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Новости за 15.09.2023

Voice of America 

Vice President to Represent China at UN General Assembly

China is sending Vice President Han Zheng to the U.N. General Assembly's annual high-level debate, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Friday, suggesting that the country's most senior diplomat, Wang Yi, will not attend. This year's gathering of world leaders at United Nations headquarters in New York starts Monday with a sustainability summit. The weeklong general debate gets underway on Tuesday. Chinese President Xi Jinping has not attended the U.N. session in person for several years. He... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

September 15, 2023

A look at the best news photos from around the world.

Voice of America 

EU Steps in to Boost Amazon Rainforest Protection Plan

The European Union on Friday threw its weight behind a plan to protect the Amazon rainforest, pledging to coordinate financial contributions from EU members and make sure the money was spent as intended under its Global Gateway investment plan. Team Europe, which includes EU members states and institutions such as the European Investment Bank, will coordinate 260 million euros ($277 million) already pledged by Spain, Italy, Sweden, France, Germany and the Netherlands to curb deforestation in the Amazon. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Bangladesh Dengue Outbreak Kills 778 People

Bangladesh is struggling with a record outbreak of dengue fever, with experts saying a lack of a coordinated response is causing more deaths from the mosquito-transmitted disease.  The World Health Organization recently warned that diseases such as dengue, Zika, chikungunya and yellow fever caused by mosquito-borne viruses are spreading faster and further because of climate change.  So far this year, 778 people in Bangladesh have died and 157,172 have been infected, according to the government's Directorate General Health Services. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Preserving the Past

VOA Connect Episode 296 - Crafting legacies and reviving nearly forgotten arts.

Voice of America 


Shannon Ho, a local entrepreneur, teaches Calligraphy workshops and designs stationery. Despite declining attention to handwriting, Ho shares her passion for calligraphy, showing us that it is not a lost art form. Reporter: Faiza Elmasry, Camera | Producer | Editor: June Soh

Voice of America 

Family Legacy

Meet Heather Nickerson, co-founder and CEO of Artifcts, a platform that transforms cherished objects and their associated stories into tangible heirlooms meant to be passed down through generations. Reporter: Faiza Elmasry, Camera | Producer | Editor: June Soh

Voice of America 

Nature | Pike National Forest

Enjoy the natural beauty of the mountains of Pike National Forest in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Voice of America 

US Issues Iran Sanctions on Anniversary of Mahsa Amini's death

The United States is sanctioning more than two dozen individuals and entities connected to Iran's "violent suppression" of protests in the wake of Masha Amini’s death last year while in the custody of Iran's morality police, the U.S. Department of Treasury said on Friday. The sanctions target 29 people and groups, including 18 key members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, or IRGC, and Iran's Law Enforcement Forces, or LEF, as well as the head of Iran's Prisons Organization, the department said. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Regional State President Survives Suicide Bombing in Central Somalia

The president of Somalia’s Galmudug regional state was unhurt but two federal lawmakers were wounded when a bomb-laden car exploded in a central Somali village Friday, according to witnesses and officials. The al-Shabab militant group said it was behind the suicide attack that appears to have targeted regional president Ahmed Abdi Kariye, also known as Qorqor. The officials were in Las-Ga’amey, a small village in the Mudug region, when the blast struck, the commander of Galmudug regional troops, General Mohamed Nur Ali Gadar, told VOA. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

How International Students Can Feel More at Home in US

Indian news outlet Telangana Today has some tips on how international students can acclimate to life in the United States. They include: Attending welcome-week events organized by the university. Taking advantage of support services offered by the school's international student office. Joining clubs and organizations. Read the full article here. (August 2023)

Voice of America 

Conflict in Northern Mali Resumes Amid UN Withdrawal

As the U.N. mission to Mali withdraws from the northern part of the country, hostilities between the Malian army and Tuareg rebels have reignited and Islamist attacks have increased amid the chaos. Residents say they are effectively stuck in a war zone as the north is cut off from the south via road, air and river after a deadly attack on a passenger boat and the suspension of flights by Mali’s only commercial airline. The Coordination of Azawad Movements, or CMA, a coalition of Tuareg separatist... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Conflict-driven School Closures Threaten Education of Millions of African Children

UNHCR, the United Nations refugee agency, as well as UNICEF and the Norwegian Refugee Council, said this week that more than 13,200 schools in eight African nations have had to close because of insecurity, affecting the education of at least 2.5 million children. According to the agencies’ data on school closures over the last four years, the number of schools closed in the Sahel region has grown more than fivefold, from 1,700 to 9,000, with Burkina Faso accounting for two-third of the closures.... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

British PM Calls for Banning Dog Breed Following Deadly Attack

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called Friday for a ban on American Bully XL dogs following the death of a man who was attacked by two dogs believed to be of that breed. West Midlands County Emergency Services officials said they responded to a call Thursday in the village of Stonnall, north of Birmingham in central Britain, where they found a man seriously injured after being attacked by two dogs. They said he was in critical condition with multiple injuries and died later after being taken to a local hospital. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

High School Students Take on Global Issues at Model UN

At a high school in Maryland, students at the Model UN are finding skills and space to debate the most pressing global issues of the day, and developing their public speaking and research skills along the way. VOA’s Laurel Bowman has the story. Camera: Saqib Ul Islam

Voice of America 

Moroccan Quake Survivors Face Difficult Future

Families in Morocco’s High Atlas Mountains are still burying their dead a week after a 6.8-magnitude earthquake killed at least 2,900 people and injured more than 5,500. Hopes of finding survivors under the rubble are fading, though, leaving the looming problem of rebuilding homes and lives. Lisa Bryant reports for VOA from the Atlas Mountains

Voice of America 

At China's Belt and Road Summit, Participants Welcome US-India's Rival Plan

A plan unveiled by the U.S. and India last week to build what is seen as an alternative to China’s modern-day Silk Road could mean better deals for the nations along the route, according to participants at a conference in Hong Kong this week marking the 10th anniversary of Beijing’s Belt and Road Initiative, or BRI. “I think the more the merrier, as many as possible,” said Henry Nduka Awuregu, director-general of Scholars Chamber of Commerce & Industry, which promotes good investments in Nigeria. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Health Groups Warn Against Quick Mass Burials in Libya

Three international health organizations are warning against the rushed, mass burials of bodies in Libya following this week's catastrophic flooding. The World Health Organization (WHO), the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) say dead bodies, while distressing to look at, pose little or no threat to public health. "Amid devastating loss of life due to disasters and conflict, there is often unfounded... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Hong Kong Tries to Woo Back Mainland Chinese Tourists

Chinese tourists used to flock to Hong Kong before the pandemic, bringing empty suitcases to fill with everything from baby milk powder, to cosmetics and nonprescription drugs. Large tour groups would descend on the city, sparking complaints from some locals. When Hong Kong reopened its borders earlier this year, many people were expecting an influx of tourists from mainland China once again, but the past three years have changed the traveling and shopping behavior of Chinese people.  Since reopening in January... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Analysts: Effect of Libya's Killer Storm Made Worse by Decade of Conflict

Just hours after epic storm Daniel dumped torrential rains on Libya's coast, breaching dams and killing thousands, some called it perhaps the deadliest and costliest Mediterranean tropical-like cyclone ever recorded. Described by some scientists as the latest extreme weather event linked to climate change, analysts tell VOA that conflict, political division and neglect of public infrastructure also played a role in making Libya helpless as Daniel's downpour burst two dams, sweeping entire neighborhoods... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Libya Seals off Flooded City as Search for 10,000 Missing Continues; Death Toll Passes 11,000

Libyan authorities sealed off an inundated city on Friday to allow search teams to dig through the mud and hollowed-out buildings for 10,000 people missing and feared dead after the official toll from flooding soared past 11,000. Authorities warned that disease and explosives shifted by the waters could take yet more lives. Two dams collapsed in exceptionally heavy rains from Mediterranean storm Daniel early Monday, sending a wall of water several meters high gushing down a valley that cuts through the city of Derna. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

China Economic Data Show Signs Slowdown May Be Easing

China's factories picked up their pace and retail sales also gained momentum in August, the government reported Friday, suggesting the economy may be gradually recovering from its post-pandemic malaise. However, despite busy activity in restaurants and stores, the figures showed continuing weakness in the all-important property sector, where real estate developers are struggling to repay heavy loads of debt in a time of slack demand. Investment in real estate fell 8.8% in August from the year before. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Yemen Houthi Rebel Delegation Flies to Saudi Arabia for Peace Talks

A delegation from Yemen's Houthi rebels have flown into Saudi Arabia for talks with the kingdom on potentially ending the yearslong war tearing at the Arab world's poorest nation, officials say.     It remains unclear what terms now are being discussed between Riyadh and the Iranian-backed Houthis, who have held Yemen's capital of Sanaa since September 2014. But the trip comes after regional rivals Saudi Arabia and Iran reached a Chinese-mediated détente earlier this year and as there's been... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

13,000 US Auto Workers Strike Seeking Better Wages, Benefits

About 13,000 U.S. auto workers stopped making vehicles and went on strike Friday after their leaders couldn’t bridge a giant gap between union demands in contract talks and what Detroit’s three automakers are willing to pay. Members of the United Auto Workers union began picketing at a General Motors assembly plant in Wentzville, Missouri, a Ford factory in Wayne, Michigan, near Detroit, and a Stellantis Jeep plant in Toledo, Ohio. It was the first time in the union’s 88-year history that it... Читать дальше...

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В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии задержали подозреваемого в убийстве


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Родители 317,2 тыс. детей в Московской области получают единое пособие

Росгвардия обеспечила правопорядок на футбольном матче «ЦСКА» - «Краснодар» в Москве



Собянин рассказал о проектах финалистов московских технологических конкурсов

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Музыкальные новости

Пётр Чайковский

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Дарья Касаткина проиграла четвёртый финал WTA в текущем сезоне

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Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России