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Новости за 13.11.2023

Voice of America 

Ethiopia's Oromo Rebels in Tanzania for Peace Talks

Rebels from Ethiopia's Oromiya region said Monday they were in Tanzania for a second round of talks with the Ethiopian government to try to end decades of fighting. The negotiations come more than six months after a first round of discussions between the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) and Ethiopia's government ended without an agreement. The conflict in recent years has killed hundreds of people and displaced tens of thousands in Ethiopia's most populous region. "We remain committed to finding... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

More Attacks on US Forces Following Strike on Iran-Backed Targets in Syria

Iranian-backed militants have attacked U.S. forces in Iraq and Syria at least four times in the past 24 hours, raising the number of attacks to 52 in less than a month, U.S. defense officials tell VOA. "These attacks must stop, and if they don't stop, then we won't hesitate to do what's necessary, again, to protect the troops," Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told reporters at a news conference in Seoul on Monday. The four attacks occurred after U.S. forces carried out strikes against two Iran-linked... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Israeli Resort Town Turned Shelter for Evacuees Under Attack

Eilat, the southernmost town in Israel, became one of the main hubs for evacuees from areas under rocket barrage from Gaza since the October 7 attacks. Now the town has become the target of drone and missile attacks. VOA’s Natasha Mozgovaya reports. (Camera and video editing by Mary Cieslak)

Voice of America 

Navalny Ally Jailed in Russian City of Tomsk

An ally of Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny has been transferred from house arrest to a detention center, where she will be held for the remainder of her trial on extremism charges. Ksenia Fadeyeva, who formerly ran Navalny’s office in the Siberian City of Tomsk, is the latest in a string of Russian crackdowns on political activists, independent journalists and rights workers. Fadeyeva was also a member of the local legislature in Tomsk. The transfer to a detention center comes after... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

November 13, 2023

A look at the best news photos from around the world.

Voice of America 

FLASHPOINT: GLOBAL CRISES Heavy Fighting Encircles Main Hospital in Gaza City

Gaza’s main hospital is surrounded by fighting; power is cut off as the death toll climbs. We check in with communities in southern Israel, including a conversation with the mayor of Sderot. Plus, security in the Pacific and we learn more about a highly contagious disease that’s making a comeback.

Voice of America 

A Free Man, Georgian Journalist Nika Gvaramia Considers Next Moves

Once the only journalist imprisoned in Georgia, Nika Gvaramia confesses that after years of fighting for his country, he sometimes feels guilty about how his work affects his family.  "They are sacrificing a lot," he said of his wife and three children. "My kids are persistently under danger of being attacked because their father is Nika Gvaramia." The family's eldest son already lives in the United States under asylum. But Gvaramia finds solace in his fight for what he believes would make a better Georgia ... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Thousands Evacuated as Southern Iceland Prepares for Volcanic Eruption

Around 900 small earthquakes shook southern Iceland on Monday, as scientists warn a significant eruption from the Fagradalsfjall volcanic system may be imminent. Uncertainty surrounding possible damage from earthquakes and volcanic activity led nearly 4,000 people to be evacuated from their homes in the coastal town of Grindavik, about 40 kilometers southwest of the capital, Reykjavik. Thousands of small tremors have been recorded in the area in recent weeks, and Grindavik residents were evacuated... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Nepal Bans TikTok, Says It Disrupts Social Harmony

Nepal’s government decided to ban the popular social media app TikTok, saying Monday it was disrupting “social harmony” in the country. The announcement was made following a Cabinet meeting. Foreign Minister Narayan Prakash Saud said the app would be banned immediately. “The government has decided to ban TikTok as it was necessary to regulate the use of the social media platform that was disrupting social harmony, goodwill and flow of indecent materials,” Saud said. He said that to make social media platforms accountable... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

EU Condemns Hamas for Using Civilians at Gaza Hospitals as Human Shields

The European Union has jointly condemned Hamas for using hospitals and civilians as "human shields" in the Israel-Hamas war while EU foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell urged Israel "for maximum restraint in targeting in order to avoid human casualties."  In a show of unity, all 27 members of the bloc issued a statement that "the EU condemns the use of hospitals and civilians as human shields by Hamas." At a meeting of the bloc's foreign affairs ministers, Borrell presented the statement he issued... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Poll: Few Americans Believe Conservatives Can Speak Freely on Campus 

Americans generally believe liberals have a lot of freedom to express themselves on college campuses, while fewer say the same can be said for conservatives, according to a new poll from University of Chicago and The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.   WDEF in Chattanooga, Tennessee, reports that Americans believe conservatives face stronger bias on campus. (October 2023)

Voice of America 

Is a Chinese Blockbuster Discouraging Travel to Thailand?

A Chinese blockbuster movie that depicts real life scams in Southeast Asia could be spooking tourists from China and giving them pause when considering traveling to Thailand, analysts and data suggest. Released in August, No More Bets is a story about several Chinese citizens who are tricked into taking a work trip overseas only to be forced into operating illegal online investment, gambling and cryptocurrency scams in an unnamed Southeast Asian country. The movie is based on a real-life problem that has mushroomed in recent years. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Is a Chinese Blockbluster Discouraging Travel to Thailand?

A Chinese blockbuster movie that depicts real life scams in Southeast Asia could be spooking tourists from China and giving them pause when considering traveling to Thailand, analysts and data suggest. Released in August, No More Bets is a story about several Chinese citizens who are tricked into taking a work trip overseas only to be forced into operating illegal online investment, gambling and cryptocurrency scams in an unnamed Southeast Asian country. The movie is based on a real-life problem that has mushroomed in recent years. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

For News Organizations, Flood of Gaza War Video Is Both Illuminating and Troubling

A camera livestreaming the skyline of Gaza City captures streaks of light. Dash-cam video from a car in Israel spots a killer coming into view. A satellite identifies tank tracks in the dirt, and a mall security camera catches the moment a bomb in Gaza detonates. While journalists' access to the war in Gaza is limited, a flood of video from all sorts of sources documents what is — and isn't — going on. At news organizations, sifting through material found online to determine what is real, and... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

US Officials Set Modest Goals for Biden-Xi Meeting

U.S. President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping will meet Wednesday on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit. U.S. officials don't expect any breakthroughs that would improve U.S.-China ties, as VOA’s Bill Gallo reports from Seoul.

Voice of America 

Myanmar Army Faces New Threat as Armed Ethnic Foes Open New Front in Western State

Myanmar’s military government, under pressure in the country’s northeast where it recently lost strategic territory to an alliance of armed ethnic rebels, faced a fresh challenge Monday when one of the groups launched attacks in the western state of Rakhine. The Arakan Army launched surprise assaults on two outposts of the Border Guard Police, a para-military force, in Rakhine’s Rathedaung township, according to independent online media and residents of the area. The attacks took place despite... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

US, South Korea Revise Security Agreement to Deter North Korea Threats

The United States and South Korea updated their deterrence agreement against North Korean military threats on Monday for the first time in a decade. U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin met with his South Korean counterpart, Shin Won-sik, in Seoul for the signing amid annual security talks. “Our deterrence commitment to the ROK (Republic of Korea) remains ironclad. That includes the full range of our nuclear, conventional and missile defense capabilities,” Austin told reporters at a press conference on Monday. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Border Crossings: Zoe Wees

German-born singer-songwriter Zoe Wees has released her debut album, Therapy.  The album includes 20 news songs – she performed for Border Crossings two new songs from the album “Sorry for the Drama” and “Less of a Woman” and she also performed from her EP Golden Wings, “Control”  which is a song about anxiety and not being in control, but more specifically, about her battle with benign rolandic epilepsy.

Voice of America 

Cargo Standstill as Cyberattacks Close Australian Ports 

Several major Australian ports are resuming operations after shutting down due to a cyberattack. The ports are run by DP World Australia, one of the country’s biggest logistics companies. Authorities have not said who might be to blame. The shutdown of several terminals followed a cyberattack on Australia's second largest port operator. DP World Australia said it was aware of malicious activity inside its computer network last Friday and shut down its systems in response. The logistics company... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Biden to Hear Muslim World Views on Gaza in Meeting with Indonesia’s Widodo

U.S. President Joe Biden is set to hear the views of the Muslim world on the war in Gaza during a meeting with Indonesian President Joko Widodo at the White House Monday afternoon. Widodo is in Washington to elevate diplomatic ties to “comprehensive strategic partnership,” the highest in the country’s diplomatic ranking. The leaders are far apart on their views of the conflict, with Biden’s unwavering support of Israel and Widodo demanding an immediate cease-fire in Gaza and supporting a United... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

WHO Chief: Gaza’s Largest Hospital is Not Functioning Anymore

Latest developments: WHO director-general says Gaza’s largest hospital “is not functioning anymore.”  Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Hamas blocking safe evacuation of patients from Gaza hospitals.  Four patients and a premature baby at Shifa Hospital die as generator runs out of fuel.  Thousands flee northern Gaza after strikes on its largest hospitals.  The latest death toll: 1,200 in Israel during the Oct. 7 Hamas attack and, according to the Hamas-run health ministry, 11,000 in Gaza, overwhelmingly women and children. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Rescuers Dig to Reach 40 Workers Trapped in India Tunnel

Rescuers were digging through dirt and parts of a collapsed road tunnel Monday to reach 40 workers trapped by a landslide at the construction project in northern India. All of the construction workers are safe, police officer Prashant Kumar said, adding that they have been supplied with oxygen and water. He said the rescuers had established contact with the trapped individuals. The collapse occurred Sunday in Uttarakhand, a mountainous state dotted with Hindu temples that attracts many pilgrims and tourists. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

INTERNATIONAL EDITION: US Strikes Iran-linked Sites in Eastern Syria

The U.S. carried out strikes against two Iran-linked sites in Syria. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says that Hamas is blocking the safe removal of patients from a Gaza hospital. Evacuations are underway in Iceland as authorities prepare for a possible volcanic eruption.

Voice of America 

France’s Poorest Island is Parched Due to Drought, Underinvestment

Drop by disappearing drop, water is an ever more precious resource on Mayotte, the poorest place in the European Union. Taps flow just one day out of three in this French territory off Africa’s eastern coast, because of a drawn-out drought compounded by years of underinvestment and water mismanagement. Diseases like cholera and typhoid are on the rebound, and the French army recently intervened to distribute water and quell tensions over supplies. The crisis is a wakeup call to the French government... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Another Wildfire Burns in Hawaii, This One is Destroying a Rainforest

A wildfire burning in a remote Hawaii rainforest is underscoring a new reality for the normally lush island state just a few months after a devastating blaze on a neighboring island leveled an entire town and killed at least 99 people. No one was injured and no homes burned in the latest fire, which scorched mountain ridges on Oahu, but the flames wiped out irreplaceable native forestland that's home to nearly two dozen fragile species. And overall, the ingredients are the same as they were in Maui's historic town of Lahaina... Читать дальше...

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