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Новости за 20.02.2024

Cyprus Mail 

UK’s Prince William: ‘Too many’ have been killed in Gaza war

Britain’s Prince William called on Tuesday for an end to the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza, saying the “sheer scale of human suffering” had brought home the need for peace in an enclave “where too many have been killed”. In an unusually direct intervention for a member of the royal family,...

Cyprus Mail 

No changes to ‘philosophy’ of local govt reform before elections

There will be no alterations made to local government reforms which will “affect their philosophy” in any way, President Nikos Christodoulides said on Tuesday. Speaking to reporters at a photograph exhibition, he said there will “certainly be no changes which will affect the philosophy of the reform,” and that after...

Cyprus Mail 

Two in hospital after explosion in Engomi

Two people were hospitalised following an explosion in the Nicosia suburb of Engomi on Wednesday evening. Fire brigade spokesman Andreas Kettis explained in a post on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, that the fire service had been called to respond to a call regarding an explosion...

Cyprus Mail 

Three in Paphos arrested for robbing churches

Police in Paphos on Tuesday made three arrests following a string of robberies at churches in the area. A total of ten break-ins had taken place at churches in the Paphos district in the space of 22 days at the end of January and the beginning of February, with money...

Cyprus Mail 

Morphou orange farmers stage protest

Orange farmers staged a protest at the roundabout next to the Morphou bus station on Tuesday over a raft of problems hitting the north’s citrus industry. Protestors poured hundreds of oranges onto the roundabout and lit a fire to demonstrate their anger. Speaking at the protest, the Citrus exporters’ association chairman...

Cyprus Mail 

Exhibition links Arizona and Cyprus

What connections do the southern US state of Arizona and our Mediterranean island have? A new exhibition set to open at Art Seen Gallery in Nicosia from the duo Nicos Philippou and Marilena Zackheos takes a closer look. Titled Arizona, CY, the exhibition forms connections between the two places through...

Cyprus Mail 

Fires caused €9.5m worth of damage last year

A total of €9.5 million worth of damage was caused by fires in 2023, the fire service announced on Tuesday. As part of a review of the year, they said the lion’s share of damage caused by fires in 2023 was suffered in urban areas, at a total cost of €8.4m....

Cyprus Mail 

Civic Participation Shapes Tomorrow

By Hanna Yerega EMERGE, a project implemented by CARDET and Koumanto Stin Tsepi Sou, is hosting an open conference to reflect on and examine present realities and pathways forward to empower citizen’s involvement and influence in social and political affairs. The conference, entitled “Shaping Tomorrow: Enhancing Civic Participation in Cyprus”,...

Cyprus Mail 

Pressure grows on EAC to halt price hikes

MPs on Tuesday hauled the Electricity Authority of Cyprus (EAC) over the coals, mounting their pressure on the state-run power utility to drop its request for a six per cent hike on electricity bills. The EAC had filed a request to the energy regulator for the six per cent rise...

Cyprus Mail 

SupportCY volunteers take part in missing persons training

The pooling of forces and cooperation in missing persons cases enhances the effectiveness of the search, especially where such missing individuals are elderly, young children or those in poor health. This was the main message of the two-day, overseas instructor-led training, organised by the SupportCY volunteer corps, in collaboration with...

Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus discusses natural gas prospects in regional forum

Cyprus took part in the 5th session of the Regulatory Authority Advisory Committee (RAAC), held on February 7, with discussions primarily revolving around the short-term and medium-term prospects for natural gas in the Mediterranean region. According to an announcement released on Tuesday by the Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority (CERA), the...

Cyprus Mail 

AENO products now available in Cyprus at Stephanis

In a significant development for the small domestic appliance industry, AENO, a renowned international brand, has expanded its market presence to Cyprus, with its products now available at Stephanis, one of the island’s leading electronics retailers. This marks a pivotal moment in AENO’s ongoing global expansion strategy. AENO, part of...

Cyprus Mail 

Donated book withdrawn after anti-gay complaints (updated)

A children’s book in school sparked controversy and homophobic comments on Tuesday, which eventually led to the withdrawal of the book. The book was withdrawn after the mother of child at the kindergarten complained about images showing two cartoon drawings, which depicted two women hugging a child and two men...

Cyprus Mail 

Nvidia dethrones Tesla as Wall Street’s most traded stock

Chipmaker Nvidia (NVDA.O) is replacing Tesla (TSLA.O) as Wall Street’s most traded stock, adding to its prominence after becoming the third-most valuable US company and showing more evidence of how central AI-related bets have become to investors. Nvidia’s outsized representation in day-to-day stock trading could leave investors more vulnerable should...

Cyprus Mail 

Daily drugs tests carried out in prison

Urine tests for the detection of illegal substances in prisoners are carried out daily, the prisons department said on Tuesday. The department issued the statement in response to an article that drugs are rampant in the prisons, which stated that Cyprus is one out of three countries in Europe, where...

Cyprus Mail 

UK defence minister revives idea of Cyprus corridor

British Defence Minister Grant Shapps revived the idea of a humanitarian aid corridor between Cyprus and Gaza on Tuesday. Speaking in the British Parliament on the matter of humanitarian aid being transported to Gaza, he said “although we have convinced the Israelis to open the Kerem Shalom land crossing, we...

Cyprus Mail 

EU can play ‘catalytic part’ in Cyprus talks

Diplomatic contacts will continue for more active involvement by the EU in the Cyprus issue, government spokesman Konstantinos Letymbiotis said on Tuesday. Asked by reporters about the EU’s attempt to get involved in the Cyprus issue, Letymbiotis said, “[This] remains our approach. We believe that […] active involvement of the...

Cyprus Mail 

Neuralink’s first human patient able to control mouse through thinking

The first human patient implanted with a brain-chip from Neuralink appears to have fully recovered and is able to control a computer mouse using their thoughts, the startup’s founder Elon Musk said late on Monday. “Progress is good, and the patient seems to have made a full recovery, with no...

Cyprus Mail 

Tatar travels to Turkey

Turkish Cypriot Leader Ersin Tatar travelled to Ankara on Tuesday. Before departing for Turkey from Ercan (Tymbou) airport, he spoke to reporters about the invite extended to him by Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev the previous day to attend the next informal summit of the Organisation of Turkic States (OTS) in...

Cyprus Mail 

Aris Limassol hit by 20 food poisoning cases

Around 20 people working for Aris Limassol, including players and members of the coaching staff, have suffered from severe food poisoning, resulting in some being hospitalised, according to the press and communications officer, Kostas Papadopoulos. The police have already been informed and are looking into the incident. According to various...

Cyprus Mail 

More than 2,000 apply for electric car subsidy

A total of 2,254 applications have been received since Saturday for a subsidy to buy an electric vehicle, government spokesman Konstantinos Letymbiotis said on Tuesday. “The increased interest shown by our fellow citizens… is practical proof of the feasibility of accelerating the green transition of our country, especially in electromobility,”...

Cyprus Mail 

Navalny’s widow tells West to refuse to recognise Russia’s March election

Yulia Navalnaya, the widow of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, has asked the European Union to refuse to recognise Russia’s March presidential election, in a step that sharply escalates her campaign against Vladimir Putin. Navalnaya, who has accused Putin of having her husband murdered, used a video message from abroad...

Cyprus Mail 

Court case lodged against court attacker

A case has been filed at the Limassol district court against a 43-year-old man who allegedly threatened and attacked a 47-year-old inside the court building on Monday. The complainant is the brother of one of the suspects involved in a double homicide that occurred on June 29, 2023, following a...

Cyprus Mail 

Gaza health crisis could kill 8,000 more by August even if fighting stops

Even if the fighting in Gaza stopped now, about 8,000 more people could still die there over the next six months due to the public health crisis caused by the Israel-Hamas war, according to a report by independent researchers in the U.S. and Britain. Hospitals in Gaza have been devastated...

Cyprus Mail 

Renovation of Venetian watermill completed

The Venetian watermill and its aqueduct in Lefka have been restored, the bi-communal technical committee for cultural heritage announced on Tuesday. Meanwhile work on four other projects is expected to be completed in the near future, committee co-chair Sotos Ktoris said. The waterworks were a vital element of the irrigation...

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

Новости России

Участников "Зеленого марафона" Сбера застраховали от травм на 500 тысяч рублей

Патриотическую акцию «Синий платочек» провели в Нижнем Новгороде в день прибытия «Поезда Победы»

Пианист Мацуев: "Спартаку" нужно менять стратегию, чтобы бороться за чемпионство

В Москве самой высокооплачиваемой офисной вакансией стал агент по недвижимости


Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о роли несырьевого экспорта в российской экономике


Сергей Собянин: Обеспечим ученикам комфортные условия

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Музыкальные новости

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«Уже поперек горла стоит»: Пригожин поддержал Королеву после инцидента на ТВ

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Инсайты, стратегии и нетворкинг для профессионалов: 21 июня пройдет ежегодный форум «Спорт и Бизнес»


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Фестиваль «Московское долголетие в Интеграции» пройдет в районе Перово уже в третий раз

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России