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Новости за 06.09.2023

Voice of America 

Pakistan: Clashes Near Afghan Border Kill 4 Soldiers, 12 'Terrorists'

Pakistan said Wednesday that a "large group of terrorists" had stormed its security outposts close to the border with Afghanistan, prompting fierce clashes that killed four soldiers and 12 assailants. The early morning militant raid targeted two Pakistani posts in the northern mountainous Kalash border valley at an elevation of 1,670 meters (5,480 feet). A Pakistani military statement said its soldiers had repulsed the attack, noting the assailants were "equipped with [the] latest weapons." It... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Exiled Tibetan MPs Visit Indian-Administered Kashmir Seeking Support

Three elected members of the Dharmsala-based Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile are in Indian-administered Kashmir to seek the support of pro-Indian leaders in their campaign against Chinese rule in Tibet. On their five-day visit to Kashmir, the trio met Tuesday with a range of local political figures, including two former chief ministers. Exiled Tibetan lawmaker Dawa Tsering told VOA that India has a crucial role to play in the Tibetans’ struggle. "Tibet holds significant importance for India on multiple fronts,” Tsering said. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Iran Journalist Says She Was Sexually Assaulted During Arrest

An Iranian journalist who interviewed the father of Mahsa Amini said she was sexually assaulted during her latest arrest and was now on hunger strike in prison, according to an audio message published Wednesday by several Persian media outlets and rights groups. Nazila Maroufian, 23, has been repeatedly targeted by Iranian authorities since she published an interview with Amjad Amini, whose daughter died in police custody on September 16, 2022, sparking months of protests. Rights groups have... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Indonesian Officials Harass White House Pool Reporter After Harris-Widodo Meeting

Indonesian security officials on Wednesday attempted to block a White House pool reporter from covering the summit between the United States and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, in Jakarta. Indonesian security officials surrounded Patsy Widakuswara, an Indonesian American and VOA’s White House bureau chief, who was acting as the pool reporter for U.S. print and radio media covering the event. As the press pool was ushered out of a meeting between U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris and Indonesian President Joko Widodo... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

France Struggles to Reshape Relations in Africa

After hitting several resets, restoring historic treasures to former colonies, downsizing its military presence and striking new ties elsewhere on the continent, France's Africa strategy seems at an impasse, some experts say. Coups in half a dozen former French colonies in West and Central Africa over three years — including two, in Niger and Gabon, in just over a month — are sparking fresh soul searching about what went wrong and how, if possible, to put longstanding relations and interests back on track. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Mahsa Amini’s Father Tells VOA About Plans to Commemorate Daughter’s Death

The father of Mahsa Amini, the 22-year-old Iranian woman whose death in police custody last year sparked months of anti-government protests, tells VOA that plans are under way to commemorate the anniversary of his daughter's death.   "We are resolute in organizing the anniversary ceremony to pay tribute to the name and memory of Zhina [Mahsa], the martyr, the oppressed, the innocent girl, and for the happiness of her pure soul," Amjad Amini said in an exclusive interview with VOA’s Persian Service. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Myanmar’s Seat Is Empty as VP Harris Speaks to ASEAN Leaders 

A chair with Myanmar’s flag was left empty as Vice President Kamala Harris spoke with Southeast Asian leaders during the U.S.-ASEAN, or Association of Southeast Asian Nations, summit in Jakarta hosted by outgoing chair Indonesia. “The United States will continue to press the regime to end the horrific violence to release all those unjustly detained and to reestablish Myanmar's path to inclusive democracy,” Harris said at the opening of the summit Wednesday. “And we will continue to support ASEAN’s five-point consensus,” she added... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

US and Indonesian Troops Hold Joint Military Exercises

Around 2,100 U.S. and 1,900 Indonesian troops are taking part in joint military exercises in East Java, Indonesia. It is the biggest iteration of this annual exercise and comes amid rising tensions between Southeast Asia and China. VOA's Ahadian Utama reports. Camera: Ahadian Utama

Voice of America 

US Imposes Sanctions on Sudanese Paramilitary Leader for Human Rights Abuses

The United States imposed sanctions Wednesday on Sudanese paramilitary commander Abdelrahim Hamdan Dagalo for acts of violence and human rights abuses committed by his troops in their monthslong conflict with Sudan's army. In a lengthy statement, the U.S. Treasury said it had sanctioned Abdelrahim — a senior military commander and brother of Mohammed Hamdan Daglo, who is the head of the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces — accusing him of leading a group of soldiers responsible for "the massacre of civilians... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Somalia Shifts Military Tactics in Fight Against Al-Shabab

The Somali government says it plans to shift military tactics against al-Shabab amid increased resistance and threats coming from the militants, senior officials confirmed to VOA Somali. The tactic gives local community fighters the lead role in the fight against al-Shabab with federal government forces playing a supportive role, said two senior government officials who did not want to be identified. The officials also confirmed that the federal government will register the local fighters and... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

September 6, 2023

A look at the best news photos from around the world.

Voice of America 

WHO: Bangladesh Hit by Worst Dengue Outbreak on Record

Bangladesh is experiencing its most severe dengue outbreak on record, the World Health Organization said Wednesday, partly blaming climate change for contributing to the spread of such mosquito-borne diseases.  Since the outbreak began in April, more than 135,000 dengue cases and 650 deaths have been recorded in the world's eighth most populous country, the U.N. agency said.  More than 300 deaths from dengue were reported last month alone, WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told an online news conference. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

US Business Delegation Makes Rare Visit To Taliban-Run Afghanistan

An American private sector delegation opened meetings in Afghanistan with officials and local counterparts Wednesday in the first interaction since the Taliban seized power from a U.S.-backed government two years ago. Jeffrey Grieco, president of the Afghan American Chamber of Commerce, or AACC, in the United States, is leading the delegation. Addressing a televised meeting in Kabul of business representatives that Greico co-hosted with Taliban Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Abdul Ghani Baradar... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

South African Businesses Look to China for Electricity Crisis Help

China pledged to help South Africa with its crippling energy crisis during the recent BRICS summit in Johannesburg. At the same time, South Africa said it wants to correct a trade imbalance with China and export more finished products — but manufacturing in South Africa is currently hampered by the unreliable power grid. Kate Bartlett spoke to business owners in Johannesburg about the challenges they face. Video editor: Zaheer Cassim

Voice of America 

Gabon Civilians Celebrate as Coup Leader Frees Political Prisoners

Gabon civilians are celebrating the military junta's liberation Tuesday of several political prisoners jailed for years without trial by ousted President Ali Bongo Ondimba. Coup leader Brice Nguema also received his first ever foreign delegation led by Central African Republic President Faustin-Archange Touadera, dispatched by central African leaders to negotiate a return to civilian rule after suspending Gabon from their regional bloc. Gabon's military junta says it has freed several people held... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Spanish Soccer Star Hermoso Accuses Rubiales of Sexual Assault

Spanish soccer player Jenni Hermoso has formally accused Luis Rubiales, president of the Royal Spanish Football Federation, of sexual assault for an unwanted kiss after the Women’s World Cup final, the national prosecutor’s office announced Wednesday. In late August, FIFA, world soccer’s governing body, issued Rubiales a 90-day suspension “pending the disciplinary proceedings opened” against him. The entire World Cup-winning team has refused to compete until Rubiales is ousted. Spanish politicians... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Brazil Storm Leaves at Least 27 Dead, 1,600 Homeless While Families Plead for Help

An extratropical cyclone in southern Brazil caused floods in several cities, killing at least 27 people and leaving more than 1,600 homeless, authorities said Wednesday.  More than 60 cities have been battered by the storm since Monday night, and Rio Grande do Sul Governor Eduardo Leite said the death toll was the state's highest due to a climate event.  Rescue efforts expanded farther west on Wednesday with helicopters headed to the Rio Pardo Valley. Search and rescue teams had been focusing around the Taquari Valley... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Death Toll From Fierce Storms, Flooding in Greece, Turkey and Bulgaria Rises to 11 

The death toll from severe rainstorms that lashed parts of Greece, Turkey and Bulgaria increased to 11 Wednesday after rescue teams in the three neighboring countries recovered four more bodies. A flash flood at a campsite in northwestern Turkey near the border with Bulgaria killed at least four people — with two found dead Wednesday — and carried away bungalow homes. Rescuers were still searching for two people reported missing at the campsite. Another two people died in Istanbul, Turkey's largest city... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Aung San Suu Kyi in Ill Health – Source

Aung San Suu Kyi, the jailed de facto leader of Myanmar’s deposed civilian government, is reportedly in ill health and is being denied urgent medical care by the ruling military junta. An anonymous source familiar with the matter told news outlets the 78-year-old Suu Kyi is unable to eat much due to severe toothaches and is vomiting and suffering from dizzy spells.  BBC News says it has learned that Suu Kyi has chronic gum disease and suffers from low-blood pressure as well. She is being treated... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Lawyers Claim Cable TV, Phone Companies also Responsible in Maui Fires

After a visit to a warehouse where Hawaiian Electric Company is housing power poles and electrical equipment that may be key to the investigation of last month's devastating fires on Maui, lawyers for Lahaina residents and business owners told a court Tuesday that cable TV and telephone companies share responsibility for the disaster because they allegedly overloaded and destabilized some of the poles. The lawyers said the cables were attached in a way that put too much tension on the poles, causing them to lean and break in the winds on Aug.

Voice of America 

China Authorities Arrest 2 for Smashing Through Great Wall with Excavator

China's Great Wall has been pierced by Genghis Khan, the Manchus, and now, allegedly, a couple of construction workers named Zheng and Wang who wanted a shortcut. Authorities in China arrested the two men for smashing a path through a section of the ancient wall, a cultural icon and United Nations protected heritage site. The area of the breach was a broken-down section far from the restored segments most Chinese and foreign tourists are familiar with. State media showed a dirt road cut through... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Harris, Widodo Focus Talks on US Tax Credit for Indonesian Nickel

A limited free trade agreement  proposed by Indonesia that will allow nickel and other critical commodities used in electric vehicle production to benefit from U.S. tax credits will be a focus of discussion between Vice President Kamala Harris and Indonesian President Joko Widodo Wednesday in Jakarta, Indonesia "We anticipate they will discuss our efforts build resilient supply chains, including for the critical minerals required to expand our clean energy economies," a White House official told VOA. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

FLASHPOINT IRAN: Women, Undaunted by Crackdown, Mobilize Renewed Protests for Mahsa Amini Anniversary

VOA Persian “Tablet” TV show host Masih Alinejad on what sources in Iran are saying about plans to mark the first anniversary of Mahsa Amini protests. U.S.-based, Iran-born artist Kiana Honarmand on her recent Rockville, Maryland, exhibition honoring Iran’s “Woman Life Freedom” protests. Institute for Science and International Security’s David Albright on what apparent leaked documents from Russia’s Alabuga drone production facility say about Iran-Russia drone cooperation.

Voice of America 

Additional Regional Consequences for Gabon as ECCAS Suspends Membership

ECCAS suspends Gabon’s membership following the military’s removal of its democratically elected president. An Afghan father worries about feeding his children after the WFP announces cuts. And how one US company is hoping to win the race toward nuclear fusion technology.

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Собянин: Началась реставрация фасадов и кровли здания биржи на Ильинке

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