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Новости за 23.06.2017

Voice of America 

Turkey to Stop Teaching Evolution Theory in High Schools, Education Official Says

Turkey is to stop teaching Charles Darwin's theory of evolution in high schools, deeming it controversial and difficult to understand, a senior education official said, a move likely to alarm secular Turks. Critics say President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the Islamist-rooted AK Party are undermining modern Turkey's secular foundations by pushing a conservative agenda, including tighter regulation of alcohol and other restrictions, since coming to power in 2002. A chapter titled "Beginning of Life... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

4 Arab Nations Demand Qatar Shut Down Al Jazeera

Four Arab countries are demanding Qatar take its government-supported Al Jazeera news channel off the air in the latest development in a dispute stemming from allegations Qatar is funding terrorist organizations.   The demand is on a 13-point list issued by the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain — the four Arab states that cut diplomatic and economic ties with Qatar three weeks ago. The four countries say Qatar has 10 days to comply but do not say what will happen if the demands are refused. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Slain Venezuela Protester a Son of Maduro Ex-supervisor

The latest youth to die during Venezuela's crackdown on anti-government protests has a unique connection to President Nicolas Maduro: His father once worked with the socialist leader. David Vallenilla told journalists that he'd been Maduro's supervisor when the future president drove a bus for Caracas' mass transit system more than two decades ago. He said he no notion at the time of Maduro's political beliefs and described him as someone very focused on his work. Tragedy brought the two together... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Chile's President Asks Forgiveness From Indigenous Mapuche

President Michelle Bachelet asked for forgiveness from Chile's indigenous Mapuche people on Friday for "errors and horrors" committed by the state and announced plans to give them more power and resources. In the midst of growing tension between the Mapuche and loggers and farmers in Chile's south-central provinces, the center-left president said she would send a project to Congress creating an Indigenous Peoples' Ministry. Cash would be dedicated to building roads and providing drinking water in remote areas... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

UN Commission Condemns Destruction of Mosul Mosque

The U.N.'s office of the high commissioner for human rights has condemned the destruction of the historic al-Nuri mosque by Islamic State militants in the battle-scarred Iraqi city of Mosul, calling it a war crime. The U.N. human rights office says the destruction of the ancient monument on Wednesday is just the latest in a long list of atrocities perpetrated by Islamic State militants. The group has been responsible for the widespread destruction of religious sites, including churches, mosques, shrines, tombs and graves in Iraq and Syria. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

US Drops Reward Offer for Former al-Shabab Leader

The U.S. State Department has withdrawn its reward offer for Mukhtar Robow, a former leader of the Somali militant group al-Shabab. In June 2012, the State Department offered up to $5 million for information on Robow that brought him "to justice." At the time, Robow was still considered a top leader of al-Shabab, having served periods as its spokesman, spiritual leader and military commander. But soon afterward, Robow exiled himself from the group because of long-running disputes with its emir, Ahmed Abdi Godane. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

President: Colombia on Verge of Completing Rebel Disarmament

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos says the nation is on the verge of completing an historic feat: All guerrillas in the country's largest rebel group will soon have turned in their weapons. Santos told business leaders in France on Friday that he expects the United Nations to declare that 100 percent of rebel arms have been delivered to the peacekeeping mission. Santos added that with the final weapons turnover, the oldest guerrilla force in Latin America ``no longer exists.'' The Revolutionary... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Kenyan Court Says Polling Station Results Final

A Kenyan appellate court, dismissing a complaint by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission, ruled Friday that presidential election results announced at the polling station level are final.   "The lowest voting unit and the first level of the declaration of presidential election results is the polling station," said Justice William Ouko of the Kenyan Court of Appeal. "The declaration form containing those results is the primary document, and other forms subsequent to it are only tallies... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Analysts: Russia's Military Threats Mainly Bluster, but Conflict Risk Rising

A series of close encounters this month over the Baltic Sea and U.S. shoot-downs of Russian allies' aircraft in Syria have triggered concerns among defense analysts that any direct incident between Russia and the United States, even if accidental, could quickly spiral out of control. Reports say a Russian fighter jet and a U.S. spy plane on Monday came within two meters of each other, a situation deemed "unsafe" by the U.S. military. The Russian SU-27 flew at a high rate of closure speed and the pilot exercised poor control... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

UN: Cholera Cases in Yemen Could Top 300,000 by End of August

The U.N. Children's Fund warns cholera cases and deaths in war-torn Yemen continue to mount and could reach 300,000 by the end of August. UNICEF puts the current number of suspected cases at nearly 200,000, including more than 1,200 deaths — with a quarter of those being children. UNICEF says containing the cholera outbreak in Yemen is extremely difficult. It says the health system is near total collapse, water and sanitation systems are in disrepair and the people who are meant to care for patients... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

EU Tackles Pressing Issues at First Summit Since Brexit Talks

On the first anniversary of Britain's decision to leave the European Union, leaders from the bloc Friday concluded a summit in Brussels with questions about the residency rights of EU citizens in Britain once it exits the regional grouping. Addressing the bloc this week, British Prime Minister Theresa May discussed the fate of the 3 million EU citizens who call Britain home. In an offer to guarantee their rights, May said, “I want all those EU citizens who are in the U.K., who have made their lives and homes in our country... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Turkey Stands by Qatar in Ongoing Crisis

Turkey is continuing to be drawn into the crisis between Qatar and Saudi Arabia and other Gulf States over Doha's alleged support of radical Islamic groups in the region. Ankara is strongly backing Qatar and has ruled out ending it's recently established military ties. On Thursday, five Turkish armored vehicles and 23 military personnel arrived in Doha as part of an agreement to establish a military base with more than 5,000 soldiers. But the base's closure is one of the 13 demands Riyadh is making on Qatar, to end the crisis. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Trump Signs Bill to Facilitate Firing of Federal VA Workers Accused of Wrongdoing

U.S. President Donald Trump signed into law Friday a bill that will make it easier to fire Department of Veterans Affairs employees, a development that has union officials concerned the measure could be misused for political purposes. The signing is the latest step in an effort by the Trump administration to strengthen an agency that provides health care and other services to millions of military veterans. "Our veterans have fulfilled their duty to this nation and now we must fulfill our duty... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

'Digital Democracy' Turns Average Citizens into Influencers in Africa

From cashless payments to smartphone apps offering everything from taxis to take-out food - Africa's digital revolution is gathering pace as average citizens take an active role in public discourse. "You're seeing a lot of the people changing the way they live their lives," says Maria Sarungi, founder of the #ChangeTanzania platform. "And also creating for themselves wealth, jobs, opportunities. But also to engage politically on a very different level." Sarungi's #ChangeTanzania platform began... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

'Digital Democracy’ Gathers Pace Across Africa As Citizens Engage Online

It’s been dubbed ‘digital democracy’ – a whole new way of scrutinizing the government and those on the public payroll. Across Africa websites and mobile apps are offering citizens the chance to engage more closely in politics – everything from complaining about poor service to whistleblowing on corruption. Henry Ridgwell has more.

Voice of America 

Turkey: Israel Paid Compensation to Families of 2010 Flotilla Raid Victims

Israel has paid total compensation of $20 million to the families of the victims of an Israeli raid on a Turkish aid flotilla that killed 10 people in 2010, Turkish media quoted Turkey's Finance Minister Naci Agbal as saying on Friday. The payment, which will be divided among the 10 families, comes some nine months after Israel, which had already offered apologies for the raid — one of Ankara's conditions for rapprochement — agreed to pay the families of those killed. "Compensation has been paid... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

China Probe of Big Companies Could Redefine Their Role Overseas

China is probing the loan practices of a group of big private sector conglomerates who have been on a high-profile global spending spree over the past few years. And although the review targets only a few of the country’s most politically-connected companies, some analysts see an attempt to increase government control over the role played by the private sector in foreign markets. "I think this is an attempt to change the direction (of) the role these Chinese companies play in the Chinese economy," says Paul Gillis... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Ketumile Masire, Former Botswana President, Dies at Age 91

Botswana on Friday announced three days of mourning after the death of 91-year-old Ketumile Masire, a former president who led the country for nearly two decades. Masire died "peacefully" and surrounded by family members at a hospital in Gaborone, the capital, on Thursday night, Masire's family said in a statement. He had been critically ill. Botswana will officially mourn Masire until Sunday, and information about his funeral will be released in coming days, President Ian Khama said. The president's father... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

UN: Food Aid Dwindling in World's Fastest-growing Refugee Crisis

Food aid soon will run out for nearly a million South Sudanese sheltering in Uganda in what has become the world's fastest-growing refugee crisis, the United Nations refugee chief said Friday. "Disturbing shortfalls are emerging in critical areas such as food, shelter and education," Filippo Grandi told a global summit seeking $8 billion for the crisis over the next four years. "Malnutrition rates among refugees are alarming. The World Food Program told us yesterday that the food pipeline here... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Retaking Mosul's Old City

RETAKING MOSUL’S OLD CITY As Iraqi and Coalition forces battle for Mosul’s Old City, soldiers say militants have forced civilians back farther into the densely populated neighborhood, slowing the fight. VOA Pentagon correspondent Carla Babb at the Pentagon and VOA Cairo correspondent Heather Murdock in Mosul talk about the final fighting to retake Mosul’s Old City from ISIS militants, who blew up a historic mosque there this week.

Voice of America 

Trump Russia Probe

TRUMP RUSSIA PROBE The US Congress continues to look into Russian meddling in last year’s presidential election campaign with two hearings June 21, one in the Senate and one in the House of Representatives. VOA National correspondent Jim Malone and VOA Congressional correspondent Kathryn Gypson talk about hearings and the progress of the investigation.

Voice of America 

South Sudan Famine

SOUTH SUDAN FAMINE A massive humanitarian response has eased the famine in parts of South Sudan. Despite that, more people are now facing hunger as the conflict there continues; UN agencies say the situation across the country remains dire. VOA Africa Division multimedia reporter Salem Solomon discusses the massive humanitarian effort and near-famine conditions that continue to plague South Sudan.

Voice of America 

Will Women Rule at the 2017 Summer Box Office?

Women are making strides in Hollywood this summer with the female-directed film "Wonder Woman" soaring past $600 million at the box office worldwide and another woman-led production, "The Beguiled," picking up the coveted Palm D’Or for Best Director at the Cannes Film Festival. VOA’s Penelope Poulou has more.

Voice of America 

UN Launches Inquiry Into Congo Atrocities

The United Nations Human Rights Council launched an international investigation on Friday into killings and other atrocities in the Kasai region of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The 47-member Geneva forum adopted by consensus a resolution brought by African countries which also called on the Kinshasa government to cooperate with the team of international experts. U.N. rights chief Zeid Ra'ad al-Hussein has called repeatedly for the inquiry and said on Tuesday that a militia linked to government... Читать дальше...

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США БЛЕФУЮТ ЛИБО ПОДГОТАВЛИВАЮТ ПОКУШЕНИЕ НА ЗЕЛЕНСКОГО? Я Вас спрашиваю: кто вербовал ВАЗ, Зеленского? Россия, США, Европа могут улучшить отношения?!

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Агния Кузнецова в шоу «Вкусно с Анфисой Чеховой» рассказала, как убедила Балабанова взять на роль её однокурсника

Более 14 тысяч жителей СВАО получили новые квартиры по реновации - Собянин

В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии задержали подозреваемого в убийстве



Более 14 тысяч жителей СВАО получили новые квартиры по реновации - Собянин

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Радио Jazz представило Игоря Бутмана в составе жюри премии «Все цвета джаза»

Спорт в России и мире

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Легендарный липецкий футболист Виктор Ноздрин умер на стадионе в Москве

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