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Новости за 05.05.2017

Voice of America 

Trump Optimistic on Israeli-Palestinian Peace, Without Endorsing Two States

President Donald Trump may be confident he can help mediate a historic peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians. But don't ask him what that deal looks like, because apparently he's not saying. During his meeting this week with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Trump repeatedly expressed hope for an "agreement," a "deal," or more generally an arrangement resulting in "peace" between the two sides. Conspicuously absent from Trump's remarks was any reference to a two-state solution or the notion of a Palestinian state... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Mosul Dam No Longer on Brink of Catastrophe

After six months of intensified repairs, Iraqi officials claim the massive Mosul Dam has been saved from impending disaster. But experts say it will always be at risk of collapse and will need constant maintenance. "There remains no danger to the dam now," Hassan Janabi, Iraq's minister of water resources, told VOA. "It is with overwhelming happiness to announce that it is going back to normal operation." The 13-kilometer-long dam on the Tigris River in northern Iraq is the Middle East's second-largest dam. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

North Korea Accuses US of Plotting Kim Assassination

North Korea on Friday accused the governments of the United States and South Korea of carrying out an unsuccessful assassination attempt against leader Kim Jong Un. State media reports quoted the country's security ministry as saying it would "ferret out and mercilessly destroy" the agents in the U.S. and South Korean spy agencies it accuses of plotting the attack. A cash deal According to the Ministry of State Security, American and South Korean spies coerced a North Korean citizen into carrying... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

3 African Runners Will Try to Break Marathon Barrier

Three elite runners from East Africa will try Saturday to reach one of track and field's most elusive goals: the sub-two-hour marathon. Eliud Kipchoge of Kenya, Lelisa Desisa of Ethiopia and Zersenay Tadese of Eritrea will run on a flat, closed 2.4-kilometer course in Monza, Italy, chosen for its optimal altitude and track conditions for running.    The race is sponsored by sportswear manufacturer Nike Inc., which recently launched what it called a "moonshot" project to break the two-hour marathon barrier. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Man Accused of Planning to Bomb NYC to Help Islamic State

A New Jersey man who appeared on authorities' radar after stabbing the family dog had plans to construct and use a pressure cooker bomb in New York City and, if necessary, become a martyr in support of the Islamic State group, federal prosecutors said Friday. Gregory Lepsky, 20, of Point Pleasant, was charged with attempting to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization. Investigators say he had praised the Islamic State group's leader, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, in online messages. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Relatives of Jailed Venezuelan Dissident Seek Global Action

Relatives and lawyers of jailed Venezuelan opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez want the Red Cross to verify his health and are seeking to bring President Nicolas Maduro's government before a Spanish court for alleged terrorism crimes. Spain's laws allow judges to take on cases for crimes committed outside of the country as long as the victims are Spanish, although very few have succeeded.   The family's lawyers said Friday that at least two opposition leaders with Spanish passports are being held... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Trump Order on Religious Groups' Political Activity Brings Lawsuit

A Wisconsin-based atheist group has filed a lawsuit asking a federal judge to strike down President Donald Trump's order aimed at easing an Internal Revenue Service rule limiting religious organizations' political activity. A 1954 law prohibits tax-exempt charitable organizations, such as churches, from participating in political campaigns. Trump signed an executive order Thursday directing the Treasury Department not to take "adverse action" against churches or religious organizations for political speech. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Nigeria's Buhari Reappears Amid Continuing Health Concerns

Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari attended weekly prayers Friday, a development that eased but did not eliminate concerns about his poor health and its impact on the country. This was the first time in three weeks that Buhari came to worship in the mosque, located inside the presidential villa in Abuja.The president had earlier missed three consecutive Wednesday cabinet meetings.   VOA's Hausa Service reporter, Umar Farouk Musa, said Buhari appeared hearty and cheerful as he greeted other worshippers at the end of prayers Friday. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

White House Chief Usher Suddenly Leaves

Angella Reid, the first woman to serve as chief usher at the White House, is suddenly off the job. The Washington Post reported Friday that Reid had been fired. Trump administration officials confirmed that Reid is no longer employed at the White House. White House deputy press secretary Sarah Sanders said Friday that Reid left on good terms. No further explanation was given for Reid's departure. Reid was the first woman and second African American in history to hold the position. She was... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Egypt IS Leader Vows to Escalate Attacks on Christians

The leader of the Islamic State affiliate in Egypt has vowed to escalate attacks against Christians, urging Muslims to steer clear of Christian gatherings and western embassies as they are targets of their group's militants. "Targeting the churches is part of our war on infidels," the unidentified leader said in a lengthy interview published by the group's al-Nabaa newsletter on Thursday. He also called on Muslims who don't join jihadists to carry out lone wolf attacks across Egypt, and complained... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Border Crossings: Tift Merritt

Singer-songwriter Tift Merritt sits down with Border Crossings host, Larry London to talk about and perform songs from her new CD, "Stitch of the World."

Voice of America 

Trump Signs $1T Spending Bill

President Donald Trump has signed his first piece of major legislation, a $1 trillion spending bill to fund the government through September.   The bill cleared both houses of Congress this week and Trump signed it behind closed doors at his home in central New Jersey, well ahead of a midnight Friday deadline for some government functions to begin shutting down. But other battles over government spending lie ahead. Among those are the border wall Trump has vowed to build on the U.S.-Mexico border to deter illegal immigration... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Bumps Ahead for 'Obamacare' Repeal as Americans Air Worries

Republicans are claiming a triumph by pushing their legislative centerpiece scuttling much of President Barack Obama's health care law through the House. It was a perilous journey, and its Senate pathway will be at least as bumpy with little doubt the measure will change, assuming it survives. Thursday's 217-213 House passage — with 20 GOP defections — was preceded by several near-death experiences for the legislation, even though repealing Obama's statute helped guide Donald Trump's presidential... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

US Investigates Malfunctioning Nissan Automobile Brakes

The United States office that handles highway safety announced it would investigate complaints that brakes can malfunction on Nissan's popular Murano SUV. According to documents released Friday by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, nearly 60 people have complained that the brakes on their cars lose pressure when trying to stop on a low-friction surface. Some drivers reported increased stopping distances after pushing the pedal all the way to the floor. The investigation will... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Delta Apologizes for Kicking Family Off Flight

After yet another viral video has surfaced of people being kicked off an overbooked plane. Delta Air Lines has apologized. In a statement, the company said it was "sorry for the unfortunate experience.” The video, posted by Brian and Brittany Schear, showed them and their two toddlers being told to exit the flight or be arrested after a dispute over a seat the Schears bought for their teenage son. The couple posted the video on YouTube and showed Brian Schear arguing with someone aboard... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Program Helps Blow Whistle on Wildlife Crimes

Rampant poaching across Africa has pushed species of elephants, rhinos and other treasured wildlife to the edge of extinction. However, there is a mostly untapped resource that can help crack down on these crimes: the Wildlife Whistleblower Program. The program, an initiative of the National Whistleblower Center in Washington, allows witnesses to report wildlife crimes online, anonymously if they so choose. Reportable crimes include illegal poaching and trafficking, destruction of rainforests, and the improper netting of dolphins. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

France Prepares for Sunday's Ballot Box 'Revolution'

For the first time in recent history, French voters on Sunday will cast ballots in a presidential election with no candidates from traditional establishment parties. Their choice: Emmanuel Macron, a centrist from the left who is pro-business and pro-Europe and Marine Le Pen, a nationalist who wants France out of the European Union and an end to most immigration, especially from Muslim countries. VOA Europe Correspondent Luis Ramirez reports from Paris.

Voice of America 

Suicide Blasts Kill 5 in Nigeria

At least five people were killed by a pair of female suicide bombers in northeast Nigeria, authorities said Friday. Borno state police said two women detonated bombs strapped to themselves Thursday night in the Konduga area, "killing themselves and five others." "Six persons sustained various degrees of injuries," police spokesman Murtala Ibrahim added in a statement about the attack. Terrorist group Boko Haram has increasingly used girls and young women to carry out attacks in marketplaces and checkpoints. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Mosul: Final Offensive

Mosul: Final Offensive Islamic State militants in Iraq hang onto their last stronghold in Mosul as Iraqi forces launch a major new offensive. VOA War correspondent Heather Murdock in Erbil, and VOA Kurdish Service broadcaster Khalid Fatah in Washington talk about the Iraqi Army’s final push against Islamic State militants in Mosul.

Voice of America 

France Britain Elections

France Britain Elections The leading presidential candidates in France go head to head in a crucial debate, ahead of the weekend's final vote. VOA European correspondent Luis Ramirez in Paris, and VOA Macedonian reporter Jane Bojadzievski in Washington discuss the weekend’s final voting in the French presidential election.

Voice of America 

Trump Middle East Peace

Trump Middle East Peace President Trump meets with the leader of the Palestinian Authority - both pledging to achieve a breakthrough for Middle East peace. VOA White House Bureau Chief Steve Herman talks about President Trump’s meeting with Mahmoud Abbas and the push for a peace accord by the Trump administration.

Voice of America 

Prosecutors Dropping 2 Teens' Charges in Maryland School Rape Case

Prosecutors said Friday they are dropping charges against two Hispanic teens accused of raping a 14-year-old girl in a Maryland high school restroom, a case that drew national attention after the White House cited it as an example of why the president wants to crack down on illegal immigration. Montgomery County State's Attorney John McCarthy said at a news conference that the rape and sex offense charges were being dropped after a "painstaking investigation" of a 14-year-old girl's claim that... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Lighter Turnout Seen for Algerian Parliamentary Election; Ruling Party Reigns

Voter turnout in parliamentary elections across Algeria appeared to be lighter than the government had hoped, although 38 percent of eligible voters reportedly cast their ballots, according to interior ministry figures. Participation was down from 43 percent in the previous parliamentary election in 2012, as some younger voters appeared to heed calls on social media to boycott the election. Algerians in some parts of the country appeared to vote in larger numbers than in others. Despite the regional disparities... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Trump Says New Jersey Stay Saves New York, Helps Taxpayers

President Donald Trump says he's working out of his New Jersey golf club to avoid causing a disruption in New York and to save taxpayers.   Trump tweeted Friday morning after waking up for the first time as president at his Trump National Golf Course in Bedminster. The town of rolling hills and horse farms is about 40 miles (65 kilometers) west of New York.   A weekend trip by President-elect Trump in November cost nearly $4,000 in police overtime. The town has estimated it could spend $12,000... Читать дальше...

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На Дону проходит музыкальный фестиваль Юрия Башмета

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У экс-супруги Матвея Сафина изъяли "Мерседес"

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