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Новости за 01.02.2024

Cyprus Mail 

Algeria pushes UN Security Council to demand Gaza ceasefire

Algeria has drafted a U.N. Security Council resolution to demand an immediate humanitarian ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, a move that the United States – a council veto power – opposes because it says it would only benefit the Palestinian militants. The draft, seen by Reuters on Thursday, also “rejects the...

Cyprus Mail 

Panama launches probe into missing Catholic cardinal, last seen 2 days ago

Prosecutors in Panama have launched an investigation into the whereabouts of Roman Catholic Cardinal Jose Luis Lacunza, according to a post on X, who has not been seen in two days. Lacunza, the 79-year-old bishop of the Diocese of David, is the senior Catholic cleric in the largely Catholic Central...

Cyprus Mail 

Treasury resumes pensions for serving state officials

The Treasury said Thursday it will resume paying the pensions of currently serving state officials, following legal advice it received from the attorney-general’s office. In a statement, Accountant-General Andreas Antoniades said he received a letter from the attorney-general where the latter advises that the Treasury’s decision not to discontinue payment...

Cyprus Mail 

Blame game in full swing over LNG terminal dispute

The Chinese-led consortium with the contract to build a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal at Vasiliko is claiming €200 million from Cyprus in arbitration proceedings, MPs heard on Thursday, as the blame game went into full swing over the infrastructure project marred by glitches from the outset. A day earlier,...

Cyprus Mail 

Anastasiades calls on Disy to put ‘personal grudges aside’

Former President Nicos Anastasiades raised eyebrows on Thursday after he issued a statement amid a political firestorm in his own Disy party, calling on members to leave aside “personal grudges” and focus on unity. He appeared to reflect positively on his own leadership of the party, saying that even during...

Cyprus Mail 

New month, new music

As February arrives, a new wave of musical events is added to Cyprus’ cultural calendar. From intimate and cosy acoustic sets to electrifying late-night boogies, the upcoming weeks have plenty in store for music lovers of all ages and tastes. Here is a pick of exciting live music performances. Signalling...

Cyprus Mail 

European Union donates €2.6m to CMP

The European Union donated €2.6 million to the Committee on Missing Persons, it was announced on Thursday. Following their receipt of the donation, the CMP said they wish “to express deep appreciation” for the contribution. The donation brings the total donations from the EU, which is the largest single contributor...

Cyprus Mail 

Attorney-general appeals court ruling on Laiki Bank depositors’ compensation

The attorney-general’s office said Thursday it has appealed a ruling by Limassol district court that found in favour of depositors with now-defunct Laiki (Popular) Bank whose uninsured savings got wiped out in the 2013 haircut or bail-in. In a statement, the AG’s office said it was challenging the entirety of...

Cyprus Mail 

Nicosia chosen for European Commission’s intelligent cities challenge

By Rony Junior El Daccache   Nicosia has been selected as one of the cities for the Intelligent Cities Challenge (ICC) initiative by the European Commission, it was announced during an information day event held at Nicosia Town Hall on Thursday. The event was attended by representatives from various sectors,...

Cyprus Mail 

Financial rules keep teams quiet in January window

Newcastle United have been quiet in the January transfer window despite their desire to sign a midfielder, but having to sell to buy amid tighter financial regulations and trepidation over the threat of points deductions has limited activity for most teams. England’s top clubs splashed out 815 million pounds on...

Cyprus Mail 

SFC flags Floki staking as investors flee to $GFOX

In an interesting turn of events, the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) has cautioned the public about the Floki Staking Program and the TokenFi Staking Program, terming them potentially risky investment products. Both of these products are affiliated with Floki Ecosystem. Investors have reacted by fleeing toward $GFOX,...

Cyprus Mail 

Interest rate cuts likely to take place in 2024, CBC governor says

Finance Minister Makis Keravnos and Cyprus Central Bank (CBC) governor Constantinos Herodotou held a meeting on Thursday, discussing a potential decrease in interest rates by the European Central Bank (ECB) during 2024. Both the minister and the CBC governor agreed that interest rates are likely to fall before the end...

Cyprus Mail 

Clashes erupt at Greek protest against education reform

Greek police fired teargas and briefly clashed with protesters outside parliament on Thursday during demonstrations against plans to let foreign private universities operate in the country. Thousands of students and other demonstrators marched largely peacefully through central Athens in the early afternoon, some of them holding banners reading: “No to...

Cyprus Mail 

It’s okay to run slowly

By Dan Gordon, Jonathan Melville and Matthew Slater Runners are obsessed with time. Amateur or professional, for most avid runners the aim is to get faster – constantly training to shave even just a couple of seconds off their marathon time or 5K pace. But one running trend that’s started...

Cyprus Mail 

Bearish Polygon (MATIC) dip 72% from ATH, investors go to Token Option2Trade (O2T)

The 72% drop in Polygon (MATIC) led investors to explore alternative investment options, with Option2Trade (O2T) emerging as a preferred choice due to its unique advantages like governance rights, faster transactions, liquidity incentives, copy trading incentives, and premium features. The investor response: Option2Trade (O2T) emerges as a preferred choice Amidst...

Cyprus Mail 

Requirements for deposition of sales contract

A step forward for the protection of the property buyer has been introduced in an amending law to the Sale of Immovable Properties laws with its publication in December. The basic provisions oblige the seller to attach to the contract of sale a search certificate for the property, which bears...

Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus non-performing loan ratio stable at 8.3 per cent in November

The Non-Performing Loan (NPL) ratio in Cyprus remained unchanged at 8.3 per cent in November 2023, according to a report released on Thursday by the Central Bank of Cyprus (CBC). According to the report, the total amount of Non-Performing Loans dropped just under €2 billion, standing at €1.99bn. Within the...

Cyprus Mail 

Lidl: €110K raised for Cyprus Anti-Cancer Society via shoppers’ contribution

For yet another year, and with a high sense of solidarity, Lidl Cyprus supports the struggle of cancer patients in practice. This year, the company offered €110,000 to the Cyprus Anti-Cancer Society, and covered all operating expenses of two rooms, within the framework of the Palliative Care Centre Room Adoption...

Cyprus Mail 

Single parents say ignored in president’s vision

By Rony Junior El Daccache No measure to support single-parent families was included in the president’s State of the Republic speech on Monday night outlining his priorities for 2024, the Association of Single Parent Families said on Thursday. During his address, President Nikos Christodoulides put forward 80 actions that the...

Cyprus Mail 

Hamilton set for shock switch to Ferrari in 2025 – reports

Seven-time Formula One world champion Lewis Hamilton is set for a shock switch from Mercedes to Ferrari in 2025 as replacement for Spanish driver Carlos Sainz, according to multiple media reports on Thursday. Mercedes and Ferrari declined to comment on speculation that would be by far the most sensational driver...

Cyprus Mail 

Turkey still interested in Eurofighters despite progress on US F-16s

Turkey is still interested in buying 40 Eurofighter Typhoon jets, a Turkish defence ministry official said on Thursday after the United States advanced the $23 billion sale of its F-16 fighter jets to Ankara. In November, Turkey said the country was in talks with Britain and Spain to buy Typhoons,...

Cyprus Mail 

Attorney General: Corruption claims ‘have crossed the line’

In a strongly worded statement, Attorney General George Savvides said he would be referring lawyer Efstathios Efstathiou to the bar association for potential disciplinary offences, after the latter charged the legal service was corrupt all the way to the top – and may have even been bribed. “We continue to...

Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus can benefit from soaring copper prices, industry stakeholder says

Copper prices set to soar by more than 75 per cent over next two years Mark Rachovides, chairman of Venus Minerals and a member of Euromines, the voice of the European metals and minerals mining industry, on Thursday explained that copper prices are expected to rise by approximately 75 per...

Cyprus Mail 

Trial of deadly New Year’s crash driver postponed

The trial of the driver of a pickup truck which crashed into another vehicle and killed its four occupants on New Year’s Eve was postponed on Thursday. The man’s lawyer requested that time be allowed to collect missing witness statements, adding that his client “is not ready” to answer the...

Cyprus Mail 

Hamas unlikely to reject ceasefire but will demand Israeli withdrawal

Hamas is unlikely to reject a Gaza ceasefire proposal it received from mediators this week, but will not sign it without assurances that Israel has committed to ending the war, a Palestinian official close to the talks said on Thursday. Qatari and Egyptian mediators presented Hamas this week with the...

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

Новости России

Армяне России поддерживают движение «Тавуш во имя Родины»

Яндекс.Недвижимость: за месяц однушки в новостройках Москвы подешевели на 4,5%

Движение транспорта в центре столицы временно перекроют 18 мая

Метриум: темпы роста предложения квартир в новостройках Москвы упали в 42 раза


Новая попытка азербайджанских вандалов исламизировать армянское культурное наследие в оккупированном Шуши


Собянин сообщил о планах благоустройства на северо-востоке Москвы

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Музыкальные новости

Эдит Пиаф

В театре «Модерн» состоялась премьера моноспектакля «Исповедь счастливой женщины. Эдит Пиаф»

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Сергей Лёвкин: в Митине завершат возведение физкультурно-оздоровительного комплекса

Никакой магии! В спортивном прогнозировании не бывает безусловных выигрышных стратегий

Полезные приложения для поклонников спортивной ходьбы


Стало известно, при каком условии Медведев может опуститься на 5-е место рейтинга ATP

Новости Крыма на Sevpoisk.ru


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