmers warns of narrow critical mineral supply chains

Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers has warned of the dangers of a constrained supply chain for the critical minerals sector, warning that the sector could become hostage to geopolitical competition and conflicts. Speaking at the Australian Critical Minerals Summit, in Sydney, Chalmers said that as Australia opened its minds to downstream opportunities in the sector, it also needed to be clear-eyed about the fact that more and more, critical minerals will become a locus of geo-economic competition.


New implements to complement tailings testing portfolio

Civil and mining geotechnical service provider GeoGroup has received the first of three new geotechnical surveying implements, which the company has commissioned to complement its range of tailings monitoring equipment. GeoGroup operations director Grant Rijsmus points out that, of the projects the company has undertaken over the past year, those under the scope of tailings management accounted for about 23% of the company’s workload, indicating that this is a key segment for the company.


Gold miner releases tailings policy

Global gold miner DRDGold released its tailings management policy, earlier this month. The aim of the new policy is to ensure that the interests of all relevant stakeholders – including shareholders, board members, executive and operational management, operating personnel, regulators and potentially impacted parties – are adequately attended to in respect of the design, construction and management of the company’s tailings disposal facilities.


Water stewardship key to sustaining mining sector

Mines must use water stewardship to improve water conservation and water saving, thereby enhancing perception of the industry in the twenty-first century, says innovative solutions developer Xylem South Africa African strategy and marketing manager Chetan Mistry. The benefits of becoming water stewards include greater operational sustainability and efficiency, and better relationships with communities and governments.


Tailings critical liability in mining – consultancy

Tailings storage facilities (TSFs) represent one of the most critical liabilities associated with the mining industry, says engineering and scientific consultancy SRK Consulting tailings engineering corporate consultant Pepe Moreno. With the spotlight focused on environmental, social and governance (ESG), investors and communities perceive the risk posed by TSFs as less tolerable than ever before.


Global organisation publishes tailings reduction roadmap

Global CEO-led organisation International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) in September published its tailings reduction roadmap as part of a broader innovation initiative to develop solutions that significantly reduce tailings waste from mining and metals processing. The roadmap lays out innovative approaches and solutions capable of significantly reducing tailings from the mine life cycle.

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В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии провели встречу со студентами финансового университета

Росгвардия обеспечила безопасность футбольного матча в Дагестане

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