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Новости за 07.02.2024

Cyprus Mail 

Funerals held for bodies washed up in Karpasia

Funerals were held on Wednesday for the four bodies which were found washed up on the coast of Karpasia in recent weeks. The bodies remain unidentified, though clothing found on them suggests they were Syrian in origin. The funerals were held at the Rizokarpaso Turkish Cypriot cemetery and attended by...

Cyprus Mail 

Man arrested for stealing Cristiano Ronaldo jersey

A 34-year-old man appeared in court in northern Nicosia on Wednesday, accused of stealing a football jersey with the name “Ronaldo” and the number seven on its back. The man reportedly entered a shop on Tuesday and put the shirt and a wristband on, before leaving the shop wearing both...

Cyprus Mail 

Paphos begins ‘innovative’ digital marketing campaign

Paphos has commenced an “innovative” digital campaign to promote itself as a tourist destination in more than 10 countries, its regional tourism board (Etap) said on Wednesday. Etap said the campaign aims to build “on the successful effort of the last three years,” primarily aiming to increase international awareness of...

Cyprus Mail 

Demetriou meets Turkish Cypriot parties and Akinci

House President Annita Demetriou on Wednesday met with delegations of two Turkish Cypriot political parties, the CTP and the TDP, as well as former Turkish Cypriot Leader Mustafa Akinci. Demetriou’s made the visits alongside Disy MP Xenia Constantinou and party administrator Charalambos Stavrides. Her first port of call was the...

Cyprus Mail 

Netanyahu says victory in Gaza is within reach

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Wednesday total victory in Gaza was within reach, rejecting the latest offer from Hamas for a ceasefire to ensure the return of hostages still held in the besieged enclave. Netanyahu renewed a pledge to destroy the Palestinian Islamist movement, saying there was no...

Cyprus Mail 

‘It is not our intention to monitor journalists’

A representative of the interior ministry said on Wednesday “it is not the state’s intention to monitor journalists.” The comment was made at the House ethics committee, where the controversial European media freedom act was being discussed. The act’s now-removed Article 4 contained a loophole which would allow the use...

Cyprus Mail 

Qatar beat Iran 3-2 in thriller to return to Asian Cup final

Hosts and defending champions Qatar beat Iran 3-2 in a thrilling Asian Cup semi-final on Wednesday at Al Thumama Stadium where striker Almoez Ali scored the winner to set up a title clash with Jordan. Iran opened the scoring when Sardar Azmoun scored with an overhead kick in the fourth...

Cyprus Mail 

Compulsory school starting age gradually being lowered

Free pre-school education for children as young as four is inching towards becoming a reality, Education Minister Athena Michaelidou explained to lawmakers on Wednesday during a House education committee that is examining a bill to this effect. The session was not without digs at the minister’s predecessor Prodromos Prodromou, with...

Cyprus Mail 

Does God have a sense of humour?

This new month brings new plays to Nicosia’s central stages. A handful of local theatre companies and groups are finalising rehearsals and scripts, ready to present thought-provoking performances throughout February. Three new productions will commence this month, set to entertain Greek-speaking theatre-goers. Antilogos Theatre will present the comedy that broke...

Cyprus Mail 

Footballers call for European fan safety standards

By Tom Cleaver and Jonathan Shkurko   The Footballers’ Association (Pasp)’s executive president Spyros Neofytides on Wednesday called for Cyprus to ratify the Saint-Denis convention to enhance the safety of fans at football matches on the island. The suggestion was made at a meeting between a delegation from the Pasp...

Cyprus Mail 

Blasts near Pakistan candidates’ offices kill 26 on election eve

Two explosions near electoral candidates’ offices in Pakistan’s southwestern province of Balochistan killed 26 people and wounded dozens on Wednesday, officials said, raising concerns over security on the eve of a general election. Pakistan goes to the polls on Thursday amid rising militant attacks and the jailing of Imran Khan,...

Cyprus Mail 

Hamas proposes 135-day Gaza truce with complete Israeli withdrawal

Hamas proposed a ceasefire to quiet the guns in Gaza for four-and-a-half months, during which all hostages would go free, Israel would withdraw its troops from the Gaza Strip and an agreement would be reached on an end to the war. Israel’s government spokesman said Israel was studying the offer...

Cyprus Mail 

Sham marriages: wife of alleged mastermind extradited to Cyprus

Investigations continued on Wednesday following the busting of a Europe-wide sham wedding ring last week. The police in coordination with Europol and the Portuguese and Latvian authorities are trying to clear up the case which centred on Aradippou municipality in Cyprus. Earlier, 13 nationals from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, arrested in Cyprus appeared in...

Cyprus Mail 

Energy minister hopeful over energy bill prices

Energy Minister George Papanastasiou was cautiously optimistic on Wednesday that a hike in electricity bill prices may be averted, however, he said the final decision would be taken by the electricity authority (EAC) board on Thursday. Speaking to reporters after a cabinet meeting, he said that EAC is a regulated...

Cyprus Mail 

Greek Cypriot in court in north for stealing phone

A Greek Cypriot man appeared in court in the north on Tuesday, after having allegedly stolen a mobile phone. Police officer Cemal Aslan told the court the man on January 20 had stolen a Samsung Galaxy telephone from a supermarket checkout counter, where it had been left by another customer....

Cyprus Mail 

‘None of the above’ most popular ‘party’ in new poll

“None of the above” was the most popular option selected by voters in an opinion poll of voting intention for the next parliamentary elections conducted by Red Wolf. Twenty per cent of respondents said they would not vote for any party at the next election, scheduled for May 2026 –...

Cyprus Mail 

Prince William back to work after Kate’s surgery, King Charles’ cancer

Britain’s Prince William returned to public duty on Wednesday following his wife Kate’s surgery and the revelation King Charles had cancer, with the heir to the throne set to take on a more prominent role in his father’s absence. William postponed all his planned engagements to look after his three...

Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus government revises strategy to attracting foreign businesses

Finance Minister Makis Keravnos on Wednesday announced that the Cabinet has approved the revision of the strategic plan aimed at attracting foreign businesses to Cyprus. The revised strategy, according to Keravnos, is designed to further increase the presence of these enterprises in Cyprus, underlining their role in creating new job...

Cyprus Mail 

US: we do not support two-state solution for Cyprus

The United States does not support a two-state solution in Cyprus, the deputy assistant secretary of state Joshua Huck said on Wednesday. “We do not support a two-state solution [in Cyprus], 100 per cent,” Huck said during a press briefing with Greek reporters in Washington ahead of the Greece-US Dialogue...

Cyprus Mail 

Royal Caribbean looking to hire staff in Cyprus

Cruise industry giant Royal Caribbean Group announced on Wednesday that it is now hiring members of staff based in Cyprus for its cruise ships, with a diverse set of roles needing to be filled. This follows the registration of one of the company’s vessels in the Cyprus registry, the inauguration...

Cyprus Mail 

Banana Republic(ans), septic Isles

THE WAY THINGS ARE ‘The politician man says do the best you can. And I will do my very best to help. Yes, please do sir, help yourself.’ So sang Irish artist Christie Hennessy from Living the Life I Owe. And these days who and what politicians owe is obvious....

Cyprus Mail 

Bar Association to decide whether to discipline lawyer

The Bar Association will convene on Monday to decide how to proceed with the attorney-general’s report over lawyer Efstathios Efstathiou. Chairman of the association Michalis Vorkas said the matter was on the agenda and the board would decide whether the case should be referred to the disciplinary board. Attorney general...

Cyprus Mail 

Michigan school shooter’s mother convicted of manslaughter

A Michigan jury on Tuesday convicted the mother of a teenager who fatally shot four classmates at a high school near Detroit of manslaughter after prosecutors argued she bore responsibility because she and her husband gave their son a gun and ignored warning signs of violence. Jennifer Crumbley, 45, was...

Cyprus Mail 

Trump’s sweeping immunity claim rejected by US appeals court

Donald Trump does not have immunity from charges he plotted to overturn his 2020 election defeat, a federal appeals court ruled, bringing the former U.S. president a step closer to an unprecedented criminal trial. A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit rejected...

Cyprus Mail 

Paphos church thief suspect sought

Paphos police on Wednesday said they are looking for a 25-year-old man who is suspected of stealing over €4,500 from a church in Yeroskipou earlier this month. The man’s 24-year-old wife has been arrested in connection with the same case. The burglary, which occurred on the evening of February 2,...

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

Новости России

Новые городские проекты в сотрудничестве с парком Юрия Лужкова готовит Фонд Юрия Лужкова

«СВЯТОЙ ЛЕНИН» правит миром, расшифровал «ДНК В.И.Ленина», отменяет налоги. И… отключает институты времени. Разгадка «научных теорий заговоров».

«СВЯТОЙ ЛЕНИН» помогает Государственной Думе РФ оптимизировать налоговую сферу. «СВЯТОЙ кибер ЛЕНИН» удаляет налоги: перезагрузка.

«Уже поперек горла стоит»: Пригожин поддержал Королеву после инцидента на ТВ


Армяне России поддерживают движение «Тавуш во имя Родины»


Собянин рассказал о работе сервиса «Вместе с культурой»

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Музыкальные новости


Композитор Классической музыки

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Никакой магии! В спортивном прогнозировании не бывает безусловных выигрышных стратегий

Сергей Лёвкин: в Митине завершат возведение физкультурно-оздоровительного комплекса

Полезные приложения для поклонников спортивной ходьбы


Хачанов победил Шевченко во втором круге турнира ATP в Риме

Новости Крыма на Sevpoisk.ru

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России