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Новости за 05.02.2024

Cyprus Mail 

Gaza needs aid immediately, Christodoulides says

Political expediencies should not get in the way of getting aid to Gaza, President Nikos Christodoulides said on Monday, as he reiterated his proposal over the maritime humanitarian corridor from Cyprus to Gaza. Speaking to reporters about a meeting he had earlier in the day with the UN’s senior humanitarian...

Cyprus Mail 

Serious prison overcrowding, inmates crammed into cells

The central prisons are largely overcrowded often with four prisoners cramped into one cell, MPs heard on Monday, amid concerns of medical staff shortages. Although the facility can only cater to around 620 inmates, there are currently 1,000 prisoners held in Nicosia’s central prisons. The House human rights committee along...

Cyprus Mail 

King Charles diagnosed with cancer, will postpone duties and undergo treatment

Britain’s King Charles has been diagnosed with a form of cancer and while the 75-year-old will postpone his public engagements to undergo treatment, he is remaining “wholly positive”, Buckingham Palace said. Charles, who became king in September 2022 following the death of his mother Queen Elizabeth, has begun a series...

Cyprus Mail 

Blinken meets Saudi crown prince amid heightened Mideast tensions

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken met Saudi Arabia’s de-facto ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on Monday at the start of a Middle East tour, a U.S. official said, as Washington sought to forge a Saudi normalization deal with Israel. In the Gaza Strip, Palestinians huddling under bombardment said they hoped...

Cyprus Mail 

Turkish Cypriot bread crisis averted

Turkish Cypriot bakers and the north’s ‘economy ministry’ reached an agreement on Monday after finding themselves at odds surrounding the price of a loaf of bread. The rift had opened on Sunday after the ‘government’ decreed that a loaf of bread be sold for no more than 12TL (€0.37), effectively...

Cyprus Mail 

EAC may hike bills by 25 per cent

The Electricity Authority of Cyprus (EAC) may end up hiking its rates by up to 25 per cent should it win an ongoing case in court, MPs heard on Monday. Andreas Poulikkas, head of the energy regulatory authority (Cera) said that recently the EAC filed a new request to raise...

Cyprus Mail 

Inside and outside spaces, and women

A Limassol contemporary art gallery will welcome a new Cypriot artist to its grounds next week as Georgia Christou presents The Labyrinth of the Very Big and Deafening Nothingness from February 9, her first solo showcase. “Christou’s work examines the politics associated with inside and outside spaces in an attempt...

Cyprus Mail 

Global air freight market “on solid ground for success”, IATA chief says

Global air cargo demand experienced a notable resurgence in 2023, particularly with a strong fourth-quarter performance despite economic uncertainties, according to recently released data by the International Air Transport Association (IATA). The demand for air cargo, measured in Cargo Tonne-Kilometres (CTKs), witnessed a marginal decline of 1.9 per cent compared...

Cyprus Mail 

CFA ‘will not accept’ Turkish Cypriots’ attempts to join world football

Cyprus Football Association (CFA) chairman George Koumas said on Monday he “will not accept” Turkish Cypriots’ attempts to unilaterally join the international football community. Koumas was speaking at an event held to promote this year’s under-17 European football championships, which will be held next month in Cyprus. He was reacting...

Cyprus Mail 

Government and LNG terminal contractor lock swords

The government on Monday signaled it may have to take “painful decisions” regarding the liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal project in Vasiliko, as the contractor itself blamed the Cypriot side for disruptions and delays in the construction schedule. Speaking on the Omega channel, Energy Minister George Papanastasiou asserted that a...

Cyprus Mail 

Israel to bring in 65,000 foreign building workers to replace Palestinians

Israel’s government said on Sunday it would bring in 65,000 foreign workers from India, Sri Lanka and Uzbekistan to resume construction stalled since Oct. 7 when Palestinian workers were sent home in the wake of the attack on Israel by Hamas. Some 72,000 Palestinian workers were employed on construction sites...

Cyprus Mail 

Unemployment rate in Cyprus falls by 12.3 per cent year-on-year in January

The number of registered unemployed individuals in Cyprus saw a significant decrease of 12.3 per cent on an annual basis in January 2024, according to a report released this week by the Cyprus Statistical Service (Cystat). According to the report, which utilises District Labour Office data, the number of registered...

Cyprus Mail 

Cyta’s new board focuses on green transition

Finance Minister Makis Keravnos on Monday met the new board of the Cyprus Telecommunications Authority (Cyta) to discuss goals relating to the transition to a green economy and digital technology. Keravnos congratulated the new board members, wishing them success in their endeavours. “Today we outlined a path for our future...

Cyprus Mail 

California’s atmospheric river delivers torrential rain, fierce winds

A massive Pineapple Express storm – the second in recent days – stalled over Southern California on Monday, drenching the Los Angeles area with torrential rain, bringing near-hurricane-force wind gusts and raising the threat of flash floods and landslides. Throughout California, some 40 million people were under flood, winter storm...

Cyprus Mail 

Turkish Cypriots begin upgrade works at Ayios Dhometios

Construction works began on Monday in the north to upgrade the Ayios Dhometios crossing point. The works are aimed at “transforming the crossing point into a structure which will allow faster crossings … to improve its current situation with two lanes on both the departure and arrival side, to meet...

Cyprus Mail 

Forty-seven illegal residents arrested

A coordinated police operation saw 47 illegal foreign nationals arrested on Monday morning in the Nicosia, Limassol and Paphos districts. According to a statement released by the police, immediate repatriation procedures have been initiated as part of operations to clamp down on illegal residence. The operation involved members of the...

Cyprus Mail 

Self-proclaimed bitcoin inventor’s claim ‘a brazen lie’

An Australian computer scientist’s claim to be the inventor of bitcoin is “a brazen lie”, lawyers representing a Jack Dorsey-backed group told a London court on Monday as a legal battle over ownership of the cryptocurrency began. Craig Wright says he is the author of a 2008 white paper, the...

Cyprus Mail 

House president calls for regular National Council meetings

The National Council should convene on a regular basis, particularly as the Cyprus problem is at a ‘crucial point’, House president and Disy party leader Annita Demetriou said on Monday. “We call on the president to take the advisory role of the National Council seriously,” as it can ensure all...

Cyprus Mail 

Gaza doctor describes ordeal of detention

A Palestinian doctor says Israeli forces in Gaza detained him when they overran a hospital and subjected him to abuse during 45 days of captivity including sleep deprivation and constant shackling and blindfolding before releasing him last week. Doctor Said Abdulrahman Maarouf was working at al-Ahli al-Arab hospital in Gaza...

Cyprus Mail 

New application process for special-needs children

By Rony Junior El Daccache The education ministry will implement a new application form to simplify the processing of special-needs children who require a Special Educational Needs (SEN) teaching assistant in schools. In the previous application process, parents were required to submit information about their child’s special needs to schools...

Cyprus Mail 

Three offers submitted for Paphos marina tender

Three companies have submitted offers regarding the tender for consulting services for the Paphos marina project, Paphos chamber of commerce chairman George Mais said on Monday. Speaking to the Cyprus News Agency (CNA), he said the consultants will aid the designated contracting authority, the deputy tourism ministry to prepare tender...

Cyprus Mail 

Borrowing from Cyprus’ past

‘For years, Cyprus has been bogged down by consumerism; buying into the idea that newer is better.’ ALIX NORMAN uncovers an initiative our ancestors would have understood Once upon a time, Cyprus cared, shared and repaired. One sewing machine, plough, or communal oven served the village; each item a boon...

Cyprus Mail 

Disy leader marks anniversary of children’s A&E department

House president and Disy party leader Annita Demetriou on Monday visited the children’s A&E department at the Nicosia general hospital to celebrate a year since it opened. “There was a great need for a paediatric A&E department,” she said. “We are proud to say that in one year, the department...

Cyprus Mail 

Aradippou says it’s been warning for years over sham marriages

Aradippou municipality lashed out on Monday, saying it informed authorities about issues with sham marriages almost six years ago, following reports that a Europe-wide ring was busted last week. In reports that followed the original Europol bust, it emerged that Aradippou along with Livadia and Nicosia were found to have...

Cyprus Mail 

Forest fires kill 112 in Chile

Firefighters in central Chile on Sunday battled to quell fierce forest fires that have killed 112 people so far and razed entire neighborhoods, while President Gabriel Boric warned the country faces a “tragedy of very great magnitude”. Hundreds of people are still missing, authorities say, stoking fears the death toll...

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

Новости России

Моцарт на балалайке и не только: топ-10 необычных концертов и музыкальных событий «Ночи в музее»-2024 в Москве

Армяне России поддерживают движение «Тавуш во имя Родины»

Память воинов-сибиряков почтут в рамках патриотической акции

Суд Москвы принял апелляцию третьей жены Градского по доле в наследстве


Новая попытка азербайджанских вандалов исламизировать армянское культурное наследие в оккупированном Шуши


Сергей Собянин: Обеспечим ученикам комфортные условия

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Музыкальные новости


Пианист Мирослав Култышев выступит с концертом в "Зарядье"

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

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Даниил Медведев

Даниил Медведев одолел 121-ю ракетку мира Меджедовича и вышел в 1/8 финала Рима

Новости Крыма на Sevpoisk.ru


У работодателей Архангельской области и НАО началась "вахтовая лихорадка"

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России