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Новости за 04.02.2024

Cyprus Mail 

Arsenal beat lacklustre Liverpool to close gap

Arsenal spiced up an already intriguing Premier League title race as they beat lacklustre leaders Liverpool 3-1 to slice the gap to two points on Sunday. Arsenal deserved the points although they would not have expected a helping hand from an awful defensive mix-up between Virgil van Dijk and Alisson...

Cyprus Mail 

Man United beat West Ham, Chelsea lose to Wolves

Manchester United’s Alejandro Garnacho netted twice after Rasmus Hojlund scored on his 21st birthday as the Old Trafford side beat West Ham United 3-0 to climb above the visitors into sixth place in the Premier League on Sunday. On the heels of a 4-3 win at Wolverhampton Wanderers on Thursday,...

Cyprus Mail 

El Salvador President Bukele poised for a landslide as voters cast ballots

Salvadorans voted on Sunday in elections expected to hand President Nayib Bukele another landslide victory, with many happy to overlook the young leader’s authoritarian drift after he crushed gang violence that had paralyzed life in the poor Central American country. Bukele, 42, appears poised to become the first Salvadoran president...

Cyprus Mail 

Demetriou honours Eoka, calls Holguin’s arrival ‘positive step’

House President Annita Demetriou described the arrival of UN Envoy Maria Angela Holguin as a “positive first step” at an event held in honour of Eoka fighters in Pelendri. “The geopolitical facts as they are taking shape and the challenges we must face do not favour frozen conflicts. After so...

Cyprus Mail 

The Turkish Cypriots fighting for citizenship

Without a recognised nationality all her life, one woman welcomes the government’s decision to re-evaluate citizenship “I’ve been alive for 21 years, but I actually don’t exist… Nobody knows of my presence. Nobody acknowledges me…” wrote Turkish Cypriot Sude Dogan on her social media page two years ago. She was...

Cyprus Mail 

Pro-Palestine protest and exhibition held in Limassol

By Tom Cleaver and Rony Junior El Daccache   Another pro-Palestine protest took place on Sunday, this time in Limassol. The protest took place on the Molos seafront promenade, with attention focused on the plight of the children in Gaza. Activists laid down posters bearing the identities of Palestinian children...

Cyprus Mail 

Man in critical condition after crashing into tree

A 42-year-old man is in a critical condition after crashing his car into a tree on Sunday morning. The collision took place in the village of Episkopi at around 5:30am. The man initially trapped in his car following the crash, and had to be extricated from his car by the...

Cyprus Mail 

US and the Mideast: will mistakes of past be repeated?

In the immediate aftermath of the massacre of 1,140 Israeli civilians by Hamas terrorists last October, US President Joe Biden went to Israel and gave Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu some good advice. “While you feel rage (about the slaughter of Israeli civilians),” Biden said, “don’t be consumed by it....

Cyprus Mail 

Gaza doctor describes ordeal of detention

A Palestinian doctor says Israeli forces in Gaza detained him when they overran a hospital and subjected him to abuse during 45 days of captivity including sleep deprivation and constant shackling and blindfolding before releasing him last week. Doctor Said Abdulrahman Maarouf was working at al-Ahli al-Arab hospital in Gaza...

Cyprus Mail 

Gearing up for more graphic stories

From video games to AI, an upcoming event looks into all things visual finds ELENI PHILIPPOU   Gathering artists, students, industry professionals and anyone in between is Graphic Stories, which this year celebrates its decade-long journey. From March 8 to 10, the 10th edition of the International ConFest Graphic Stories...

Cyprus Mail 

New UN envoy has scope for new ideas in Cyprus talks

And perhaps she should encourage both sides to consider the two-state solution By Fahri Zihni The UN secretary-general’s personal envoy for Cyprus, Maria Angela Holguin arrived in Cyprus last Sunday, and wasted no time in getting stuck in with her conversations with the two Cypriot leaders Ersin Tatar and Nikos...

Cyprus Mail 

Paphos man on the hunt for ‘scam artist’ nephew

Man who faked suicide after scamming millions now the subject of a documentary Rural Paphos is an unlikely location for the effective headquarters of a search for an international fraudster and scam artist. However, on the edge of the village of Anarita, one man is hard at work to do...

Cyprus Mail 

A cold and wet month, but spring is just round the corner

I am always pleased when February comes along, even though it is usually a cold wet month, as it means that spring is not far away with all the excitements of the ‘early year’ garden to come. However, there are still lots of jobs to be done out there and...

Cyprus Mail 

90 traffic cameras on Cypriot roads by year end

There will be a total of 90 fixed traffic cameras on roads across the island, the police said on Sunday. The cameras will be in operation in a total of 30 locations. The announcement comes as another eight cameras are set to be put into operation on Monday, four...

Cyprus Mail 

Isias hotel defendants ‘should look us in the eye’

The defendants in the trial regarding the collapse of the Isias hotel in Adiyaman, Turkey where 24 Cypriot children were killed “should look us in the eye”, father of one of the children killed Ihsan Nurluoz said on Sunday. Nurluoz, whose son Izcan was part of the Famagusta Turk Maarif...

Cyprus Mail 

Grant of exclusive use of a family home

The Family Court has power to temporarily regulate the issue of family housing Lack of understanding, communication and interest between spouses creates alienation that results in separation and interruption of cohabitation. This situation affects the psychological development and health of any children, especially when there are conflicts, friction and violent...

Cyprus Mail 

Namibian President Hage Geingob dead

Namibia’s President Hage Geingob, 82, died in hospital early on Sunday, the presidency said, weeks after he was diagnosed with cancer. Geingob had been in charge of the thinly populated and mostly arid southern African country since 2015, the year he announced he had survived prostate cancer. Vice President Nangolo...

Cyprus Mail 

Roads ‘open but slippery’ in mountains

All roads in mountainous areas in Cyprus are open to all vehicles on Sunday, but police advised drivers to be especially careful and vigilant as they remain slippery. They added that they had taken “specific measures” in Troodos to facilitate and ensure the safety of visitors to the area, while...

Cyprus Mail 

Chainlink (LINK) and Polkadot (DOT) investors eye Borroe Finance’s presale as a lucrative opportunity amid market volatility

While Chainlink (LINK) Automation went live on Base, Polkadot (DOT) saw a surge in growth rate. Amidst market volatility, LINK faced a downturn, whereas DOT experienced a resurgence. Yet, market enthusiasts are optimistic about the new DeFi project, Borroe Finance ($ROE), which offers a mouth-watering prospect of returns. Let’s find...

Cyprus Mail 

Wealthy households, high debt and low incomes

Cypriots own a lot of property but that hides the true story Ultimately, economics is about people. In this connection the ECB Household Finance and Consumption Surveys (HFCS) provide valuable data for assessing developments in the levels of economic and financial well-being of households of countries in the euro area....

Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus launchpad as UK bombs Yemen again

Cyprus was once again the launchpad for British bombing raids in Yemen, as the United Kingdom, together with the United States, conducted its third round of strikes on Saturday night. British Royal Air Force Eurofighter Typhoons, supported by Voyager tankers, took part in what the UK government described as “further...

Cyprus Mail 

A signal of doom from last British governor to Cyprus

A recently uncovered 1959 letter from Sir Hugh Foot writes of his barely hidden reservations on the future of Cyprus. It’s a sobering read This year marks 50 years since the Turkish invasion, 60 years since the UN arrived and 64 years since independence from British rule, and while reams...

Cyprus Mail 

Turkish Cypriot bakers rail against max price decree

Turkish Cypriot bakers cried foul on Sunday after the north’s ‘government’ decreed issued a decree to set the maximum price of a loaf of bread. The decree set the maximum price at 12TL (€0.36), effectively knocking 20 per cent off the retail price of a loaf of bread, which since...

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

Новости России

Изменился график поездов на МЦД-4, Киевском и Горьковском направлениях 17–19 мая

В Подмосковье на предварительном голосовании «Единой России» числится почти 2 тыс кандидатов

«Цифровой двойник» электродепо. На российском ПО создан пилотный проект

Армяне России поддерживают движение «Тавуш во имя Родины»


Армяне России поддерживают движение «Тавуш во имя Родины»


Собянин: Московскому метрополитену исполнилось 89 лет

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Музыкальные новости

Бато Багдаев

Бурятский госцирк представил новое руководство: Театр и цирк, Россия и культура, дети

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Звезды спорта. Кто они такие и почему их так называют?

Полезные приложения для поклонников спортивной ходьбы

Никакой магии! В спортивном прогнозировании не бывает безусловных выигрышных стратегий

Ига Свёнтек

Свёнтек высказалась об акции протеста экоактивистов, выбежавших на корты Рима

Новости Крыма на Sevpoisk.ru


Искусство продвинутого анализа в спортивном прогнозировании

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России