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Новости за 02.02.2024

Cyprus Mail 

EU announces additional financial aid for Cultural Heritage Technical Committee

The European Commission has signed a new delegation agreement with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), providing an additional financial assistance of €2.5 million to support the work of the Technical Committee on Cultural Heritage (TCCH) for the years 2024-2026. A Commission press release said on Friday that through the European Union...

Cyprus Mail 

Smuggler in manslaughter case sees remand renewed

A 47-year-old smuggler facing manslaughter charges after a child rescued from a migrant ship died, had his remand order renewed for seven days on Friday. With his existing remand order expiring, Famagusta district court re-remanded him for another seven days, as police continue investigations. The 47-year-old was arrested after he...

Cyprus Mail 

Eurobank’s acquisition of Hellenic Bank approved

The Commission for the Protection of Competition (CPC) approved on Friday Eurobank’s bid to acquire Hellenic Bank’s share capital. The decision was taken with a majority vote in favour of the acquisition, an announcement by the CPC said. It specified the acquisition was compatible with market competition laws. The developments...

Cyprus Mail 

Piano trio set to enchant audiences

A unique concert is in store for February, as The Pharos Arts Foundation presents the partnership of three special musicians: the well-known to Cyprus audiences violinist Wolfgang Schröder, the celebrated German pianist Iwan König and the charismatic young Chinese cellist Xiaolu Li. The Piano Trio Concert is set to enchant...

Cyprus Mail 

Akansoy: Measures for Turkish Cypriots are ‘not enough’

Turkish Cypriot opposition party the CTP’s general secretary Asim Akansoy said on Friday the 14-point package of measures for the Turkish Cypriots announced by President Christodoulides “are not enough”. He added that the measures are “well removed from the goal of commonality, and address symptoms without addressing the root causes”...

Cyprus Mail 

NGO ‘Grannies and Kids’ Teams Up with IFMSA for unique first aid courses

Cypriot NGO ‘Grannies and Kids’ has partnered with the Standing Committee on Medical Education (SCOME) of the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) to offer first aid course courses to children. The initiative is led by Dr Marios Kaisis, who has been leading first aid courses for children for...

Cyprus Mail 

Haaland ready to start for the first time in two months

Erling Haaland is ready to start a match for the first time in two months when Manchester City travel to Brentford on Monday, manager Pep Guardiola said, and the prolific striker’s return will boost the side in their push for more hardware. “Everybody is fit, everybody is ready,” Guardiola told...

Cyprus Mail 

UN envoy will return to Cyprus in two weeks

The UN Secretary-General’s new personal envoy Maria Angela Holguin plans to return to Cyprus in two weeks following her upcoming contacts in Ankara, Athens and Brussels, she said on Friday. Holguin on Friday met President Nikos Christodoulides for the second time this week and was also scheduled to meet again...

Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus Shipping Chamber director general re-appointed as Goodwill Maritime Ambassador

The Cyprus Shipping Chamber (CSC) on Friday expressed its appreciation for the re-appointment of Deputy Director General Alexandros Iosifidis as a Goodwill Maritime Ambassador at the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), for Cyprus, tasked to promote maritime and seafaring professions to the young generation, covering the period 2024-2025. In its official...

Cyprus Mail 

16,000 sheep and cattle still in limbo aboard ship

Around 16,000 livestock remained in limbo aboard an export ship at an Australian port on Friday, having set sail for Israel exactly four weeks ago only to abandon a passage through the Red Sea and be ordered home by the Australian government. Biosecurity rules mean the animals – roughly 14,000...

Cyprus Mail 

Tourism association discusses prospects and concerns with ministers

The Association of Cyprus Tourist Enterprises (Stek) this week met with Labour Minister Yiannis Panayiotou and Deputy Minister of Tourism Kostas Koumis, discussing both the positive prospects and lingering uncertainty in the tourism sector. According to a press release from the Association of Cyprus Tourist Enterprises, the members of its...

Cyprus Mail 

Power outages on the cards due to breakdown at Dhekelia station

There could be intermittent power cuts in several areas on Friday night between 6pm and 9pm that might last for 30 minutes or so, the Transmission System Operator (TSO) has warned. The cuts are due to due to a breakdown in a production unit at the Dhekelia power station and...

Cyprus Mail 

A minute with Stephanie Hadjipsalti Visual Artist / Set Designer

Where do you live? I live in Nicosia with my son and my cat. What did you have for breakfast? Coffee and a peanut butter-banana toast Describe your perfect day My perfect day will definitely involve a creative activity with my son, a delicious lunch with friends and a music...

Cyprus Mail 

Central Bank warns of unlicensed ‘bank’

The Central Bank of Cyprus issued a warning on Friday regarding an entity by the name of “Neo Business Bank”, saying it does not hold the relevant licences to operate in Cyprus. The CBC said it “urges the public, businesses, and depositors to refer to its website and specifically the...

Cyprus Mail 

‘Fawlty Towers’ stage show to open in London’s West End

Classic 1970s comedy show “Fawlty Towers” is hitting the London stage in May in a new theatrical adaptation, nearly 50 years after the original television series first aired. “Fawlty Towers The Play” has been adapted for the stage by series writer and actor John Cleese, who played Basil Fawlty, the...

Cyprus Mail 

Mercedes boss admits Hamilton bombshell took him by surprise

Mercedes Formula One team boss Toto Wolff admitted on Friday that Lewis Hamilton’s bombshell switch to Ferrari from 2025 had come as a shock when the seven times world champion dropped the news over breakfast. The move that rocked the sport was announced to the world by both teams on...

Cyprus Mail 

‘The myth of cheap labour from abroad has to end’

Hoteliers’ association (Pasyxe) general director Philokypros Rousounides said on Friday that “the myth of cheap labour from abroad has to end”. His comments came as the debate regarding a relaxation of the requirements for third country nationals to be able to obtain work permits in Cyprus continues to rage on....

Cyprus Mail 

How to invest $1000 in today’s Crypto market

The bull market is back, and as global liquidity levels swell and faith in the dollar crumbles investors tend to chase risk assets. Cryptos are the longtail of risk assets and have, to date, massively outperformed traditional equities in every cycle. Stocks are already at ATHs, and digital assets could...

Cyprus Mail 

Apoel thrown out of Cypriot cup after violence

Apoel were on Friday thrown out of the Coca-Cola Cup by Sports Judge Aristotelis Vryonides, after their second-round game was abandoned due to fan violence. The Nicosia-based club were drawing 0-0 away at Nea Salamina on January 16 when a firecracker launched from the away fans’ section hit Nea Salamina...

Cyprus Mail 

Renault Captur, Arkana now available from Pilakoutas Group

The Pilakoutas Group has two thoroughly successful SUV models in the Renault range, ready for delivery at its showrooms: the Renault Captur and Renault Arkana. The models are characterised by top-of-the-range equipment, comfort and safety, as all three dimensions were awarded five stars by the independent safety organisation EuroNCAP. More...

Cyprus Mail 

TV shows we love: Death and Other Details

I looked up Cyprus’ murder rate for this! According to the United Nations, our island ranks 175th in the world for homicides; not bad, given that 206 countries are listed. Certainly, we’re well below the front-runners (Jamaica comes first, with over 1,000 murders per year), most of whom are in...

Cyprus Mail 

Armenia can no longer rely on Russia for military and defence needs

Armenia can no longer rely on Russia as its main defence and military partner because Moscow has repeatedly let it down so Yerevan must think about forging closer ties with the United States and France, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said. Armenia, a former Soviet republic bordered by Georgia, Azerbaijan, Iran...

Cyprus Mail 

Christodoulides promotes gender equality amidst criticism

President Nikos Christodoulides on Friday lauded his own commitment to gender equality two weeks after being slammed for reducing women’s participation in the cabinet as part of a government reshuffle. In statements to mark the launch of the ‘National Strategy for Gender Equality 2024-2026’ approved by the cabinet on January...

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

Новости России

Патриотическую акцию «Синий платочек» провели в Нижнем Новгороде в день прибытия «Поезда Победы»

Форум молодых дипломатов стран ОИС проходит в Казани

В Подмосковье на предварительном голосовании «Единой России» числится почти 2 тыс кандидатов

Армяне России поддерживают движение «Тавуш во имя Родины»


Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о роли несырьевого экспорта в российской экономике


Собянин: Московскому метрополитену исполнилось 89 лет

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Музыкальные новости

Юрий Башмет

В Красноярской филармонии пройдет отбор в юношеский оркестр Башмета

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Искусство продвинутого анализа в спортивном прогнозировании

Звезды спорта. Кто они такие и почему их так называют?

Инсайты, стратегии и нетворкинг для профессионалов: 21 июня пройдет ежегодный форум «Спорт и Бизнес»

Даниил Медведев

Медведев с трудом одолел 121-ю ракетку мира на турнире в Риме

Новости Крыма на Sevpoisk.ru


Танцы с ветром....

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России