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Новости за 06.10.2017

Voice of America 

US Lifts Economic Sanctions on Sudan

The United States has lifted long-standing economic sanctions on Sudan, citing the country's progress in human rights and counterterrorism. Friday's announcement by the State Department comes after what officials say was a careful review of Sudan's positive actions since January and a "focused, 16-month diplomatic" effort between the U.S. and Sudan. The lifting of sanctions is "in recognition of the Government of Sudan's sustained positive actions to maintain a cessation of hostilities in conflict areas in Sudan... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

'Blade Runner' Update Evokes Colder, Isolated World

In 1982, iconic filmmaker Ridley Scott imagined the dystopian world of 2019 as overcrowded, cynical, polluted and inhabited not only by humans but also by their genetically engineered look-alikes — a disposable workforce, called replicants. Almost at the doorstep of 2019, filmmaker Denis Villeneuve creates Blade Runner 2049, a sequel to the original. As the lines between humanity and artificial intelligence are blurred, once again, both films probe the nature of life and its moral implications. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Tropical Storm Nate Prompts Hurricane Warnings in US

Hurricane and storm surge warnings have been posted for parts of the northern U.S. Gulf Coast amid a strengthening Tropical Storm Nate, which is moving quickly toward a likely U.S. landfall after claiming at least 20 lives across Central America. Nate gained strength over the northwestern Caribbean Sea, prompting the National Hurricane Center in Miami to issue the warnings. The storm was expected to move into the southern Gulf of Mexico late Friday and approach the northern Gulf Coast on Saturday... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons Wins Nobel Peace Prize

The 2017 Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, or ICAN. The group consists of close to 500 organizations in over 100 countries working toward global nuclear disarmament. As Henry Ridgwell reports, the award is widely seen as a political statement at a time of high geopolitical uncertainty.

Voice of America 

The Correspondents

The Correspondents is VOA’s weekly discussion of the world’s top stories, as seen through the eyes of our dedicated reporters in the US and around the globe. Hosted by Mil Arcega, our panel of journalists goes beyond the headlines to give listeners and viewer real context and understanding of what’s driving the story.

Voice of America 

Bergdahl Expected to Plead Guilty, Avoid Trial

Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who was held captive by the Taliban for half a decade after abandoning his Afghanistan post, is expected to plead guilty to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy, two individuals with knowledge of the case said. Bergdahl's decision to plead guilty rather than face trial marks another twist in an eight-year drama that caused the nation to wrestle with difficult questions of loyalty, negotiating with hostage takers and America's commitment not to leave its troops behind. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

October 6, 2017

A look at the best news photos from around the world

Voice of America 

Al-Qaida Releases Call for Jihadist Unity, Purportedly From Leader

Al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahiri is urging followers around the world to unify against what he calls the "international satanic alliance." In a 28-minute undated audio-video message that surfaced Wednesday, al-Zawahiri said, "We are facing the fiercest attack in the history of Muslims. The Crusaders, atheist Russia, China, Rawafidh [rejectionists], secularists and the treacherous rulers have all joined hands against us." VOA could not independently verify the authenticity of the message. Al-Zawahiri... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Analysis: In an Age of Anger, Nationalism Re-emerges

One hundred years ago, the flamboyant, rabble-rousing Italian poet and playwright Gabriele D'Annunzio marched into the disputed city of Fiume on the Adriatic with 2,000 squadristi and set up a farcical Italian regency, appointing himself Duce. For 15 months, D'Annunzio rehearsed rituals that later would be imitated to tragic effect by Benito Mussolini — the stiff-armed Roman salute, balcony speeches punctuated by Achilles' war cry from Homer's epic The Iliad, rhetorical dialogues with adoring crowds. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Nate Aims at New Orleans Amid Worries About Drainage System

When Tropical Storm Nate formed Thursday and forecasts put New Orleans in its projected path, one big question loomed for residents and business owners: Will the pumps work? "That's now a thought in everybody who lives in New Orleans,'' said Devin Shearman, a manager at Katie's restaurant and lounge, which flooded during an unexpected rainstorm August 5. It was one of two flash floods this past summer that led to revelations about personnel and equipment problems at the New Orleans Sewerage and Water Board... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Top 5 Songs for Week Ending Oct. 7

We're cranking up the five most popular songs in the Billboard Hot 100 Pop Singles chart, for the week ending Oct. 7, 2017. Three consecutive weeks, three consecutive Hot Shot Debuts in the Top Five – that's incredible, and it's not even our biggest story! Number 5: Luis Fonsi, Daddy Yankee & Justin Bieber "Despacito" Luis Fonsi, Daddy Yankee and Justin Bieber retreat a slot to fifth place with their former 16-week champ "Despacito." On Oct. 2, Luis took off from Ft. Lauderdale... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Taco Bell Designer, Former President McKay Dies at 86

Robert L. McKay, who designed the first Taco Bell restaurant and with founder Glenn Bell turned it from a quirky food stand into a fast-food empire, has died. He was 86. His son, Rob McKay, said McKay died last week of cancer. Bell opened his first Taco Bell in Downey, California, in 1962, selling hard-shell tacos and other Mexican-inspired fast food. McKay was an architect and designed the Spanish-style arched and tiled building that became the chain's signature look. McKay eventually became president of Taco Bell... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Rohingyas: World's Fastest-growing Refugee Crisis

Aid agencies warn the mass exodus of Rohingyas is not over. Myanmar has seen more than one-half million refugees flee into neighboring Bangladesh since August 25.   The International Organization for Migration (IOM) reports an estimated 2,000 Rohingya refugees are arriving daily at Cox's Bazar in Bangladesh. The agency said as many as 100,000 more people may be waiting to cross from North Rakhine State. U.N. Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Mark Lowcock... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Hurricane Mauled PR's Renowned Monkey Island Research Center

As thousands of troops and government workers struggle to restore normal life to Puerto Rico, a small group of scientists is racing to save more than 1,000 monkeys whose brains may contain clues to mysteries of the human mind. One of the first places Hurricane Maria hit in the U.S. territory September 20 was Cayo Santiago, known as Monkey Island, a 40-acre outcropping off the east coast that is one of the world's most important sites for research into how primates think, socialize and evolve. ... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Trump Set to Decertify - But Not Scrap - Iran Nuclear Deal

U.S. President Donald Trump is expected to decertify the Iran nuclear agreement next week but stop short of completely scrapping it, according to media reports. Trump will declare it is not in U.S. national security interests to certify the 2015 deal that Washington reached with Iran and five other countries, say officials quoted in the reports. The move would launch a 60-day period during which Congress must decide whether to reimpose some or all of the economic sanctions that had been lifted as part of the agreement. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Trump Administration Rolls Back Obamacare Birth Control Mandate

The Trump administration says it will broaden the scope of an opt-out provision in the Affordable Health Care Act, allowing nonprofits and publicly traded companies to stop offering birth control coverage in the insurance they provide their employees. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issued the new set of rules Friday, effective immediately, that expands the privilege previously given to privately-owned companies that say they have religious objections to birth control. The rules published Friday in the Federal Register... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Women in Tech Talk Change at Orlando Gathering

In Orlando, Florida this past week, 18,000 women from around the world gathered to talk about technology and how women can play a bigger role in shaping the industry’s future. VOA’s Michelle Quinn went to the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, the largest meeting of women in technology worldwide, to find out what women in tech want to change.

Voice of America 

Russian Influence on US Elections Renews Attention to Adoption Ban

The investigation into Russian influence on the US elections has renewed attention to the Russian ban on US adoptions - a response to American sanctions about 5 years ago. Donald Trump Jr. said that was the topic when he met with a Russian lawyer during his father's election campaign. As Svetlana Prudovskaya of VOA's Russian service reports, the adoption ban has impacted families and children in both countries.

Voice of America 

Agencies Move to Stop Spread of Plague in Madagascar

As an outbreak of pneumonic plague worsens in Madagascar, the World Health Organization and other international agencies are working with the Ministry of Health to stop the spread of the deadly disease.  The latest official figures put the number of cases at 231, including 33 deaths. Pneumonic plague is a lung infection, transmitted through flea bites or from person to person through droplets in the air when someone coughs or sneezes. A person can die within 48 hours of the disease's onset if not treated with antibiotics. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Blade Runner Update Evokes Colder, Isolated World

In 1982's iconic Blade Runner, filmmaker Ridley Scott imagined the dystopian world of 2019 as overcrowded, polluted and inhabited not only by humans but by their genetically engineered lookalikes - a disposable workforce called replicants. Almost at the doorstep of 2019, filmmaker Denis Villeneuve creates Blade Runner 2049, a sequel to the original. VOA’s Penelope Poulou looks at Villeneuve’s ambitious sci fi sequel.

Voice of America 

The Iran Nuclear Deal Explained

On October 12, U.S. President Donald Trump is expected to announce whether his administration still finds Iran in compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal. Here's a look at what could happen if he chooses not to certify Tehran's compliance. What is the Iran nuclear deal? In July 2015, the permanent five members of the U.N. Security Council (Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States, plus Germany) agreed with Iran on a landmark deal to prevent Tehran from building a nuclear bomb. In exchange... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

US Lawmakers Urge Full Media, Aid Access to Myanmar

U.S. lawmakers are calling for "full access" by journalists and aid workers to Myanmar's troubled Rakhine state. "It is very important that we get reporters on the ground, that we get USAID on the ground," Representative Ed Royce, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee said Thursday. "Because as long as that presence is there it's a check to these kinds of atrocities." Representative Royce added that the Trump administration has promised $32 million in assistance — $28 million of which will go to Bangladesh... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Ocean Conference Raises Over $7 Billion for Marine Protection

A global conference organized by the European Union aimed at better protecting marine life has raised more than $7 billion. During the Our Ocean conference that concluded Friday in the Maltese capital of Valletta, the EU committed $645 million to improve marine governance. Representatives from businesses, 112 countries and others pushed the total up to the unprecedented level. The Our Ocean conference has accumulated some 8.7 billion euros ($10.2 billion) since it started in 2014, but the 2017 commitments exceeded expectations. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Renault Wants Half Its Cars to Be Electric or Hybrid in 2022

French carmaker Renault said Friday that half of its models will be electric or hybrid by 2022 and it's investing heavily in "robo-vehicles" with increasing degrees of autonomy. A strategic plan released Friday aims to boost Renault annual revenues to 70 billion euros ($82.2 billion) by 2022 from 51 billion euros last year, in part through an effort to double sales outside its traditional markets in Europe — especially Russia and China. The plans reflect the vision laid out last month by the Renault Nissan Mitsubishi alliance... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

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«Авиасейлс»: почти каждый пятый пассажир в октябре полетит в Москву

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Центр восточной медицины в Петербурге


В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии провели встречу со студентами финансового университета


В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии провели встречу со студентами финансового университета

Росгвардия обеспечила правопорядок на футбольном матче «ЦСКА» - «Краснодар» в Москве


Собянин: Москвичи завоевали золото на международной астрономической олимпиаде

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