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Новости за 28.05.2017

Voice of America 

Al-Shabab Stones Man to Death in Somalia

A 44-year-old man has been stoned to death by the al-Shabab militant group in Rama Addey town in southern Somalia's Bay region, reports say. The al-Shabab militant group on its official website said the man was convicted for adultery in Ufurow town, 60 kilometers west of Baidoa.  Al-Shabab said the relatives of the woman involved reported the case on May 20. In an audio posted on the website Sunday, an al-Shabab judge says the man identified as Dhayow Mohamed Hassan confessed to adultery while being married to two women. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Egypt Blocks Financial Newspaper Website, Widening Media Blackout

Egypt has blocked the website of one of its most prominent financial newspapers, the paper's owner said on Sunday, expanding a media blackout initiated last week to curb what authorities called support for terrorism and fake news. Egypt blocked access to a number of news websites including Al-Jazeera and Huffington Post Arabic on Wednesday after similar actions by its Gulf allies Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The censorship of Al-Boursa, a widely read financial newspaper that generally... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

8 Killed in Mississippi Shooting Rampage

A man was arrested Sunday for killing eight people in the southern U.S. state of Mississippi in a shooting rampage at three separate houses the night before. Willie Corey Godbolt, 35, was arrested after the deadly attacks, which allegedly began when he got into a dispute with his wife and in-laws. One of the victims was Deputy Sheriff William Durr, 36. "My pain wasn't designed for him. He was just there," Godbolt said of the deputy, speaking to local paper the Clarion-Ledger. "We was talking... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Families of 5 Bahrainis Say Burial of Loved Ones Without Their Consent a Crime

The families of five Bahrainis killed during a security raid last week accused authorities of depriving them from bidding farewell to their loved ones after authorities buried the bodies without their permission. An interior ministry official said the five were buried on Friday after having contacted the families to attend funeral services, only to change their minds later, the Arabic-language al-Wasat newspaper reported on Sunday. The dispute over the burial was likely to increase tensions in... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

May 28, 2017

A look at the best news photos from around the world.

Voice of America 

Iraq's Iran-backed Paramilitary Advances Towards Syria Border

Iraq's Iran-backed Shi'ite paramilitary force said on Sunday it had dislodged Islamic State from a number of villages west of Mosul, scoring further progress towards the border with Syria. The villages taken by the Popular Mobilization paramilitary force include Kojo, where Islamic State fighters abducted hundreds of Yazidi women in 2014, including Nadia Murad and Lamiya Aji Bashar, recipients of the European Parliament's Sakharov Prize for freedom of thought. Kojo and the other villages of the... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

South African Ruling Party Debates Fate of President

Ruling party critics of South African President Jacob Zuma pushed for his resignation on Sunday amid concern about alleged corruption at the highest levels of the government, but the president still retained significant support within the divided party. This weekend, opponents proposed a motion of no confidence against Zuma at a meeting of leaders of the African National Congress party, which has led South Africa since the end of white minority rule in 1994. Many in the party attribute the ANC's... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

US Considering Laptop Ban on All International Flights

The U.S. Homeland Security chief says he's considering banning laptop computers from the passenger cabins of all international flights to and from the United States. John Kelly says there are signs of a "real threat" against civilian aviation from carry-on electronic devices. Speaking on the Fox News Sunday television program, Kelly said terrorists are "obsessed" with the idea of "knocking down an airplane in flight." The ban would expand a March order that affects about 50 flights per day to the United States from 10 cities... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

NWHF Pays Tribute to Women for Their Achievements

From their fight for the right to vote to the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate, American women have struggled and achieved a lot. That history is on display at the National Women's Hall of Fame in Seneca Falls, New York. As Samina Ahsan reports the museum pays tribute to the achievements of American women.

Voice of America 

Survivors of Egypt Christian Bus Attack Recount Horror

Video interviews with survivors of a deadly attack by Islamic militants on a bus taking Egyptian Christians to a remote desert monastery are painting a picture of untold horror, with children hiding under their seats to escape gunfire. The videos surfaced on social media networks on Sunday, two days after 29 were killed in the attack on a desert road south of the capital. The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attack on Friday. It was the fourth attack against Christians in Egypt since December to be claimed by the IS. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Merkel: Europe Must Stay United in Face of Ally Uncertainty

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is urging European Union nations to stick together in the face of new uncertainty over the United States and other challenges. Merkel said Sunday at a campaign event in Bavaria that "the times in which we can fully count on others are somewhat over, as I have experienced in the past few days."   The comments follow President Donald Trump saying he needed more time to decide if the U.S. would continue backing a key climate accord.   Trump's stance had led Merkel... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

UK Police Arrest 14th Person in Connection with Manchester Attack

A 25-year-old man has been arrested and his property searched Sunday in connection with the Manchester bombing that killed 22 people last week, police said. The man is the 12th currently held in British custody in relation to the suicide bombing of Manchester native Salman Abedi, 22, in the lobby of Manchester Arena Monday just after pop singer Ariana Grande finished her concert.   A woman and teenage boy arrested by British police this week have been released without charges. Abedi's brother... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Trump Assails News Media Accounts of White House Turmoil

President Donald Trump returned to the life he is accustomed to in Washington on Sunday, assailing the news media reporting the turmoil inside his White House, and the investigation of his aides and their links to Russia. On his first morning back from a nine-day trip to the Middle East and Europe, Trump tapped out a string of comments on his Twitter account, declaring that his "trip was a great success for America. Hard work but big results!" Yet, he quickly pivoted to long-standing grievances... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Sources: Iran to Bankroll Pro-Government Militia Fighters in Syria

The Syrian government has asked Iran to take over the supervision and payroll of thousands of Shi'ite militiamen fighting alongside Russian and Syrian troops in support of President Bashar al-Assad, according to a government source and a news report.   The pro-opposition Syrian news website Zaman Al Wasel reported that it obtained a Syrian defense ministry document saying the Assad regime has approved a plan to give Iran responsibility for paying foreign fighters – mostly Shi'ites of varying nationalities. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Philippines Pounds Militants As Civilians Found Shot Dead

Philippine forces found the bodies of what appeared to be eight executed civilians as authorities launched fresh airstrikes Sunday to drive militants linked to the Islamic State group out of a besieged southern city. The death toll from six days of fighting neared 100. The crisis in Marawi, home to some 200,000 people, has grown increasingly dire as the militants show unexpected tenacity, fending off a military that has unleashed attack helicopters, armored vehicles and scores of soldiers. The... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Pope says Egyptian Copts Killed by IS Were 'Martyrs'

For the second day in a row, Pope Francis has expressed his solidarity with Egypt's Coptic Christians following an attack on a bus carrying Coptic pilgrims to a remote desert monastery.   Francis led thousands of people in prayer Sunday for the victims, who Francis said were killed in "another act of ferocious violence" after having refused to renounce their Christian faith.   Speaking from his studio window over St. Peter's Square, Francis said: "May the Lord welcome these courageous witnesses... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Congo Militiamen Free One French, 3 Congolese Mine Workers

Militiamen have a freed French national and three Congolese who were kidnapped in March during an attack on Banro Corp's Namoya gold mine in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, the Interior Ministry said on Sunday. "The president of the republic welcomes the news of the liberation of our compatriot kidnapped on March 1 in the east of Democratic Republic of Congo," said a statement from the office of French President Emmanuel Macron. The militiamen had kidnapped five workers, including the French national, a Tanzanian and three Congolese. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Foreign Firms Seek a Fair Shot at China's New Silk Road Projects

China's planned modern version of its ancient "silk road" may bring more than one trillion dollars of infrastructure investment along trading routes that wind through emerging markets in dozens of countries throughout Asia, Africa and Europe. "One Belt, One Road" (OBOR) trade routes, which stretch from China to London and to Africa, are intended to boost the economies of China and the many nations along the routes by making trading easier and cheaper. But so far, these road, rail, pipeline, port... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Europe Left Uneasy by Trump's Message

White House press spokesman Sean Spicer declared Saturday night Donald Trump’s first overseas trip as U.S. president had been a success in a tweet posted as the American leader was flying back to Washington “after very productive 9 days.” Just hours earlier President Trump told American troops stationed in Sicily he had strengthened bonds with allies. That isn't how Europe leaders and most of the continent’s media see it. European reaction — especially in the key capitals of Berlin and Paris ... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Nearly 100 Afghan Soldiers Killed in a Week

A Taliban infiltrator has gunned down six government forces in southern Afghanistan, raising the number of army and police personnel killed by insurgents in the past week to nearly 100. Afghan and insurgent officials said Sunday the overnight "insider attack" incident took place at a security outpost in Zabul province where a police guard turned his gun on colleagues. He shot dead six police, including the commander of the post. Afghan media quoted local officials as saying the shooter later... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Britain Enlisting Tech Companies in Fight Against Terrorism

Internet companies are beginning to be more helpful in the fight against terrorism, in the wake of the recent attack in Manchester, Britain’s home secretary said. Amber Rudd said in a British television interview Sunday Britain is making “good progress” in working with technology companies to attain access to the encrypted messages of terror suspects. She added, however, “The area that I am most concerned about is the internet companies who are continuing to publish the hate publications, the... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Computers Not Fully Up, But British Airways to Resume Flights

British Airways said Sunday it was still working to restore its computer systems but hoped to resume flights from London airports, a day after a global IT failure crippled its services.   The airline said that it hopes to operate a “near normal schedule” at Gatwick and the “majority of services” from Heathrow Sunday.    “Work continues to restore all of our IT systems but we expect some further disruption today,” BA said in a statement. Thousands inconvenienced  BA canceled all flights from both airports Saturday... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

India-Controlled Kashmir Under Strict Curfew to Quell Protests

Government forces enforced a strict curfew in parts of Indian-controlled Kashmir Sunday, a day after the killing of a prominent rebel commander by Indian soldiers sparked massive protests in the disputed region.   Armed police and paramilitary soldiers patrolled deserted streets and ordered residents indoors in the region’s main city of Srinagar and other towns to stop the anti-India demonstrations.    Still, thousands of people assembled in the southern Tral area to take part in the funeral of the rebel leader... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Zika Detected in India for First Time

India has reported three cases of the Zika virus for the first time, including two pregnant women who delivered healthy babies.   Health Ministry officials said Sunday that the three patients in western Gujarat state had recovered.    “There is no need to panic,’’ Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, a top health ministry official, told reporters. Most recent case in January   The World Health Organization said in a statement released Friday that the three cases that India reported to the WHO on May 15... Читать дальше...

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Премьера трека от финалиста шоу “Голос” Сергея АРУТЮНОВА “Тучи” состоялась на Русском Радио. Выпуск трека приурочен к выходу трибьют-альбома группы “Иванушки International” в честь их 30-летия

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В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии провели встречу со студентами финансового университета

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