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Новости за 15.02.2024

Cyprus Mail 

Trump prosecutor Fani Willis testifies on misconduct allegations

Fani Willis, the prosecutor overseeing the election interference case against Donald Trump in Georgia, testified on Thursday about the former U.S. president’s claims that her romance with a colleague presented a financial conflict of interest. “I’ve been very anxious to have this conversation with you here today,” Willis told a lawyer for Michael Roman, a Trump...

Cyprus Mail 

Hezbollah fires rockets at northern Israel in reprisal for deadly day

Hezbollah said on Thursday it fired dozens of rockets at a northern Israeli town in a “preliminary response” to the killing of 10 civilians in southern Lebanon, the deadliest day for Lebanese civilians in four months of cross-border hostilities. The United Nations urged a halt to what it called a “dangerous escalation”...

Cyprus Mail 

Government may terminate LNG terminal contract

Energy Minister George Papanastasiou hinted Thursday the government may terminate the contract with the CPP consortium with the contract to build the liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal at Vasiliko. His remarks came after a closed-doors session of the House audit committee, which again discussed the delays in the LNG project....

Cyprus Mail 

Israel asks World Court to reject request for Rafah emergency orders

Israel has asked the International Court of Justice to dismiss a request by South Africa to issue additional emergency measures because of Israel’s plan to extend its offensive in Gaza into the city of Rafah. In documents released on Thursday by the ICJ, also known as the World Court, Israel...

Cyprus Mail 

Haiti gang wars block aid routes for most vulnerable, U.N. agency says

A recent spike of violence in Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince, is preventing the World Food Programme (WFP) from reaching hundreds of thousands of people in urgent need of supplies, as conflicts between armed gangs worsen an escalating humanitarian crisis. The United Nations’ food agency on Thursday said the latest violence, which...

Cyprus Mail 

Paphos mayor trains sights on contractors

Paphos mayor Phedonas Phedonos said Thursday he will file a complaint to the police against both the Contractors Council and the Scientific and Technical Chamber where he’ll accuse of them of dereliction of duty, for having taken no disciplinary action against companies previously implicated in the Paphos sewerage board (Sapa)...

Cyprus Mail 

Eating disorders surge by 60 per cent

Eating disorders increased by 60 per cent last year, the House health committee heard on Thursday, as MPs warned of a worrying trend. Akel MP Marina Nicolaou said very little has been done to change things since the last time the committee discussed eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia....

Cyprus Mail 

HIO budget oversight urged

The Health Insurance Organisation (HIO) needs better control over its budget allocation, the head of the house health committee and Disy MP Efthymios Diplaros said on Thursday, following a discussion on the matter. Diplaros emphasised that the HIO’s budget, amounting to €1.6 billion, comprises taxpayer contributions, employers’ contributions, and the...

Cyprus Mail 

Disy vice-president firm on resignation

Disy Vice-President Marios Pelekanos said on Thursday his resignation is final, following rumours he would stay on with the party, with many rejecting his decision to leave, after he didn’t receive party support to run in the upcoming EU parliamentary elections. “My decision to quit is final and soon we...

Cyprus Mail 

A Little Nightmare knocks stuffing out of staid classical music

A unique music and theatre performance will travel to Cyprus, presenting a different kind of event on the stage. Classical musicians Aleksey Igudesman and Hyung-ki Joo have taken the world by storm with their hilarious theatrical show A Little Nightmare Music, which combines humour with both classical music and popular...

Cyprus Mail 

Upgrade, not relocation urged for Limassol museum

During her visit to Limassol on Thursday, Deputy Minister of Culture Vasiliki Kassianidou expressed her stance that the Limassol Archaeological Museum should remain in its current location and be upgraded. Kassianidou toured various sites, including the ancient port, the new burial sites in Amathounta, the Episkopi Museum, and several excavation...

Cyprus Mail 

Christodoulides takes action on buffer zone fortifications

President Nikos Christodoulides is taking all the necessary measures to remove fortifications near the buffer zone being built by the Turkish army, stated Dherynia Mayor and head of the committee of rural and semi-rural municipalities, Andros Karayiannis, on Thursday. The issue of fortifications being built in the north near the...

Cyprus Mail 

Lifeguards protest for permanent positions, beach safety

Around 150 professional lifeguards from all over Cyprus protested outside the interior ministry on Thursday morning, demanding an increase in permanent positions, the implementation of the national plan ‘Salamis’, and the establishment of a central beach service. The protesters mentioned that there is no proper equipment (life belts, first aid...

Cyprus Mail 

Israeli ministers reject Palestinian statehood as part of post war plan

Top ministers in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government rejected Palestinian statehood on Thursday following a Washington Post report that Israel’s main ally the United States was advancing plans to establish a Palestinian state. “We will in no way agree to this plan, which says Palestinians deserve a prize for the...

Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus has youngest population in Europe

Cyprus has the youngest population of any of the European Union’s member states, according to the latest figures published by the European Union’s statistical institute, Eurostat. The median age of Cyprus’ population is 38.4 years old, just over six years younger than the EU’s median age of 44.5 years old,...

Cyprus Mail 

Book your spot for ‘Flavors of Life’ to fight childhood cancer

Reserve your spots for the culinary journey “Flavors of Life” and enjoy an unforgettable event while actively supporting the fight against childhood cancer! Organisers are the School of Life and Health Sciences of the University of Nicosia (UNIC), in collaboration with the Yale School of Public Health, with the event...

Cyprus Mail 

Man arrested for pulling knife on barman

A 32-year-old man was arrested in the north on Thursday after allegedly pulling a knife on a barman. He reportedly got into a disagreement with the barman over the price of his order, before taking out the knife, waving it from side to side, and shouting loudly. He was arrested...

Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus GDP expected to grow, inflation to continue decreasing

Cyprus is expected to experience further growth in its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2024, combined with a slowdown in inflation, according to the European Commission’s interim winter forecast, released on Thursday. This positive outlook was primarily attributed to strong domestic demand, strategic investments, and lower energy prices, despite broader...

Cyprus Mail 

Kalavasos archaeologists discover ancient room

An ancient room, among other ancient artefacts, was discovered during archaeological digs at the Kalavsos-Laroumena site near Larnaca in 2023. The findings were discovered during the digging of two trenches, both of which were 16 square metres in area. The archaeologists said they discovered “multiple large drystone walls”, which contained...

Cyprus Mail 

Voters go to polls in double test for PM Sunak

Voters went to the polls on Thursday for two new British lawmakers, with the opposition Labour Party expected to win parliamentary seats in central and southwestern England in yet another blow to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s Conservatives. The Conservatives have done little to win over voters in Wellingborough in central...

Cyprus Mail 

What makes something ‘cute’?

By Hui-Ying Kerr Standing at the entrance to London’s Somerset House, I noticed girls – and irrespective of age, they can only be described as girls – dressed head to toe in pink, bows and frills, from their elaborately curled hair to their Mary Jane platform heels. Glittering and adorned...

Cyprus Mail 

CySEC awards staff members

The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) on Thursday awarded three of its staff members as a gesture of recognition and appreciation during a ceremony for the new year. Additionally, the awards covered three separate categories, including “Unsung Hero,” “Source of Inspiration,” and “Innovation.” Subsequently, for the process of nominating...

Cyprus Mail 

‘Yes to equality’ says Greek PM ahead of same-sex marriage vote

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis urged parliament on Thursday to “say yes to equality” and approve a bill allowing same sex marriage, which if passed would be a landmark victory for the LGBT+ community in the socially conservative country. Parliament is expected to vote through the bill later on Thursday,...

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

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Новости России

«СВЯТОЙ ЛЕНИН» помогает Государственной Думе РФ оптимизировать налоговую сферу. «СВЯТОЙ кибер ЛЕНИН» удаляет налоги: перезагрузка.

"Спартак" проиграл "Балтике" и остался без Суперфинала Кубка России

По небольшому счету: в РФ хотят ввести стандарт допустимой доли расходов на ЖКХ

Пушкинские карты: как отметят юбилей поэта


«СВЯТОЙ ЛЕНИН» помогает Государственной Думе РФ оптимизировать налоговую сферу. «СВЯТОЙ кибер ЛЕНИН» удаляет налоги: перезагрузка.


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Музыкальные новости

Сергей Шнуров

Почему мужчины возвращаются к бывшим женам через 10-20 лет: мнение С.Шнурова и Д.Нагиева

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Калинская проиграла Свитолиной и не смогла выйти в 1/8 финала турнира в Риме

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"Спартак" обыграл "Краснодар" и продлил беспроигрышную серию до 7 матчей при Слишковиче

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России