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Новости за 22.02.2024

Cyprus Mail 

Key bills for local government reform introduced

The government on Thursday tabled to parliament three more bills forming part of the legislative backbone for the ambitious project for local government reform, as the new administrative system is set to kick in on July 1. The three bills in question aim to amend the Municipalities Law, the Civil...

Cyprus Mail 

Book removal sparks LGBTQ+ rights debate

The recent controversy surrounding the removal of a book depicting families with same-sex parents from a nursery school in Cyprus has sparked a debate on the inclusion of LGBTQIA+ rights in the country’s education system. The controversy started after a parent’s complaint at the nursery but gained public attention following...

Cyprus Mail 

Development in Ayia Napa called ‘a classic crime’

By Jean Christou and Elias Hazou Legislators on Thursday dubbed “a classic crime” the commercial development done in a protected area in Ayia Napa, saying the case merits attention from the police. The remarks came after the House interior committee wrapped up discussion of the construction carried out in the...

Cyprus Mail 

Man sentenced to four years for child porn possession

Paphos criminal court on Thursday sentenced a man to four years in prison, having earlier found the defendant guilty as charged for possession of child pornography. The man is aged 35. The crime in question was committed in 2022.

Cyprus Mail 

Auditor-general to report CyBC for abuse of power

The auditor-general will report the Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation (CyBC) to the anti-corruption authority on suspicion of “abuse of power”, it emerged on Thursday. The intention to report the CyBC came in tandem with the release a special report on the financials of the semi-governmental organisation. In the dossier, the auditor-general...

Cyprus Mail 

Student film festival coming to Tepak

A three-day cinema experience is coming to Limassol as the Cyprus University of Technology presents Yeast – the first International Student Film Festival. From Friday to Sunday, almost 100 selected student films from universities and art schools all over the world will be screened around town. For its very first...

Cyprus Mail 

Exploring the potential and pathways of active participation in Cyprus

By Hanna Yerega Democratic states and governments around the world are expressing their commitment in placing the citizens at the helm and driving the decision-making process, either directly or indirectly. However, while the citizens’ capacity to shape the future is at the core of democracies with legislative structure safeguarding their...

Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus told to speed up its recovery plan

Cyprus needs to speed up implementation of its Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) as risks of delays have been identified given that the island has only fulfilled 5 per cent of its reforms halfway through the EU programme, the Commission has said. The RRP, also known as the ‘Cyprus Tomorrow’...

Cyprus Mail 

Patients’ federation aims for government demands by April

By April, the Cyprus Federation of Patients’ Associations (OSAK) hopes that some of its demands, which were reiterated in a meeting with President Nikos Christodoulides and Health Minister Michael Damianos, will be met. Osak head Pambos Charalambous said in a press release after the meeting that the president provided “clear...

Cyprus Mail 

Human excrement found in Paphos school playground

A total of six lumps of human excrement were found in a school playground in Paphos on Wednesday morning. According to local news website PafosPress, the excrements were discovered outside the school at 7.30am. Parents of the children at the school said that it seems from the “size of the...

Cyprus Mail 

Kenyans mourn marathon world record holder Kiptum

Hundreds of Kenyans paid their respects on Thursday as the body of marathon world record holder Kelvin Kiptum, who dreamed of breaking the race’s storied two-hour barrier, was driven to his home village for burial. Kiptum, 24, and his coach Gervais Hakizimana were killed earlier this month when the runner lost control of the...

Cyprus Mail 

Call to reform semi-government organisations’ budget rules

House interior committee chairman Aristos Damianou on Thursday called for a restructuring of the rules regarding semi-government organisations’ budgets. Specifically, he called for an end to the rule of “provisional twelfths” – a condition which automatically allocates a semi-state organisation (SGO) the equivalent of a twelfth of its previous year’s...

Cyprus Mail 

Paphos tourism board discusses cultural sites with antiquities department

The Paphos Regional Tourism Board (Etap) this week met with the Department of Antiquities, where they examined various issues concerning the museums, monuments, and archaeological sites of the Paphos district. The discussion, which took place on Wednesday in Nicosia, was crucial for assessing current challenges and charting a path forward,...

Cyprus Mail 

Demetriou: Implementing reform is govt’s responsibility

Implementing local government reform “is the government’s responsibility”, House President Annita Demetriou said on Thursday. Speaking following a meeting with Interior Minister Constantinos Ioannou on the matter, she said “we expect the government to have everything ready for the upcoming elections and, as we emphasised today once again, we are...

Cyprus Mail 

Eurovision scrutinises Israel’s song lyrics amid Gaza furore

Eurovision Song Contest organisers are scrutinising the Israeli submission after lyrics leaked to the media appeared to refer to the October 7 attack by Hamas that triggered the Gaza war. Eurovision, which this year will take place on May 7-11 in the Swedish city of Malmo, bills itself as a non-political...

Cyprus Mail 

Fourth arrest for Paphos church robberies

Police in Paphos on Thursday arrested a fourth man in connection with a spate of robberies at churches in the area. The man, aged 44, is the father of the 16-year-old boy who was arrested on Tuesday as part of the same investigation. The boy had been arrested alongside two...

Cyprus Mail 

Why banning gym selfies could do us all a lot of good

By Samuel Cornell and Timothy Piatkowski Taking selfies to document daily life is now a completely normalised activity across all ages and demographics. At the same time, however, selfies are often maligned – particularly in specific contexts such as at places of worship, sacred sites, or when animals are made...

Cyprus Mail 

Italian tenor brings Golden Hits of World Classics to Cyprus

Moments of classical music bliss reach the island soon as renowned Italian tenor Massimo Giordano prepares for two Cyprus concerts. Celebrated as one of the finest voices in the world, the tenor is set to grace the stages of the island presenting his new programme Golden Hits of World Classics....

Cyprus Mail 

‘Abuse of Gesy needs to be adressed’

The biggest problem plaguing the health system Gesy is abuse, Health Minister Michael Damianos said on Thursday in a speech to the House Health Committee on the state of healthcare. Gesy, which was introduced in 2019 aimed to see hospitals become financially autonomous and out from under state support by...

Cyprus Mail 

Bobi loses ‘world’s oldest dog’ title, posthumously

Guinness World Records (GWR) has revoked the title of the “world’s oldest dog” it awarded a now-deceased Portuguese canine named Bobi last year, as it found no conclusive evidence that he had in fact lived for more than 31 years, it said on Thursday. Following complaints by some veterinarians who...

Cyprus Mail 

Israel hits Gaza’s Rafah; Hamas chief’s trip raises truce hopes

Israeli bombs on Rafah flattened a mosque and destroyed homes in what residents called one of their worst nights yet, while the Hamas chief was in Cairo for talks Gazans hope could bring a truce in time to head off a full-blown assault on the city. Mourners wept over at...

Cyprus Mail 

Using the guitar to change lives for the better

Cyprus is incomparable says one successful guitarist who teaches people of all ages from around the world. JOHN IOANNOU meets him Cyprus often punches above its weight in terms of high achievers, and Montreal-based professional musician, composer and master guitar teacher, Artist JAYE – a.k.a. Jaye Jaoude – is no...

Cyprus Mail 

Purpose Academy programme marks successful first round

Purpose Communications is thrilled to announce the successful completion of the first round of its Purpose Academy programme. This initiative, launched in 2023, aimed to empower charitable and non-profit organisations in Cyprus, providing them with the tools and knowledge to communicate their causes effectively, and to leave a lasting impact...

Cyprus Mail 

Preparations underway for June municipal and EU elections

Preparations are underway for the European Parliament elections and the local government elections on June 9, said the head of the Elections Service of the Ministry of Interior Menelaos Vasiliou on Thursday. This year marks the first time eight elections will be held simultaneously. Specifically, elections will be held for...

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

Новости России

Напавший в столичном магазине на ребенка отправится на принудительное лечение

Патриотическую акцию «Синий платочек» провели в Нижнем Новгороде в день прибытия «Поезда Победы»

«Цифровой двойник» электродепо. На российском ПО создан пилотный проект

Изменился график поездов на МЦД-4, Киевском и Горьковском направлениях 17–19 мая


Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о роли несырьевого экспорта в российской экономике


Сергей Собянин: Обеспечим ученикам комфортные условия

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Музыкальные новости


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