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Новости за 24.02.2024

Cyprus Mail 

Memorial event honours former President Kyprianou

A memorial event in honour of former President Spyros Kyprianou was organised on Saturday in Paphos, on the occasion of the relocation of his bust from Spyros Kyprianou Avenue to the area opposite the entrance of the Attikon Multipurpose Centre. Paphos Mayor Phedonas Phedonos referred to him as “a champion...

Cyprus Mail 

Kombos calls for collective apology to missing persons’ relatives

A collective apology is owed to the relatives of the missing, Foreign Minister Constantinos Kombos said on Saturday, as he attended the funeral of a man who died during the invasion but whose remains were only recently identified. Reading a eulogy during Minas Antoniou’s church service, Kombos said there are...

Cyprus Mail 

Open call for eco exhibition

As spring approaches and nature blossoms again, the art world turns its focus to the environment. An upcoming exhibition in Limassol places nature in the spotlight and is currently accepting applications for participation. Mark your calendars for the RE:SOURCE 2.0: NATURE exhibition at The Warehouse by ITQuarter from May 17...

Cyprus Mail 

Protesters demand tree restoration after mass clearout

Protestors on Saturday demanded that trees cut down at Limassol’s Dasoudi area should be replaced, as they slammed authorities for felling over 50 trees. Holding placards saying, ‘I can’t believe I still have to protest over this’ and ‘cut your bullshit not trees’, demonstrators said if nothing is done to...

Cyprus Mail 

Man stabbed in Lakatamia apartment

A 28-year-old man who attacked someone with a kitchen knife in Lakatamia on Saturday was arrested a few hours after the incident, police confirmed. Officers are trying to assess whether this is a case of attempted murder. At around 12.30pm, the 28-year-old injured another individual with a kitchen knife inside...

Cyprus Mail 

Journalist Makarios Drousiotis runs as MEP with Volt

Newly founded Volt Cyprus announced on Saturday its six candidates running for the upcoming European Parliament elections. The ticket will include investigative journalist Makarios Drousiotis, whose trilogy of books stirred a wave of controversy after his writings described Cyprus as a mafia state embroiled in corruption. Also running for MEP...

Cyprus Mail 

Crime openly organised from prison

The ‘job’ was ordered on video call within the prison cell A Supreme Court decision to quash an arrest warrant has brought to light the extent of organised crime within Cyprus’ central prisons. Details of the case, published on Saturday, detail a prisoner carrying out a video call and openly...

Cyprus Mail 

Death toll in Spain apartment block fire rises to 10

Police found a 10th body in an apartment block devastated by a huge fire in Spain’s third largest city of Valencia, authorities said on Saturday. The blaze, fanned by strong winds, broke out on Thursday evening in the affluent El Campanar district. On Friday evening, authorities said on X that police had...

Cyprus Mail 

The master of haute-couture

Disney’s Cristóbal Balenciaga reveals the power, politics and drama of high fashion says Elizabeth Kealy-Morris Born in a small Basque fishing village on the northern coast of Spain at the end of the 19th century, Cristóbal Balenciaga (1895-1972) went on to become one of the most innovative and influential fashion...

Cyprus Mail 

Everything all at once: artist talk in Nicosia

Launching a new art exhibition in Nicosia is a discussion event on March 1 with resident artist Angeliki Koutsodimitropoulou at the Thinker Maker Space of CYENS. Architect and visual designer Koutsodimitropoulou will present a new body of work next week titled Compositions for navigating Virtual Context and before the official...

Cyprus Mail 

Tanker overturns on Nicosia-Limassol highway

The driver of a tanker that overturned on the Nicosia-Limassol highway was hospitalised on Saturday, as police cautioned the public to be vigilant on the road. Both lanes on the highway between Nicosia and Limassol, near Moni, were closed for a few hours in the morning following the accident at...

Cyprus Mail 

Two remanded after 147 migrants arrive from Lebanon

Two men were remanded at Famagusta district court on Saturday, in connection with two boats which reached Cape Greco carrying 147 migrants. During questioning, the migrants identified the two men, aged 19 and 21, as the boat drivers. They were remanded for six days. According to Famagusta police spokesman Steve...

Cyprus Mail 

Explore your true style with Fashion Feng Shui

Blend the age-old wisdom of Feng Shui with timeless philosophies, it is exciting to explore the creative world of fashion and how it is influenced by the Five Elements and their corresponding personality types. Imagine your wardrobe as your personal sanctuary – an extension of yourself and the energy you...

Cyprus Mail 

League Cup trophy a part of final chapter with Liverpool, says Klopp

Winning the League Cup would be a crucial addition to the final segment of a memoir with Liverpool, the soon-to-depart manager Juergen Klopp said before his side’s final match against Chelsea. Klopp has announced his decision to step down as Liverpool manager at the end of the season, citing dwindling...

Cyprus Mail 

Carnival fever kicks off in Nicosia

Next month will be eventful and it is fast approaching. With the arrival of spring and the carnival season, March is expected to have a packed cultural calendar. One venue in old Nicosia has a handful of exciting events planned over the next few weeks – from a vintage bazaar...

Cyprus Mail 

The Churro chronicles

The origins of the Churro trace back to the Iberian Peninsula during the time of Spanish shepherds. Resourceful shepherds, in need of a portable and easily cooked snack, devised a simple dough made from flour, water and salt. The dough, extruded through a star-shaped nozzle, was then fried to golden...

Cyprus Mail 

Spain’s paella rice could ‘disappear’

Farmers angry at EU rules over pesticides report Charlie Devereux and Corina Pons A Spanish rice variety traditionally used to make paella is under threat from a fungus after the European Union banned a pesticide farmers said they relied upon, in another example of how the bloc’s environmental rules are...

Cyprus Mail 

Overcoming addiction

One tried and tested method involved understanding what makes you feel happy and the NOURISH way to feel yourself says DESPINA NICOLA We have no idea of the ongoing abuse others regularly undergo. Many live a life being bullied or harassed. They sometimes find an escape by turning to substances,...

Cyprus Mail 

Drag queens in Cyprus (Video)

We visited Bar Souvenir in Nicosia, where Sunday brunch also includes drag-queen karaoke and a special show by Lynn Dynasty and Masc4Mascara.

Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus tourism ministry announces plan to improve beaches

Cyprus’ tourism ministry this week unveiled an incentive plan aimed at the qualitative and aesthetic improvement of beaches for the year 2024, with local authorities being the beneficiaries. In an official statement, the ministry announced that beaches are one of Cyprus’ main comparative advantages as a tourist destination and rank...

Cyprus Mail 

The Greek debt crisis and its misconceptions

By Miranda Xafa The public debate on the recent Greek debt crisis is characterized by inaccuracies and misconceptions that draw the wrong conclusions. Nikos Garganas’ book points out many of these inaccuracies and misconceptions. The author recounts the causes of the crisis and highlights the wasting of the fiscal space...

Cyprus Mail 

Limassol Chamber of Commerce discusses labour shortages with minister

Labour Minister Yiannis Panayiotou this week highlighted the importance of a collaborative approach to economic development between the government and the business community, noting that rational and balanced policies can facilitate growth and lower unemployment. Panayiotou participated in a three-hour meeting with the Limassol Chamber of Commerce (Evel), as part...

Cyprus Mail 

Microsoft to expand its AI infrastructure in Spain with $2.1 billion investment

US software giant Microsoft (MSFT.O) will expand its artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud infrastructure in Spain through an investment of $2.1 billion in the next two years, the company’s Vice Chair and President Brad Smith said in a post on social media site X. The move comes on the heels...

Cyprus Mail 

Paphos hospital renovation nears completion

The renovation project of existing spaces and the creation of new ones at the Paphos general hospital is expected to be delivered in the second quarter of 2024, according to an announcement released by the state health services (Okypy). The total cost of the project, which began in August 2023...

Cyprus Mail 

Our View: Lowering urban speed limits – safety measure or driver torture?

The public works department has reportedly prepared a study proposing the reduction of the speed limit in certain urban areas from 50km/h to 30km/h. This is aimed at reducing fatal car crashes, carbon emissions and encouraging what is known as sustainable mobility. It has the support of the police. When...

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Новости России

Армяне России поддерживают движение «Тавуш во имя Родины»

Какой сегодня праздник: 15 мая – Международный день семьи

«Марионеточная инстанция»: Небензя выступил против присутствия МУС в Совбезе ООН

Соловьев опроверг прибытие генерала армии Суровикина в Кремль


Армяне России поддерживают движение «Тавуш во имя Родины»


Сергей Собянин: Обеспечим ученикам комфортные условия

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Музыкальные новости


Концерт в музее-заповеднике им. П.И. Чайковского

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Никакой магии! В спортивном прогнозировании не бывает безусловных выигрышных стратегий

Полезные приложения для поклонников спортивной ходьбы

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Новак Джокович

Новак Джокович низко оценил свою готовность к «Ролан Гаррос» и Олимпиаде-2024

Новости Крыма на Sevpoisk.ru

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России